My anxiety and thoughts are so overwhelming reading your messages gives me hope will this ease

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Hi katecogs/guys I hope this message reaches you, reading through your experience and advice gives me so much hope. I have been taking cit for 4 weeks, 20mg sent my anxiety through the roof so I dropped down to 10 which helped. I went up again to 15 which was fine I then tried again 20, which I believe triggered my anxiety and this time strange obsessive/intrusive thoughts like ocd. It was my fault I should have listened and not gone up, now i'm staying on 15.

I feel slightly calmer today, its just so scary and overwhelming at times so I can't see through it. Hardly sleep, restless, weight loss. Will these thoughts ease? Have you got any advice? Its like hell and my life's gone. I speak to my therapist and have support which calms me down and helps me to see things rationally. Thank you so so much.

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13 Replies

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    Hi when you first start on the meds the first couple of Months can be a bit up and down. I had trouble getting to sleep for a while but this got better after 8 weeks. I'm 10 months in now and my anxiety and panic attacks have gone away I still feel a bit down now and again but things are much better. At the start you feel like nothing will change and that you'll never feel well again but you will it just takes time. Get well soon. Paul

    • Posted

      Hi thank you very much for your fast response Paul. I will take your kind words on board and give everything time. Did yourself or anyone have obsessional/intrusive thoughts? I'm hoping this eases when the anxiety calms down. Sorry to ask again.

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      Hi don't be sorry I'm glad to help. The intrusive thoughts ease of aswell given time. Just remember you're at a very early stage of your recovery. The first few weeks aren't the best but try to stick with it. I found audio books helped me through the early stages. Paul

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      Thank you again, as it can feel like they are taking over. I will give it time

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      What dose worked best for you? ocd thoughts are so frustrating. Thank you

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    Hi Hampton

    I’ll reply to your private message you sent 😉

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      When did the citalopram start easing your thoughts. Was thinking of maybe increasing slightly to 7.5 mg in about 3 weeks ? Been on 5mg just over 3 weeks, I know all the theory behind anxiety etc read various books , even though thoughts still there have been able to go out for walk last week after wanting to hideaway and husband thinks my mood has improved any thoughts? I know there is no quick fix especially after having them for over a year after coming off the zopiclone.

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    It will level out and get much better but only once you have settled on the same dose for a number of weeks x

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    hey I know how you feeling I was in the same situation. everything will settle down eventually but it is a long way to go still. I did not start seeing improvements till the end of month 4 really. citalopram really increased my anxiety at the beginning and that came with horrible ocd thoughts. unfortunately feeling absolutely horrid comes hand in hand with SSRIs. if I had no experience in psychiatric field I would have never carried in taking the medication thinking thatI am not supposed to feel this way. then i would have ended up in changing doses and antidepressnts loop that a lot of people are stuck in. A lot of the patients I worked with that had severe anxiety and depression had a lot of issues with first introducing the medication but eventually it helped in the end. all I can say even tho citalopram made me feel horrible at the beginning it is worth it in the end. just need to ride it out. the ocd thoughts are very troubling I know but when anxiety fades they start fading away and only come back a bit when you are having a blip but dont linger for too long. keep strong.

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      Thank you very much. Glad to hear you understand what its like, my mind is grabbing everything, obsessing and over analysing.

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      Thank you, what do you think is the best dose for obsessional thoughts long term? i've been on 15 for two weeks and took one 20 which made it worse inbetween.

  • Posted

    Thoughts are like torture making me think I need to know or i've missed something important and thoughts about people. As long as this passes in time ? Please

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