My brain just isn't working????
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Over the last 6 years I've had s9 many of the peri symptoms. I've had night sweats, hot flashes, aches and pains, I've had the worst syptoms of depression and extreme anxiety and probably a bunch more I could name off. Most of the syptoms have calmed down or I've just got used to them (the anxiety still likes to show its evil head here and there) but right now the brain fog and head pressure are my main annoying syptoms. I could certainly say they are better than the depressive state but I need my brain to work. I had to take a less stressful job that required less brain work, but that also involved lowering my income I want to find another job that pays better but I feel Im just dumb or stunned. I don't even know how t9 explain it, it's like when you wake up and your brain is groggy for the first hour...but I'm like that all day, most days, with a few clear days here and there.
Are any of you other ladies experiencing this? Have you found anything that truly helps? Or does it go away eventually?
Worrying about money is one thing that brings on the anxiety monster.
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Sassyr12a samantha42264
Hi Samantha
Yes, I can relate. I've also had to change my job for something less intense and even though I haven't lost money, it does bother me. Last year, I was on it, I could handle huge workloads in a very stressful job.i had to take 4 months off when my symptoms were crippling, and even though I'm back, I feel my brain isn't. I still have the feeling of stress, even though I'm working at a quarter capacity. I'm just trying to look on it as a temporary measure. I couldn't get myself well in my old job, all of my energy was going to work. So on the whole it will be a positive thing but I feel really disengaged. Funny though, noone else thinks that so I think I'm maybe just really hard on myself. Try not to worry, I know it's made more difficult with a pay cut, but I'm sure over time you'll feel better and you can pick your jobs xx
michelle_79406 samantha42264
Hi Samantha.
I feel ur pain. The foggy brain . The you can see what needs to be done but can’t clear your head to get it done. I have had that for a few years now. 😓😓 but around my period it clears for a few day. It’s thw only time I can do bank book work. ..... and then it’s back to the brain fog. And can’t concentrate. I do not know why.
Guest samantha42264
Hi Samantha, yes I get this all day everyday... it is the worst. Head pressure, sinus pressure. My head is never clear and I get very fatigued. I feel like I have a neurological issue, but MRI was clear. I also get the dizzy, off balanced thing. With me, it has been bad the last 4 months or so, however, at the same time...periods have been very light, and only lasting a couple days. I have read a lot into this and in my case, I believe it is low estrogen...things are shutting down. I am on Lexapro as I was told my head pressure was due to anxiety. It has helped a little. But, sometimes with the foggy head, I feel drugged. Going to get on BCP soon. I haven’t been able to work the last few months 😐
2chr2015 samantha42264
mauiblue samantha42264
Hi Samantha
I completely understand what you're saying about the lack of brain power yes it's a true phenomena that I also experienced and also not being able to make the money you need is creates anxiety. Overwhelming ..hurdles..
I'm there with you sister
Nettie261962 samantha42264
CarolKelso samantha42264
Please God....CK
liz85864 samantha42264
With you completely! Are you on HRT? I’m on that and also on antidepressants. It doesn’t make it go away, but it makes it more bareable. Good luck. Remember. There’s millions of us around. 😞
Thank you ladies for answering. I know the brain fog is a common syptom but it's nice to hear that I'm not the only one feeling like a zombie.
I have tried different suppliments, I drink lots of water, I excercise every single day and do my best to gets as much sleep as possible. I have tried the AD route but that causes me more problems and I'm afraid of HRT. So I guess it's just something I have to wait on to pass.
I truly appreciate all of your answers ?
Sassyr12a samantha42264
Hi Samantha
I had always been scared of hrt, and like you AD make things worse somehow, particularly with the anxiety. I take bioidentical hormone replacement, 2 gels you rub on and 1 capsule per day. I've never had healthy hormones and things I had tried in the past were so powerful it made me feel awful. Bhrt I find much gentler and after 6 months I'm better than I was. Not the old pre crash me, but enough to function in a reasonable way. I say, don't suffer if you can find something to help xx
samantha42264 Sassyr12a
Thanks Sassy,
I may give in and talk to my doctor. Really I am strong enough to get through this without anything if I did have the burden of a mortgage and regular bills...but that part is all on me. I know it will go away but I can't have it go on for another 6 years.
Take care ?
Nettie261962 samantha42264
Guest Nettie261962
Hi nettie, yes. I had to stop working last Dec. I am self employed and love what I do. But these symptoms suck! I am dizzy off balanced too. Not on disability or anything. Only 41 and I am not contributing financially to the household and it is adding to the stress around here. On an AD too, trying, but it just sucks plain and simple! Just recovered from a horrible 2 day migraine. Now I have another sore throat on top of everything else! Finally seeing a new gyno in 2 weeks. Fingers crossed that she can help me.😩
Nettie261962 Guest
mauiblue Nettie261962
Hi Nettie
I have been going and going for many months now and may have to start doing less because I am overwhelmed with fatigue and my mood is really low but I have kids to take care of and I have to keep marching forward I guess until I crash. I'm going to see my mother who is not going to be around much longer and to just get off this couch and go get on a plane to fly for 6 hours it's kind of overwhelming so yeah I get it probably will be working in a few months if I stay like I am.
I understand totally
it's a very scary place to be in do not know how long you can hang in there supporting your kids and yourself.
I meant to say that I probably won't be working if I stay at this pace
samantha42264 Nettie261962
I had to quit my job of 14 years, it was fast paced and required quick thinking and take a physical job instead. I couldn't sit still at a desk anymore and I couldn't consintrate on one thing, my mind was all over the place. I'd say perimenopause has costs me thousands in the last few years with the difference in my income and all the things I bought to see if they would help.
I also get irritable, I have days where every conversation around me gets right on my nerves but I've learned to hold things in and fake it till I make it ?
Nettie261962 samantha42264
samantha42264 Nettie261962
It's OK Nettle. It won't befor nothing, if anything I now have true compassion for anyone who suffers from anxiety or depression on a regular basis, most of my syptoms of that have passed but there are those that have to deal with it most of their lives. I'm sorry you had to go through breast cancer on top of everything, I can't imagine. We will make it ?
Nettie261962 samantha42264