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So I posted to this forum a few months ago about having recurring Utis. After having 7 in 7 months. The last one taking over 2 weeks to finally start feeling better with 2 courses of antibiotics. After reading about Uti on here from other sufferers someone mentioned the fact they thought that their birth control was what was giving them Uti. I googled this and found that there is no scientific evidence to support this but it has been heard of that birth control has been thought to have caused Uti. The pill mainly. So I decided last month to come off of my birth control. Today marks the first month of me not taking my pill and honestly I have felt so much better. I haven't gotten a Uti and its my first full month clear from Uti. I haven't got any pain when I urinate and I used to get pains all day everyday. But now I feel no pain at all. Nothing. It's great. I don't know if it is because of me not taking my birth control but I thought I'd try it out when I heard about it because I started to get UTis just after I started taking the birth control pill so when I heard someone else thinking it was their pill i was like 'omg that's so obvious it could be that' I'm going to stay off my birth control for another month to see if it is that I'm off the pill which is stopping the pains and Uti from coming and then find an alternative birth control.

For now I am so happy that I have hopefully found the cause.

Just thought I'd post this so maybe you could try it too or it may add up for you too that it might be the pill causing your Uti.

hope you're all well! X

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I know how u feel,i've had 5 utis from Feb. So far anthbiotics not working been told because I have a kidney stent it could be the cause if they take it out i'll get pain and I cant go thru that again,waiting for results of urine sample.waiting from last Friday wish they would hurry up.

    • Posted


      I'm sorry to hear that!

      I'm still clear of UTIs since I posted this.

      I'm glad I found the cause of mine & I hope you do too.

    • Posted

      Hi,glad ur uti is under control. me not so good. 3 urine samples,different antibiotics still happening fed up and feel as tho i'm getting nowhere. Got a feeling i'm going to end up back in hospital as last resort..cant take any more of this.
    • Posted

      Hi Mary, the antibiotics are a double edged sword killing good and bad bacteria and might be the cause of your UTIs coming back. Each time you treat a UTI with antibiotics it becomes stronger and hard to get ride of next time. A few changes in your diet could see you UTI free. Search for this article "23 clinically proven uti treatments". It has some great times, many which could easily be added into your daily meals. 
  • Posted

    Continuous UTI infections can be caused by a chronic candida yeast infection, due to underlying allergies to gluten, grains, soy, dairy and other systemic allergins. The UTI infections will continue until the underlying cause is addressed. Repeated antibiotic use contributes to more fungal and candida yeast exasperating the infections.
  • Posted

    Mine are due to  not being able to catheterise as have a neurogenic bladder found in research for cause .It was  spina bifila occulta I had never known this before , and a ureter too many , had a urethrotomy.Now do not feel pain so do not have usual symptoms so keeping kidneys clear is difficult without a GP prescribing antibiotics .Now the NHS is directing them not to when there is a danger of sepsis or kidney damage.So one size does not fit all !!? 

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