My experience 5 weeks after Haemorrhoidectomy 

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After 5 weeks of doing the operation and especially after passing through some really horrible times of pain and misery I promised myself that I owe it to everybody out there to share my experience so that you can derive benefit out of it. I had suffered from haemorrhoids for 20+ years and it is only because I became severely anaemic due to blood loss from passing stools that I was forced to do the operation. With hindsight I could have avoided 20 years of misery, of lost sports, of severe discomfort in cars and planes by taking the plunge and doing it earlier.


First and foremost, Haemorrhoidectomy is a very common operation and albeit there is a very small percentage where things get complicated the cases are getting less and less each year. I'm saying this because each and every person that does this operation will pass through so much pain that instinctively he or she will think that they are one of the few that is unlucky.


Secondly the pain WILL PASS!

I repeat it WILL PASS!

The absolutely horrible, can't take it anymore, about to throw up, about to faint, never going to be the same, never going to be happy, stuffiness, bloated feeling, blade cutting through your backside pain WILL PASS!


Realistically a person who does this operation will experience two annoying factors namely pain and discomfort. In the first few days the pain is so bad that you cannot think of anything else including the discomfort. After that the pain between going to the bathroom will slowly subside but the discomfort will increase primarily due to constipation. Hereunder please find my tips and what I would do differently if I could go back in time.


1.   Increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables and water weeks before the operation to soften your stools and prepare your body for a life change. This diet change is a must EVEN AFTER the operation unless you’re a masochist and want to pass through it again.

2.   Cut out anything that might make you constipated – research. This includes alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, refined foods etc.

3.   Do a fresh water enema the day before the operation.

4.   Do a list of all the things you missed out on because of your condition and promise yourself to enjoy life more after the operation and to take care more of your physical well being.

5.   Mentally prepare that you are going to be in severe pain but also be aware that this is only temporary and that you’ll be tons better after that and the effort would have been worth it. Incidentally I was in excruciating pain for about 5 days, in agonising pain 5 days after that and in manageable pain 5 days after that. By the end of the second week I was 60% better. By the end of the fourth week I was 90% better with only the annoying leakage to take care of. By the end of the fifth week I’m 95% there.

6.   Try and limit pain killer as much as possible as they will slow your digestive system and the resulting constipation is worse than the pain.

7.   The feeling of still feeling massive haemorrhoids after the operation is normal. This is due to the swelling. The importance of having formed stools that are SOFT is important. Underline formed not diarrhoea as you need your system to re-function even if it means a little more pain.

8.   The feeling of passing sharp blades during the first few days is unavoidable. This mixed with blood and excrement is not a pretty felling or site but I PROMISE YOU it will get better.

9.   Keep the are dry otherwise you’ll develop sever rash – been there done that – more pain to avoid.

10.                 Keep moving. The more you move the better your digestive system works, the less laxatives, the less bloated feeling, the happier you will be.

11.                 Be prepared to go the bathroom at a moments notice.

12.                 Run a warm sitz bath often – it does wonders to sooth the pain

13.                 Squat not sit to pass stools. It’s easier to excrete, less painful and quicker. I’m still squatting and there is no way I’m going back to sitting. Before I sometime spent between 30 – 45 min on the loo. Now I’m in an out in 3 minutes.

14.                 Keep the area clean. Use a bidet, shower or whatever you want. Use only toilet paper to pat dry the excess water. Again with hindsight this should be norm. After all if you covered you hand in excrement you wouldn’t simply wipe it off with toilet paper but you’d wash the hell out of it.

15.                 Drink lots of water and take a reasonable amount of fibre. Taking fibre without water is a recipe for disaster.

16.                 You are going to have to live with sanitary pads for a few weeks until the area heals sufficiently. It will get gradually better. I have gained a new respect for women who have to wear these things once a month; very annoying.

17.                 After you recover promise yourself to share your positive experience and the things that worked out for you on a blog for the benefit of others. It’s kind of a chain get better advice blog.

18.                 Most important of all – KEEP POSITIVE and take care of your health. You only have one body.



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    I thought I would reply to this topic regarding this Surgery.

    I am three days past the surgery and believe my experience could help others wondering if they should continue. Please do the surgery - Life without these will make you so much happier.

    I have been scheduled 3 times to have this surgery and each time I had to cancel it due to the forums and general feelings regarding this surgery. (People saying its Hell on earth and most painful thing ever)

    I have a feeling that these are all dues to a few things and I would like to share.

    1. Lack of preparation.

      I am not going to sugar coat this. It is a very uncomfortable surgery. But the benefits far outweigh the few days of being uncomfortable. What I mean about preparation is this. The day before the surgery you should go on a liquid diet and also clean your system out as if you were prep for a colonoscopy. They make you drink a gallon of the more nasty drink (available at the pharmacy) that will keep you on the toilet most of the day. You only can stop when you are pooping clear liquid with no solid what so ever. From that point you can only drink chicken Broth ,water and Jello. I know its hard but trust me this is the key to you being the person that tells someone this was hell on earth or just a difficult and uncomfortable time.

    2. My surgery was the next day around 6pm so I was so hungry but I know I had to keep my colon clear of any solid. I was then given my IV ( which was the worst part of this whole experience) I was very nervous due to all the negative reviews I had read and most were terrible. I know we all have different pain tolerance but if I can tell you one thing I am terrible with pain. Even a shot is too much for me.

      I was put under and woke up in recovery. The first thing I felt was a need to go poop. I had 2 large hems removed and 2 that were tied off- ligation. I had a button to press when I needed a boost of pain meds.

      I can tell you after the whole night the system said I only pressed it 6 times. The nurses were shocked.

      It was not as bad as I imagined the worst part was the feeling of pressure and fake feeling like you had to poop. And that was the tied off hems.

      I was admitted overnight for pain management in the hospital. I now know I could have gone home and would have managed it just fine as the pain was more of a uncomfortable announce with a bit of stinging sensation once in a while then full on pain as I had read in so many posts.

      I asked my surgeon to only prescribe me 3 days of narcotics as I know they are not good for you and cause constipation. I also told him that I would stay on a liquid dies for days after which he thought was a great idea.

    3. At home the chicken broth and Jello was all I had for days. Was it hard yes and It will be a while till I have Jello again. But what it did was insure that my butt had enough time to repair before a solid poop would have to be handled. Popping liquid does not create pain and was very easy. Then jumping in a hot bath. I kept up with my meds and I will share the meds that I had and how they made this whole experience totally pain free.
    4. Pain meds - Diazepam 5 mg - This stops the Anal sphincter from spasm- taken every 8 hours. 3 days worth
    5. Tramadol HCL 50 MG- Pain meds for 3 days - taken every 6 hours.
    6. Cream for your anus - Diltiazem 2% and Lidocaine 2% ointment - This was applied 3 times a day before a poop.
    7. I would also take Tylenol and ibuphophen when I took my pain meds. Alternating them. every 5 hours.

      I spend almost 2 years from my first appointment to get these horrible things taken off and cancelled so many time because of the horror stories people have posted on here. I want to be the voice that tells you that it does not have to be so hard. Speak to your doctor and ask for the meds to clean your system out the day fore your operation. I still have not needed to pass a stool giving my butt time to heal. I am sure when I do it will be unpleasant. But I can only imaging if someone still has solids in their colon and had to pass this after the surgery. It must be like passing a hot coal.

      When you walk around you butt will feel like it is bruised. But everyday it gets better.

      My doctors notes say to expect 1 to 4 weeks of pain. He made no excuse that this is a painful surgery.

      But I can tell you that I have had hems get bad at my kids birthday party, at many events and work. Causing me to bleed all through my clothes. It is just not worth it. Get the surgery and be done with them. Just make sure to prep and have things ready to manage those pain for those 3 days. IT IS NOT AS BAD AS YOU THINK. Keep in mind what life will be like after they are gone.

      Also getting up and moving is important. The first thing I did in recovery is get out of bed and have the nurses walk me to the bathroom. I can see just sitting in bed will slow recovery down.

      I hope this helps a few people sitting on the fence scared like I was with all the negative reviews. Most are not that bad. You can do it like I did and 3 days after I have no more pain just a butt that feel like its bruised.

    • Posted

      the issue is everyones hemroids are at a diffrent size and area etc so its impossible to get an accurate understanding of the pain. my operation was a 10/10 pain and im only 32 years old... healing takes forever! im 5 weeks post and still only feel 50% better

  • Posted

    thanks! l'm at week 4. had 4 internal hemorrhoids removed by laser surgery and a fissure healed.

    i actually had to go see a surgeon while travelling in Greece because i was losing a lot of blood and they did the surgery while i was under GA within an hour of me seeing them. they said it would be a fast, painless closure of a fissure - 20 mins - out of hospital in an hour and pain free in 2 days. when i came around they gave me the bad news that they decided to cut out 4 hemorrhoids. i had no pre or post op care - so ive researched everything myself. if Id known they would have done this surgery i would have waited until i got home.

    pain starting to ease when i have BM - still a little blood and smaller

    amount of pain - thank god for hot baths.

    reading the forum - lots of people

    go through the same thing so that is reassuring. i suppose i wasnt prepared for the surgery or the aftermath. your post stood out because i'm usually a strong and positive person but this has affected me mentally as well as physically. im struggling to believe it will get fully better - i know rationally it will but i feel a bit powerless. my friends have been great (never thought id share so much about my pooing with them) but i dont think they understand the intensity of the pain or how low it can make you feel. i just want it to stop. anyway - thanks - it helps seeing a post from "the future"

  • Posted

    So, i just had a hemorrhoidectomy 8 days ago. External hemorrhoid removed along with two large skin tags. Surprisingly the pain has been mostly manageable for me. Not as bad as id feared. However, I am having an issue with leakage and wonder what others experience with this has been. I have a little pink/clear fluid. However, possibly TMI, more upsetting to me is that I am also having a small amount of stool on the gauze pad each time I change it. Now Im terrified of being left with some kind of permanent leakage/incontinence issues. Has anyone else had this? Did it eventually go away for you?

    • Posted

      Jane, I had exactly what you mention for a few days, probably Sunday through Tuesday. Those were the most painful and excruciating BM's for me. After going this morning, which was much better, I haven't seen anything on the pad all day. I'm on day 7. I do see the fluid you mention if I happen to dab lightly with Toilet Paper throughout the day. From what I've read, the leakage can happen for some time. How long remains to be seen, and I'm sure it is different with everyone. Hang in there!

  • Posted

    hi glen

    im so grateful you took the time to write this i had the surgery about 1 month ago & did not understand why i have so much gas . you mentioned laxatives & I realized that must be the cause & not necessarily that something was left wrong inside of me. Thanks again I will start on my natural fiber intake instead of the over-the-counter laxatives.

  • Edited

    Hello, I'm 5 weeks post op of a hemroidectomy, when i have bowel movements i am still in a 4/10 pain level until i sit in the sitz bath. the issue i have is when i get out of the sitz bath i get a burning feeling for around 2 hours post bowel movement. i just need to know when can i excpect to start to feel no pain... doctor said 2 weeks recovery and im just very angry at the fact they say that... by the way i use proctisidel after each sitz bath. this is a gel that is applied.

    thanks in advance, ive had a traumatic exprience.

  • Posted

    I am two weeks post surgery. Interior removals in all four quadrants as well as exterior.

    I had excruciating back pain and was having trouble urinating so thought I possibly had a kidney infection. Called surgeons office and told to call my family physician. Urinalysis was negative and it cleared up fairly well but still have back pain in lower left side which may simply be from not getting enough exercise.

    I was nearly incontinent for the first week but am doing better in that regard but quite uncomfortable still.

    The nurse called today and left a message telling me I can return to work Monday. I'm not sure I'll be ready but I don't see the doctor until Thursday.

    How I'll sit through a meeting is beyond me. We are still working from home because I'm 67 and in the vulnerable category for COVID.

    Hoping for the best, but feel I could have used another week to get my strength back.

    I'm not sure if that's unreasonable or not. I am not taking pain meds. I stopped those on day 5.

  • Posted

    I am two weeks post surgery. Interior removals in all four quadrants as well as exterior.

    I had excruciating back pain and was having trouble urinating so thought I possibly had a kidney infection. Called surgeons office and told to call my family physician. Urinalysis was negative and it cleared up fairly well but still have back pain in lower left side which may simply be from not getting enough exercise.

    I was nearly incontinent for the first week but am doing better in that regard but quite uncomfortable still.

    The nurse called today and left a message telling me I can return to work Monday. I'm not sure I'll be ready but I don't see the doctor until Thursday.

    How I'll sit through a meeting is beyond me. We are still working from home because I'm 67 and in the vulnerable category for COVID.

    Hoping for the best, but feel I could have used another week to get my strength back.

    I'm not sure if that's unreasonable or not. I am not taking pain meds. I stopped those on day 5.

  • Posted

    im in my third week post OP, i agree with everything you have said im now seeing light at the end of the tunnel this was the worst experience of my life, still in a lot of pain when BM but baths are a god send.

  • Posted

    im on day 6. My first and second day i was still numb from injections and had pain killers in me that im not at all use to . i had almost no pain thought it was a literal miracle. then i had my first bowel movement on day 3 and its just gotten worse since. im now convinced this was the biggest mistake of my life im in so much pain. i know its illogical, but i feel like the pain could last forever. or for weeks and ill just lose my mind. im already crying all of the time . just worn out physically and emotionally from being in such horrible pain for 72 hours. just feels like its getting worse

    any way, your post made me cry being told the pain will pass was something i really needed right now. so thank you.

  • Posted

    hi. i wanted to check how you were doing now i got my surgery on Tuesday so i am only 2 days in- it has already been a rollercoaster ride.

  • Posted

    hi. i wanted to check how you were doing now i got my surgery on Tuesday so i am only 2 days in- it has already been a rollercoaster ride.

  • Posted

    I am SO glad I found this forum. I did something similar after my hysterectomy 8 years ago, because I needed to know that what I was going through was normal. Glen, your post is spot-on and comforting to read, especially to know the recovery is as bad as they say it is and that there is an end in sight.

    I am 1 week post-op Hemorrhoidectomy. I had 4 bandings done over a period of a year and they didn't work, the largest hemorrhoid became prolapsed, and I was diagnosed as having grade 4 hemorrhoids. I hemmed and hawed about having the surgery, and finally bit the bullet.

    While my surgeon was excellent, I do wish the post-op instructions weren't so vague. "Low-fiber diet (for how long??), stool softener (what kind?), Metamucil". After 3 days of excruciating bowel movements, I realized the softener I was taking was only 50 mg of Docusate Sodium, and had an added laxative. This meant that if I took a tablet at 9 PM, I was waking up at 3 AM to go to the bathroom which was awful. I finally realized I should be taking 100 mg of Docusate Sodium (couldn't the Dr. have specified this?), I bought some yesterday, and this morning's event in the bathroom was a dream compared to the last 3 days. I have been regular with BM's all my life - every morning, often twice, so I knew this wouldn't be a walk in the park, and I knew I couldn't go more than a day without going. I am vigilant about drinking a ton of water, staying on the low-fiber diet (for 2 weeks which I hate), and taking Metamucil 3 times a day, along with a sitz bath 4 times daily, and also hopping in the shower to rinse the area immediately after a BM. I stopped taking the Oxycodone 1 day after surgery, as I didn't like how it made me feel. They called in another scrip, Tramadol, which I am fine taking once a day and adding Ibuprofen and Tylenol in between. Today is a good day, I know that there is another week to go that could be just as difficult as the past week was. Do I feel 100% today? No, but my BM's this morning weren't like I was giving birth as they had been.

    I've looked at the area too many times to count and am always afraid that it doesn't look as it should. I need to be realistic - it's a healing process. I also need to face the fact that I'll have to wear a pad during this process for probably much longer than I want to with the leaking that occurs. That was a lesson that came quickly early on. The post-op instructions were to remove the gauze 24 hours after, and then I wouldn't need anymore. What a laugh that was!

    Wishing everyone a recovery that gets better with time, and one that has us all saying in the end "I'm so glad I did it!" I hope to post again next week saying it's getting better each day.

  • Posted

    Has anyone had the issue of their stitches popping out? I noticed yesterday there is a string of stitches hanging out, probably 1 inch long. There is also another area where I see them. I emailed the nurse who said not to be concerned, they will dissolve. If they aren't up where they are supposed to be, what does that mean for me with internal healing? I'm quite worried, wondering if anyone has had the same issue. I assume with all the horrible action going on there with BM's, it must be fairly common that they may come out.

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