My daughter got HSP 6 weeks ago, help please
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rash comes and goes, joint pains, stomach pains, more concern on increasing level of protein leaked in urine, 270 . Does it mean kidney complication? Any advice? please, please please. _ a worrying dad.
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thumbsup1 hong7
I don't know how old your daughter is but anyway,.. My advice is that she will left fully all dairy milk products out of her food list (that was a huge milestone for me couple of years ago and it helped a lot). So no cheese, milk, yogurt, anything.. Also she could try to avoid wheat (glutein) if that is any possible. HSP is caused by something, which has been burdened body for a long perioid. It could by an allergic reaction for something or just a confusion situation in your body. The true fact is that the body is now has gone now upside-down (high igA levels) and that's why is very important to check what she eat (good proteins = chicken, fish & lots of vegetables & carbs = rice etc.) and how well she rest. Also you can ask from doctor if she can start a predinisolon. That could improve health process. 2-3months should be fine for that. Protein levels are bad if they go over 2-4grams per day, so no worries now. Take care.
hong7 thumbsup1
jeanna91587 hong7
hong7 jeanna91587
My daughter is very sensitive girl, she got a lot of stress when the rash and pain goes and comes back.
tinbed23 jeanna91587
jeanna91587 tinbed23
Take care. Jeanna
tinbed23 jeanna91587
jeanna91587 tinbed23
hong7 jeanna91587
elizabeth43856 hong7
Any indication of what made it better? How long did it last?
Did she by chance have her adenoids taken out?
hong7 elizabeth43856
If this improvement continues for another 2-3days, I think the illness is gone forever.
jeanna91587 hong7
tinbed23 hong7
michelle7509 hong7
I have had HSP for 20 years and I am in the middle of a flare right now. Has the doctor talked to you about Cytoxan or Rituxan ? Please talk to him about these possible two meds. You remind me of my father looking for answers when I first got sick. The Cytoxan really helped me.. but remember it is chemotheraphy.