My anxiety giving me bad thoughts. How can I ease my mind? Please help.

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Two months ago I finally decided to see my ENT doctor for an issue I've been dealing with for awhile on having trouble eating solid foods, usually meat or anything really will trigger the sensation but will only last for about 30 minutes before going away or even for hours sometimes, where I feel like food is caught in my throat, even though I can eat and drink just fine without choking. This is the most scariest symptom for me, but my ENT diagnosed it for me and said I have acid reflux and told me to take the medicine he prescribed for about 2 weeks and then see him again for a check up if it's getting any better or not, I've been following his instructions but I still need to take the meds, it did cure my heartburn but not the feeling of food stuck in esophagus. I'm really worried about it and I might have to see a GI doctor for endoscopy, since im concerned about having cancer from the many years of suffering from GERD that might of got worst for me. I'm 24 years old and usually always healthy when I get blood test done, but I do have bad health anxiety, so whenever I feel slightly sick, I would just panick on what's going on with my body. What can I do to ease my mind about feeling this way?

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2 Replies

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    try not to worry about having cancer because even if somebody was going to get it, it would take years and years and years if ever. I was worried about the same thing and I am in my 50s and have had gastritis on and off for many years. Just had an endoscopy done and everything is fine. The doctor said my stomach could go another 50 years with the way my stomach is right now.

    its very important to be aware that when we have anxiety, it can create negative scary fearful thoughts. Those thoughts are not based on fact. Only fear.cognitive behavioral therapy would be very helpful for you. If you can speak with a counselor either in person or virtually, it could really help you a lot.

    Remember that everybody gets weird sensations, aches, pains, etc. in their body from time to time. 99.9% of those are nothing to be concerned about.

    you can also listen to some great meditations on YouTube for over thinking when you need to relax.

    i wasted years of my life worrying about body sensations. All for nothing. Everything is fine. I started enjoying my life more and worrying less about the sensations. Life is too short to waste on worry.

    when you get a worrisome thought , Acknowledge the thought for a few seconds without being anxious. Then watch it float off. Do this every time you get one of those thoughts and eventually your brain will do it automatically. Just allow the thought but don’t follow it. Keep yourself busy still that you don’t have time to think fearfully. Do you things that you enjoy .

    but think about looking for a counselor.take care

    • Posted

      Thank you so much Jan for the response, I really appreciate on the helpful tips and guide on how to try and overcome my anxiety. I already have a counselor booked that I will be seeing in person very soon and hoping to see them sometime by this month, so definitely happy to know I will finally be getting some help with my anxiety. I feel relieved after reading what you said and everything you said is absolutely right and true. I can't let my anxiety control me all the time and make my life feel miserable of the symptoms I go through, mostly on a daily basis. I just really want to achieve on getting rid of my anxiety and enjoy life again without stressing myself or worried over nothing physically wrong with me. I would keep this in mind whenever I start to feel anxious out of nowhere, thank you once again and I hope you have a wonderful day.

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