My experience 5 weeks after Haemorrhoidectomy 

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After 5 weeks of doing the operation and especially after passing through some really horrible times of pain and misery I promised myself that I owe it to everybody out there to share my experience so that you can derive benefit out of it. I had suffered from haemorrhoids for 20+ years and it is only because I became severely anaemic due to blood loss from passing stools that I was forced to do the operation. With hindsight I could have avoided 20 years of misery, of lost sports, of severe discomfort in cars and planes by taking the plunge and doing it earlier.


First and foremost, Haemorrhoidectomy is a very common operation and albeit there is a very small percentage where things get complicated the cases are getting less and less each year. I'm saying this because each and every person that does this operation will pass through so much pain that instinctively he or she will think that they are one of the few that is unlucky.


Secondly the pain WILL PASS!

I repeat it WILL PASS!

The absolutely horrible, can't take it anymore, about to throw up, about to faint, never going to be the same, never going to be happy, stuffiness, bloated feeling, blade cutting through your backside pain WILL PASS!


Realistically a person who does this operation will experience two annoying factors namely pain and discomfort. In the first few days the pain is so bad that you cannot think of anything else including the discomfort. After that the pain between going to the bathroom will slowly subside but the discomfort will increase primarily due to constipation. Hereunder please find my tips and what I would do differently if I could go back in time.


1.   Increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables and water weeks before the operation to soften your stools and prepare your body for a life change. This diet change is a must EVEN AFTER the operation unless you’re a masochist and want to pass through it again.

2.   Cut out anything that might make you constipated – research. This includes alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, refined foods etc.

3.   Do a fresh water enema the day before the operation.

4.   Do a list of all the things you missed out on because of your condition and promise yourself to enjoy life more after the operation and to take care more of your physical well being.

5.   Mentally prepare that you are going to be in severe pain but also be aware that this is only temporary and that you’ll be tons better after that and the effort would have been worth it. Incidentally I was in excruciating pain for about 5 days, in agonising pain 5 days after that and in manageable pain 5 days after that. By the end of the second week I was 60% better. By the end of the fourth week I was 90% better with only the annoying leakage to take care of. By the end of the fifth week I’m 95% there.

6.   Try and limit pain killer as much as possible as they will slow your digestive system and the resulting constipation is worse than the pain.

7.   The feeling of still feeling massive haemorrhoids after the operation is normal. This is due to the swelling. The importance of having formed stools that are SOFT is important. Underline formed not diarrhoea as you need your system to re-function even if it means a little more pain.

8.   The feeling of passing sharp blades during the first few days is unavoidable. This mixed with blood and excrement is not a pretty felling or site but I PROMISE YOU it will get better.

9.   Keep the are dry otherwise you’ll develop sever rash – been there done that – more pain to avoid.

10.                 Keep moving. The more you move the better your digestive system works, the less laxatives, the less bloated feeling, the happier you will be.

11.                 Be prepared to go the bathroom at a moments notice.

12.                 Run a warm sitz bath often – it does wonders to sooth the pain

13.                 Squat not sit to pass stools. It’s easier to excrete, less painful and quicker. I’m still squatting and there is no way I’m going back to sitting. Before I sometime spent between 30 – 45 min on the loo. Now I’m in an out in 3 minutes.

14.                 Keep the area clean. Use a bidet, shower or whatever you want. Use only toilet paper to pat dry the excess water. Again with hindsight this should be norm. After all if you covered you hand in excrement you wouldn’t simply wipe it off with toilet paper but you’d wash the hell out of it.

15.                 Drink lots of water and take a reasonable amount of fibre. Taking fibre without water is a recipe for disaster.

16.                 You are going to have to live with sanitary pads for a few weeks until the area heals sufficiently. It will get gradually better. I have gained a new respect for women who have to wear these things once a month; very annoying.

17.                 After you recover promise yourself to share your positive experience and the things that worked out for you on a blog for the benefit of others. It’s kind of a chain get better advice blog.

18.                 Most important of all – KEEP POSITIVE and take care of your health. You only have one body.



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    im in fay 4 after hemorrhoifd surgery and in lots of pain

    had both done inside and outside

    inside was burned and outside cut and stiched

    so my quastion is after u should have a bowel movment by day 3 why do i not have 1 by day 4 ?

    im on all the stuff the dr tell u to take and then some

    so why cant i go # 2

    all i had today was watery brown poop smelling stuff 3 time and not much

    maybe each like a small tea spoon full if even that

    please looking for awnsers concernd worried in pain and a anxiety person so it is scary for me

    all this

    thank u for ur help ahead of time babsyboo

  • Edited

    I did a open hemorrhoidectomy in Dec 20 2021, today is March 4 2022 and I didn't yet healed all and yet painful pass bowel movement...I read that most recover was about 3 to 4 weeks. But I didn't have this luck...I use a lot stool softeners and everything blended to eat I try chia, flex seed but it was so sharp to pass it I'm bit something towel to get through the pain but it's like heal and tearing again...I think may better suture because I do not got out of the pain and yet bleeds during the bowel moviment...I thought I will pass out the first day and after prepered my mind for one month after 2 and now I'm getting to 3 months and I feel it's healing but it's just painful only to pass bowel movement I want cry and I have only one hemorrhoid and outside was like the size off a grape . horrible pain

  • Posted

    just passed the 4 week mark of inner and external hemorrhoid removal along with a sphincterotomy for a fissure.

    The pain is still there with every BM. It feels like i am going to pass a football and it just takes forever to pass through and when it does, its usually soft and narrow, but feels far from that when its coming out. Have been to my Dr twice now to check on things and all he says is, all looks well.

    Well, all doesnt FEEL well. It feels like my anus has become too tight and i have so much blood still with every BM.

    Its not the horrendous deep pain you have the first couple of weeks after surgery, but horrible stinging and sharp pain like the BM is tearing you and thats certainly what it feels like.

    If things dont improve im going to have to look for another Dr because things have been at a standstill for 2 weeks now and the pain/tightness and bleeding hasnt improved at all.

    Heres hoping for a miracle!

    BTW, im a 43yo male.

    I sure do sympathize with everyone who has had a similar surgery.

  • Posted

    1. The feeling of still feeling massive haemorrhoids after the operation is normal. This is due to the swelling. The importance of having formed stools that are SOFT is important. Underline formed not diarrhoea as you need your system to re-function even if it means a little more pain.

      Hi, I'm ten days after halo-rar op and still feel a large bulge like haemorrhoids, can you tell me how long this will take to go.

      I had this op over two years ago and it was so much easier than this time, the pain seems to get worse! Hope you can give me some hope, many thanks

  • Posted

    thanks all for sharing your experience.

    i am 17 days post op and feel very miserable.

    i eat fruits and vegetables, soups but don't have regular bm. i mean for 2-3 days already i have gas, feels like want bm, but only tiny thing is coming out and during the day with gas some leakage( looks like very juicy poo).

    i can not understand if this is constipation or like diarea. stomach feels like full.

    does anyone felt the same and will it go away 😦(((((

  • Posted


    had my surgery 8 weeks ago

    still having BM problems not understanding

    my BM is very skinny and takes a lot out of me to get it out of my anus

    is that normal still after 8 weeks

    anyone going though the same thing

    please help

    thsnk u

  • Posted

    Hi Glen,

    I just found this forum. I was 5 week post op hemorrhoidectomy and every time passing stool the pain is still unberable. How did you handle the pain and how long did you use oxycodone. I know you mentioned, we should not use oxycodone a lot but the pain is super painful. Do you think is it common to have pain after 5 weeks post op hemorrhoidectomy? I feel very discourage and it's hard to stay positive. I am looking forward to hearing your comment, tips, suggestion what should I do to ease this pain.

    Thank you very much!!

    • Posted

      Hi @arinta70 - I am at six weeks post op and still have pain with BM. It took me a very long time to figure out if I was having enough fiber and the mix with laxatives. For me once I got that sorted out the pain was dramatically reduced. I would suggest taking stool softeners and laxatives till you are completely healed. Also - loads and loads of water. I am drinking 3 liters per day - this means I need to run to pee quite often but it is better than getting constipated. My stools are "semi-formed and soft" - this is the key. The laxatives give me stomach cramps and the urge to stay close to the bathroom but sorting out a routine which matches your body rhythm helped me. I take a dose of lactulose syrup just before going to bed (15ml) and this normally means I need to wake up sometime in the night to go and it's not pain free but it is manageable (no pain killers needed). The second dose (same 15ml) I take a few hours after lunch time (for me 2:30pm) and then I need to go around late evening time - two times a day and I am sorted. This way I can go to work and not have to need the bathroom. I occasionally take psylium husk (on a day when I feel I have not had enough fiber) but usually not - otherwise too much fiber is not good either.

      My diet has changed a lot since this horrible surgery - lots of fruits, fresh greens and oats in the morning (if you can tolerate those) - all this helps. I spoke to my doc and he told me that I can continue to take laxatives till it is completely healed and the pain is gone - I think it might take a few more weeks for me to get there.

      It's been a rollercoaster ride with days when I felt extremely depressed but as Glen said, it really will get better - just give your body time to heal. I know how you feel - best wishes for a speedy recovery to you.

      Just hang in there and keep writing - it helps.

  • Posted

    Hi Glen. I can relate to your post. I'm about 6 weeks in since my surgery. it feels and still looks Like I have hemmroids on

    the outside of my crack. I see your posts is six years old. Do you remember if those lumps/bumps ever went a way? And if so, when?



  • Posted

    Hi thanks so much for taking the time to write this. It is literally the only source of real comfort I have been able to find, and given me so much hope. I am on day four now since the operation and this blog is by far better than anything doctors have said. Thank you Glen.

  • Posted

    On the 26/05/22 attended the northan general hospital in Sheffield to have a hemorrhoidectimy to have my hemorrhoids removed.

    The Surgeon’s name was Mr S Amin who made me feel very uneasy and I was not confident in him from the first time we met as he made a comment when I asked if surgery was the only option and his reply was “I could get a gun put it to your head and pull the trigger” and laughed, so from the start I did not feel safe with him but knew I had little choice but to have the surgery because of the bleeding I was experiencing everytime I passed a stool.

    I then went back to my GP and explained what had happened with Mr S Amin, my GP apologised for his actions and asked if I would be willing to meet with him a second time and bring someone with me.

    I agreed to give Mr S Amin another try and my mother attended with me this time.

    Mr S Amin apologised for what he said and I agreed to have the op even tho I still didn’t feel safe with him.

    On the day of my operation I was seen by Mr S Amin right before I went in for the operation and he did not say hello when I came in the room all he said was “you know this is going to hurt don’t you” I replied yes you told me before and he gave me the paper to sign which I signed gave it him back and he just said see you soon, Which made me feel even more uneasy.

    I don’t believe the operation Mr S Amin performed did not go as planned from the start.

    I was sent home already bleeding badly and with stomach pain, the nurses reassured me that it’s normal without having a proper check while I was awake.

    I was given a biscuit and drink and was sent home within 30mins to 1 hour of me waking up from surgery.

    I got home about 17:00-18:00 that day and went straight upstairs layed down and did not move because my stomach was not feeling normal.

    Later that night I went to the toilet about 22:30 for a wee I trumped and blood started pouring out my anus I could feel myself loosing consciousness and my body getting weaker by the second as I nearly bled out, I lost a lot of blood and my partner saved my life by calling the ambulance keeping me awake and holding a towel on my rear end, if I was alone I fear I would not be here today.

    The ambulance turned up very quickly and played a big part in saving my life, I am very grateful to the staff that was so good with me and I really appreciate what they did and if I recover I would like to find all who was involved to to say Thankyou in person to show my gratitude for saving my life.

    During the second operation I had to have a blood transfusion and another general anaesthetic for the operation.

    I woke up in the hospital recovery ward before I was transferred onto the ward I spent the majority of my stay.

    I experienced some amazing nurses on that shift and one in particular named Steph who was very caring very nice passionate about her job and what a true nurse should be like in my opinion.

    I rested in that day and did not move from the bed, the next day the new morning staff was on and was trying to encourage me to go and pass a stool so I could go home I personally thought it was to soon as I had just undergone 2 ops in the past 48h but I put my trust in them I did what they asked.

    The nurse brought in the commode and helped me out of bed and onto it, as I sat down I knew it was too soon and did not and could not push I just sat and waited for the stool to come, I then began to bleed again so I rung to buzzer for assistance and no one came so another patient across from me asked if I was ok I told him what was happening he got up out of his bed and walked down to the nurses to ask them to come and help as they was all stood talking and laughing and responded “they would be there in a second” while I was still dripping with blood.

    When the nurse finally came which took them quite a while to come over to me, I was then asked do I want it whipping in which I replied “I want to know if this is normal or can you get a dr or surgeon to take a look please” i then had 4 surgeons turn up about 1 hour later to tell me I will have to have another operation as it wasn’t looking good.

    At this point I was scared and now I’m back in the operating room, I had the third operation on 28/05/22 and went beck to the same ward to recover.

    I stayed in the northern general for another 4 days but while I was in there I had experienced many disturbing things during the day for instance I was told to get up and have a shower I was assisted over to the shower and then left on my own, needed assistance when I was in there so I pressed the buzzer and it took around 15 minutes before I decided to poke my head out the door and witnessed a staff member say “ its number 7 there’s nothing wrong with him let him walk back on his own” I was truly shocked at this comment and felt unsafe and knew I was not going to get assistance, as struggled to walk back on my own I confronted the staff about these comments and was also shocked how not one person helped me walk as I was holding on to the walls struggling to walk back to my bed as all 10+ staff continued to just watch.

    I also had a cannula in my left arm for days which had caused a blood clot and making my left hand and fingers go numb.

    Since I left the hospital I also feel constantly lightheaded, my stomach feels very uncomfortable and painful at times under my ribs on left side and sometimes right, my left testical is tender, I am mentally scarred and depressed and scared I constantly have nightmares everynight and find it hard to sleep and have lost a considerable amount of body mass since this whole operation.

    I was never told what I should expect after the operation other than my anus would be in pain nor was I told I would end up in this situation where I have gone in to have hemorrhoids removed and I never had any of these pain, discomforts and fears before the operation.

    I was fit and healthy and went to the gym 4-5 times a week run about 2 miles 2-3 times a week and had paid to have a full body check before I went in to have this operation and was fit and Healthy on paper other than my hemorrhoids.

    After all this traumatic events I then I had to go back to the hospital on 2 occasions to find out if what I was experiencing was normal and I was worried and scared and could not get seen right away and had to wait 9 hours before I was seen by the triage, I was only admitted because the lady in the triage put me straight up stairs and got me a bed.

    I stayed over night and was seen the next day and was told my head lightness would go away and was not worried about the blood clot and numbness in my left arm, the light headed feeling is still there but the stomach pain has not changed which I am concerned and worried about the most and seems to be all over my belly area but mainly on my left side under my ribs, my left testical is still abit sensitive, I am still leaking out my anus like I have not whipped properly and continue to wear mens nappies, my mental health is not good I am constantly worried I still find it hard to sleep and is taking its testing my relationship with my partner.

    My diet has been very good and my weight has not moved up yet which is also concerning as I never had any of these issues before I went in for my surgery on my hemorrhoids and I was never told of these post op symptoms or complications before my operation. it is now 30/07/22 and my stomach still the same i im pooing alot and cant find anyone with these syptoms can someone help pls any advice or if this is normal please

  • Posted

    Hi Glen

    Thanks for your insight into this i am on day Seven post op and all you have listed above has or is happening and going through my mind , just hope the pain goes sooner rather then later , thank you again for the reassurance that this will get better .

    kind regards


  • Posted

    Thank you for your post, it has helped me and made me more aware of what to expect.

    I too suffered for 22 years with haemorrhoids, banding didn't work and after being ignored by the NHS I lost a lot of blood and needed a blood transfusion and had to go private.

    I am 7 weeks into a post op haemorrhoidectomy. was starting to do ok but then started to need pain relief again and started to struggle to sit and walk. I have a perianal lump (possibly abcess). it burst the day of my Doctors appointment and seems to be draining on its own, so now on antibiotics. Due to have my post operation surgery appointment on Friday so hopefully I won't have any more setbacks.

    When researching the operation many state 2 weeks returning to work. There is no way that is accurate: I am 7 weeks in and still suffering going to the toilet, walking, sitting and sleeping. I am fortunate that I have paid sick leave or this would have been an issue.

  • Posted

    thanks for the kind words I really need them im not sleeping hurting soooo bad on day 5 two real bad bm depressed ive stopped all pain meds even on methadone and I stopped it to ive been burnt arms and face, this is so much more worse the depression alone please talk if u can tellme types of food

  • Posted

    hi Glenn

    really hoping you or someone here will respond with some info. I am 12 days postop and honestly for the last couple of days I am feeling not that bad. The only main problem I have is that I have to run to the bathroom and a moments notice . I am also experiencing at least six bowel movements a day, which is making me not want to eat because I don’t want to go to the bathroom so much. Has anybody else experienced multiple bowel movements in a day? I have not taken a laxative in the past three days, and I am only taking Advil for the discomfort. I reached out to my doctor yesterday and the only response I got was to let her know if he got worse. I’m just nervous that I’m never going to be able to leave the house again! Any advice would be great

    • Posted

      Hi. I am just preparing to schedule surgery for external and prolapsed internal hemorrhoids. Would you share the type of surgery and hemorrhoids you had? I'm a bit surprised that your main complaint is the frequency of BMs when this post is only 12 days out!

    • Posted

      Yes! It's now day 16 for me and I've been the same - up to 6 or 7 bms a day for the last few days, and not small ones - god knows where it's all coming from! I'm not taking laxatives or stool softeners any more and I'm not eating huge amounts.

      I'm meant to be working at the weekend and I'm terrified I'm going to get caught short.

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