My broken hands, trying to sculpt art...

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I am 22, and life is starting to become a bit dreadful. I am an LGBT male, african american, and I like in a town in Virginia about 2-3 hours from my hometown. I've been blessed, and I am thankful for what I have, but I can't help but feel as if there is no legitimate reason for me to be on Earth. Not to sound pessimistic, but it seems that the majority of individuals around me either don't want to be or would prefer if i were to just vanish. I know it comes off as vein, but I've really sat myself down, in front of multiple counselors, and they still have no answer for me. Honestly, I think that's what's most frustrating.

I want to be great in this life. I want to be a part of the change. I want to show minorities that this life doesn't have to break you in order for you to live comfortably. I, myself, feel broken. Can someone give me advice that will help me be less anxious, bitter, and stressed?

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    Hi Steven,

    You are at a difficult age, I remember when I was 22, the thing is that unless you are very focused about something specific you want in life it can feel a bit purposeless.

    About other people not wanting to be around you or wanting you to vanish, I'm sure this is not true, it is probably a projection about how you feel about yourself.

    Counselors can help you but the can never give you answers, all they can do is give you the tools to find your own answers and even then you might never find them, as you get older you realise that a lot of things don't have answers.

    I'm almost 49, I have had a life long of different struggles and the one thing that I have learnt is that nothing lasts forever, not the good things, but not the bad ones either. So don't despair, there will definitely be better times ahead x

    P.S. Since you mention LGBT, a suggestion could be that maybe there is some way you could help people from the LGBTQ+ community who are having a rough time and that would give you a sense of purpose.

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