My doctor thinks I have GERD but could it actually be Helicobacter Pylori?
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After having gastro over New Years, my doctor had diagnosed me with GERD this March. My symptoms included daily nausea, stomach cramping, irregular bowel movements, motion sickness and a genetic history of GERD. I was give 20mg of Omeprazole to try. Since being on the meds I have noticed a reduction in the daily nausea and upset stomach but have also noticed a lack of appetite, feeling like I need to burp, feeling full quickly & uncomfortable bloating, burning in my stomach, and also a weird gagging sensation & accompanied by a bad taste in my mouth. A quick google search indicates that I may have H. Pylori. I don't want to bother my doctor especially during this time so would be good if I can get some advice on whether it is worth going back to my doctor and asking for a H. Pylori test? Or alternatively could a different PPI help?
It's been a bit depressing dealing with this all, I am otherwise a healthy female but these stomach issues are a really effecting my life now.
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moon53540 amrishas
You can make telephone appointments with your doctor and speak to them about this. It won't be bothering them unless you do it all the time! They are quieter now because very few people are coming in. Better to do a telephone appointment now while everyone is avoiding the surgery, than wait until everyone floods the surgery with serious illnesses they have not come forward with because of fear of bothering the doctor, after lock down finishes! You can arrange a test for after the lock down. I don't know if you were given a gastroscopy originally but if not, you may need one. You would be asked to stop taking your ppi for 2 weeks before hand if you want to be tested for H.pylori.
amrishas moon53540
Thanks for replying!
And thank you for the reassurance about contacting my doctor - it will only be the 2nd time going to her about this issue so I suppose you're right in that respect. I guess it will be a nice change up from Covid related symptoms as well...!
I was not given a gastroscopy, she had only prescribed me a PPI to try but did say it might not work, the symptoms were similar to her own experience and that's why she thought it might help.
Another reason that has been floated about is possibility of an ulcer so it would be great to get some proper testing done to rule any of these issues out. I will give her a call and see if I can get a gastroscopy done thanks.
David74325 amrishas
can you tell me more about your motion sickness?
I'm also feeling light headed / dizzy with my gastro issue
amrishas David74325
It's hard to explain - I don't actually feel dizzy when I'm in the car but I feel really bloated and nauseous (churning stomach) until I can burp. I also start getting clammy (sweaty palms) and a tightness in the back of my throat. It even kicks in if I'm a passenger in the car on a 2 minute drive. That's why my doctor thought it might be acid reflux causing the symptoms since I don't have any dizziness or vertigo issues.
Have you had your inner ear tested? Could be a vertigo issue?
Vish2015 amrishas
You can get hpylori tested with
PPI won't work if you have hpyolri. Get tested for hpylori only after you have stopped PPI for atleast 10 days. Otherwise it can show false negative.
If you go for endoscopy , keep the test slide for almost 12 hours to see if it's color changes from yellow to pink/red.
amrishas Vish2015
Thanks for the information about the testing, it's good to know to stop my PPI's well before I get a test - will stop that today. Really hope that the breath test or stool sample will show results!