My body is scaring me!!
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It first started in Oct of 2017 w/ a pain in my lower back towards the right side, I always attributed it to the type of work I do, which includes alot of bending and twisting. I eventually ignored it but later in the month it had gotten worse. This then was accompanied by constipation. I thought, ok this might mean I need more greens and fiber. I've always been a healthy eater, with occasional cheat days...anyway, the constipation had gotten so severe, my stomach flared up and the pain started, my upper stomach, lower back, between the shoulder blades, anything from shooting pains, to stabbing and dull feeling. I went to the E.R, they diagnosed me w/ GERD and sent me on my way. Prescribed me nexium...the nexium made me feel weird, idk if it was just a mind thing or what. The symptoms got worse, arm pain, leg pain, muscle twitches, numbness in the extremities etc. I went to the E.R again (different hospital), they examined me, did an ultrasound on abdomin and ct and admitted me. I was in so much pain I was in tears. They gave me an enema, a laxative and a stool softener. My potassium was low and I was slightly anemic...Nothing helped me poop, they sent me home after 2days with more meds to help me poop. Started med regiment and nothing helped...Symptoms got worse, one night I jumped out of my sleep and the only way I could describe it to the paramedics was "it felt like I stopped breathing and my legs went numb" my pressure was high, my heart rate was elevated. I was told it was stress and anxiety. Was sent home... I had a follow up appt w/ another Dr. Which they had no idea wtf was going on. By that time, I had a terrible body odor, no washing would make it better, so I knew it was something inside of me. I changed my primary care doc who specializes in internal medicine. I felt more comfortable w/ him. I went to the E.R once more, due to extreme pain, I was given a pap smear and it came back as bacterial vaginosis. Was given meds and sent home. My Dr gave me a referral to a gastroenterologist, I got a colonoscopy and the other one where the cam is put down the throat. Was given a blood test for Lymes, negative. Diagnoses was mild gastritis, and he told me I had the EBV virus in my body and it had been there for a while. Shocked tf out of me... my primary Dr put me on high blood pressure meds, and zantac for acid, also anxiety pills. It is now Dec 2017 and I thought I was doing better until I woke up one morning and was dizzy, left ear felt like it had pressure in it, I stood up and my arms felt very heavy and felt as though something was sitting on my chest, very heavy feeling. I knew not to panic so I called down and went to sleep. The ear pain and fullness never went away, causing dizziness, my right arm sometimes feels as though it's going to blow up, the pain is severe. Shooting pains in my left ear, head, arms, twitching of left eyebrow and jaw, very dry nose and clogged right nostril. Got a referral to see an ENT doctor. Haven't seen him yet...during my waiting period, I've waken up a few times w/ green tinted vision or sometimes my white walls look PINK. Wtf is wrong w/ me! I recently looked at me hands the other day and pink bands are forming on my nail beds, not too far from the cuticle. My vision is blurry, I'm scared and idk what to do, I keep thinking one of my organs is failing slowly, I just turned 25 and I keep thinking I'm dying. I've had pneumonia, viral infections, bronchitis and an abscess that had to be drained in the past but nothing this severe. I'm really afraid and am very thankful each time I wake up.
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pearl010775 BetterDays25
Sound like all the symptoms I had and only took a period of two months for mine to escalate. Went thru same diagnosis and all. Once I couldn't eat and was dropping weight like crazy and belly swelling like I was pregnant, doc went further with tests and was diagnosed with liver failure.
BetterDays25 pearl010775
pearl010775 BetterDays25
They did several blood tests and CT, MRI, and xrays. Over 3/4 of my labs came back abnormal and in and other tests came back showing the swelling and inflammation of it. Was just diagnosed on the 21st. Waiting to see what next steps are now. Its scary waiting. I just hope it's not so bad to have to have transplant.
lilian05079 BetterDays25
Hi BetterDays25
Have you had your B12 levels tested this is associsted with anemia slight or otherwise. It causes dizziness, numbness, fatigue and gastro problems..if you haven't been tested request a B12 test as it is not carried out in a complete blood count doc has to specifically request wishes....