My experience.
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I am a primary school teacher and am 29 years old. I have had symptoms of Achalasia for about a year, but got really bad about 3 months ago. Could not eat much food and if I ate too much (not a normal size meal) I'd bring it back up. Had pains in chest, back, sore throat, waking in night coughing etc, feeling food was getting stuck in back of throat, loss of weight and even found it difficult to drink water!!
Went to GP who referred me to Ear, Nose and Throat specialist, had to wait 3 weeks to be told it's acid reflux take these tablets and have a barium swallow. Waited another 2 weeks for barium swallow appoitment where radiologist told me it was Achalasia and would not continue to do acid reflux tests. It took 40 mins for 2 mouthfuls of barium to go in to my stomach and had not all gone through!! :shock:
I was then refered to Gastroentology and sent an appointment for end of July! Phoned hospital and went back to GP to say that I could not wait that long as now I've lost at least 2 stone and planning to get married in December. Was sent an appointment for Friday coming. Assuming it will be disscussing my results of barrium swallow and where to go next. :?
This illness is awful, did not realise how much of life revolves around eating and drinking! It has affected my social life and although my fiance is very suppotive I know it is affecting our relationship as well as I can't go out for drink, dinner etc.
Just wondered if anybody else in London area is on this forum and what their experience is/was? Want to get better soon so I can put on some weight for my wedding
Good luck to all out there with illness, reading other peoples experiences it seems things can get better! :D
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I completely understand how you feel about your social life. Although my friends and family try to understand, but whenever they mention about going out for a meal I go into a panic.
Good luck with everything. I am hoping to have my op 3 months after the baby is born.:D
How long till your baby is born?
Are you in the London area?
My appointment on Friday has been changed to Monday
I know its not long to wait but I hate waiting. Looks like another weekend without drink!!!
I live in Suffolk. You are lucky to have the specialist hospitals in London.
Good luck for Monday and let me know how things go. :D
Hi all I went to the hospital today and the consultant confirmed that I have Achalasia. I have to have two different endoscopy and managed to get the appointments for this Wednesday and next Tuesday!!! You have to be firm but polite with people in the hospital.
The consultant spoke about dialation, botox and then the surgery but basicly said (not in so many words) that the surgery was the option I should go for. He is going to refer me to a surgeon within the hospital, so fingers crossed I will get an appointment in next couple of weeks!!
Managed to eat a little tonight, still think this condition is slightly stress related. Will keep u all updated.
Thanks for the support.
I totally think this condition is stress related. I also beleive that it was stress that started the whole thing off. I am going through a lot of stress at the moment and I am struggling to keep even water down.It will be great to hear from others if they see a link between stress and achalasia!
Good luck for the next appointments and keep in touch. :D
On tuesday I am going to have an endoscopy, think it may be worse as camera goes in through your mouth but apparently only lasts 5 mintues.
As for me, I have now been put on Fortisip drinks to increase my calories as I have only put 6lbs on since I got pregnant.
Good luck for Wednesday.
went to hospital today for endoscopy, decided to go for throat spray as appointment in pm and wanted to get home. Quite uncomfortable but did not actually hurt. Nurse said their was lots of saliva and he sucked it out :o. Has def confirmed achalasia and results now going to surgeon via gastro constultant. Waiting again!!
It was very stressful when the endoscope was in, you just have to think about your breathing through your nose. I have a bit of a sore throat now but managed to drink half a cup of tea. Have a bit of a pain on my left side assuming this is coz of scope prodding around and the fact air was pumped into stomach.
Can't believe you've only put on 6lbs during pregnancy (well I can) but can't believe they doctors are only doing something now, how stressful!!
They did not do any therapy as far as I was aware when the endoscope was in. :cry:
Good luck with it all, do you actually have a date for your surgery?
Have they put you on the urgent waiting list for the op?I am hoping they will induce me early so I can get on the waiting list sooner rather than later. I would love for this to be all sorted by Christmas.
Keep in touch.
My case has been changed to urgent but have not actually seen surgeon yet so not sure about waiting list etc. Yeah I would like to be sorted sooner rather than later as well as I'm getting married on 27th December!!!
Hope all goes well with the baby. Keep in touch.
He also explained that although the operation will help it will not completely cure as muscles within the e will never work properly again and most food that goes down will do by gravity. Said I might not be able to eat a rare steak (wouldn't anyway even now when i feel so hungry!!)
Hope everybody else is ok. Oh yeah surgery will be done via keyhole and should be hospital 2-3 days.
Take care x
I saw the Dietitian today and she has give me more supplements. I asked about my op, but this is something I need to discuss with my consultant and Obstetrician.
I am really pleased that the end is in sight for you.The op you are having is the same one they are going to give me. So it will be really interesting to know how it goes. To be honest I am a bit scared about the whole thing, as I have never had an operation before.
Good luck with everything, I will be thinking of you on 16 August.
I saw the Dietitian today and she has give me more supplements. I asked about my op, but this is something I need to discuss with my consultant and Obstetrician.
I am really pleased that the end is in sight for you.The op you are having is the same one they are going to give me. So it will be really interesting to know how it goes. To be honest I am a bit scared about the whole thing, as I have never had an operation before.
Good luck with everything, I will be thinking of you on 6th August.
I will let everybody knows how it goes as soon as I can get back on computer. Can't wait to be able to eat and drink properly again.