my bowels don’t function normally, what’s wrong with me?
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For a year now I’ve been experiencing a series of bowel problems. It started off as mild bloating which progressed to severe bloating but it was manageable back then by just farting. My symptoms began to get worse about every couple of weeks or so (when my symptoms first started) they would change slightly and get worse. I started experiencing VERY bad wind that seemed to come from nowhere and this wind would cause me to feel nauseous if it wasn’t released and it would make very loud audible noises. Beginning of this year was when I started getting diarrhoea and stomach cramps and I felt like all my bowel movements were incomplete. I went to the doctors a few times and they diagnosed me with IBS and I was given peppermint oil capsules, medberine and buscopan, non of which worked for me. I started taking co-codomal which got rid of my symptoms for while but they soon returned. I was constantly in and out of the GP and I was put on a course of antibiotics because I had camphlorbactor. The antibiotics really helped me out at first and got rid of all my symptoms but they soon came back. A few months later i was given more antibiotics because my stool sample contained hpylori but this time it didn’t help my symptoms. I thought at first that my symptoms where caused by a small intestine bacterial overgrowth but the antibiotics didn’t even remotely help ease my symptoms. I also felt my discomfort right under my rib cage in my stomach. a pulsing sensation came from there and pressing down on that area was so uncomfortable. I began to feel a burning/acidic feeling in my stomach and extremely loud hunger noises and a constant pressure on my stomach. These symptoms happened alongside my abdominal symptoms. I feel bubbles of gas popping all over in random places in my abdomen and after dinner, I usually get weird growls from my stomach and abdomen and sometimes I get a tingling sensation at the top of my neck caused by my stomach. The noises and discomfort I feel are so unbearable. The only thing that helps me with time he pain is codine and Imodium helps with the diarrhoea. I get this feeling everyday and I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I need to poo every morning after I eat breakfast around 30mins after breakfast and it’s so forceful. I can’t keep it in because it’s so uncomfortable and loud if I try to do that. I also get hungry after I poo. I’m forever feeling gas in my intestines and rumbling as well as discomfort. I don’t know what’s it’s like to not feel constant discomfort. I don’t know what’s wrong with my bowels. The doctors have been telling me it ibs. Other people say it could be cancer/Crohns. I’ve has various blood test and they never indicated any inflammation but I was anaemia. I’m supposed to have an endoscope and colonscope in a few weeks it I’m so worried they won’t find out what’s wrong with me. my condition is debilitating and unbearable to deal with. I’m always missing school because I don’t want to deal with the embarrassment of noises and the discomfort. I’m unable to focus because of it.
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pippa58442 Rej
Do not worry if nothing shows up; this would be good news for you because it would mean it is not serious. If everything is clear, IBS can be diagnosed. In someone of school age, it is more likely to be something like IBS. It is very common in young people.
lilian05079 Rej
You may ned to change your eating habits what is your diet like?...
Rej lilian05079
lilian05079 Rej
As suggested by another firum member you need to be checked fir HPylori..a stomach bacteria that lives in the gut and duodenum and causes all the symptoms you are presenting with..go to your doc and ask him/her to carry out a stool test or breath test a blood test does not always show the HP bacteria..if you do have HP it can be treated with wishes..
Rej lilian05079
ruth13083 Rej
Rej ruth13083
michrlle29252 Rej
Rej michrlle29252
swimgym Rej
Rej swimgym