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My five year old daughter has this rash. It has been 9 weeks since we fist noticed it, and it still is over the most part of her body. At fist we thought it was a allergic reation to a shot that she recieved, then when it got worse(2 weeks later) we went to the doctor (of course her doctor was on vacation) so we saw another doctor and he said that it was an reation to something that she got into outside. He put her on an anti itch-med (she wasnt itching) that kocked her out. This was her first week of Kindergarden(try to explain this rash to a teacher that you do not know very well). I talked to her teacher and she seemd to understand, then my child told me that her teacher called her over to her, while out side playing, and wanted another teacher to look at the rash. She said that the teachers thought it looked like chicken pox! GREAT, now every one thinks that Iam a horrible mom sending my baby to school sick!! When the rash got worse, I called her doctor again. Now, she was back in town(2 weeks later). We went to see her and she told us right off the bat that she belive that it was PR. It sounds like it is PR, I am just concerned because the rach is still there. She is starting to get very self consciene about it. I think that it looks better, but in some light ..not. Iam not sure what to do! The doctor said that if it wasnt better in a few weeks to let her see her again. So this week( 4 weeks later) we are going back to see her again. WHEN WILL THIS END???
I hate this for her!!!!!
Anyone have children with this?
The doctor says it want leave that true?? She has had it for a long time!
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It is hard and terrible with what happened at school. Chin up, you're a good mum. Chicken pox marks can scar, maybe that's the worry, but as its not, I wouldn't worry. I will post back in a few weeks to report the clearing of his skin - for now, its only the first few weeks, so we're got a long way ahead.
PS. I had a similar mark on my hand - not rash - and was told it'd go away eventually but could stay months (!) I'm happy to say it reacted well to extra moisturizing and is completely gone
Best wishes!
good luck