My anxiety is through the roof.

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my anxiety is out of control. i suspect that peri plays a big part in that. unfortunately, i have been fighting a cold and was just diagnosed as pneumonia. my anxiety is making me feel worse with all these what ifs and i dont know what to do. any quick recommendations to get myself to calm down?

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5 Replies

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    I can relate.Every month I seem to have one symptom or another that has my health anxiety triggered.This month for me is a sore tonsil, it is the same sore as it was over a month ago, I keep reassuring myself its been overload of too much sugar in my diet and pms, bringing my immune system down. I also have social anxiety, if I know I have to be in a situation where I feel trapped I get very nauseated and ibs. I have done everything I can think of, sleep better, eat better, take supplements, use essential oils, self talk, breathing, meditate, stretches, exercise, pray...........all this has allowed me to function and stay off meds, but even that there are times it gets awful. I try to push through most times, but if I am feeling unwell I take a break and just be alone for a few days. I hope you feel better soon.

  • Posted

    Hi Zvo,

    I am so sorry you are sick! I imagine the respiratory difficulties alone drive anxiety. You will feel better very soon. But right now feeling like you are having trouble breathing will trip anxiety just by itself.

    While you are sick, does it help to sit in the shower and have the heat open up breathing passages? Or does the heat make the anxiety worse?

    I have tried Julia Cameron's "morning pages." The idea is that we write 3 long hand pages of just free association. Anything that come sup in the anxiety comes out on the page. That does clarify my thinking and de-escalate me when I am scared. Just calming down to write the first 3 sentences is the hardest part. After that, the fear comes pouring out like bad food that needs to be vomited up. (Sorry for the graphic simile!)

    Love to you!

  • Posted

    thank you both for your encouragement. will take this as an opportunity to take it easy for a while. i have never tried writing things down. will give it a go too. thanks again.

  • Posted

    Hi zvo

    I'm sorry you've been ill and hope you feel better. I struggle with the anxiety which is definitely linked to peri/meno. The following helps me:

    • meditation. Even just sitting still breathing in and out for 10 mins helps to manage the panic
    • I take herbal kalms, rescue remedies, diazepam, herbal teas
    • exercise. I walk every morning or as often as I can. Usually somewhere green and leafy!
    • I've tried hypnosis, homeopathy and acupuncture

    I've had anxiety for years and the main thing that drives it is the fear of having it, so it makes it tricky to manage. Hope this helps and feel better soon xx

    • Posted

      thank you! i have really taken this as an opportunity to incorporate more meditation and also working with a np to manage hormones. finding this group has been incredible both for information and the support. i am grateful.

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