My experience 5 weeks after Haemorrhoidectomy 

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After 5 weeks of doing the operation and especially after passing through some really horrible times of pain and misery I promised myself that I owe it to everybody out there to share my experience so that you can derive benefit out of it. I had suffered from haemorrhoids for 20+ years and it is only because I became severely anaemic due to blood loss from passing stools that I was forced to do the operation. With hindsight I could have avoided 20 years of misery, of lost sports, of severe discomfort in cars and planes by taking the plunge and doing it earlier.


First and foremost, Haemorrhoidectomy is a very common operation and albeit there is a very small percentage where things get complicated the cases are getting less and less each year. I'm saying this because each and every person that does this operation will pass through so much pain that instinctively he or she will think that they are one of the few that is unlucky.


Secondly the pain WILL PASS!

I repeat it WILL PASS!

The absolutely horrible, can't take it anymore, about to throw up, about to faint, never going to be the same, never going to be happy, stuffiness, bloated feeling, blade cutting through your backside pain WILL PASS!


Realistically a person who does this operation will experience two annoying factors namely pain and discomfort. In the first few days the pain is so bad that you cannot think of anything else including the discomfort. After that the pain between going to the bathroom will slowly subside but the discomfort will increase primarily due to constipation. Hereunder please find my tips and what I would do differently if I could go back in time.


1.   Increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables and water weeks before the operation to soften your stools and prepare your body for a life change. This diet change is a must EVEN AFTER the operation unless you’re a masochist and want to pass through it again.

2.   Cut out anything that might make you constipated – research. This includes alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, refined foods etc.

3.   Do a fresh water enema the day before the operation.

4.   Do a list of all the things you missed out on because of your condition and promise yourself to enjoy life more after the operation and to take care more of your physical well being.

5.   Mentally prepare that you are going to be in severe pain but also be aware that this is only temporary and that you’ll be tons better after that and the effort would have been worth it. Incidentally I was in excruciating pain for about 5 days, in agonising pain 5 days after that and in manageable pain 5 days after that. By the end of the second week I was 60% better. By the end of the fourth week I was 90% better with only the annoying leakage to take care of. By the end of the fifth week I’m 95% there.

6.   Try and limit pain killer as much as possible as they will slow your digestive system and the resulting constipation is worse than the pain.

7.   The feeling of still feeling massive haemorrhoids after the operation is normal. This is due to the swelling. The importance of having formed stools that are SOFT is important. Underline formed not diarrhoea as you need your system to re-function even if it means a little more pain.

8.   The feeling of passing sharp blades during the first few days is unavoidable. This mixed with blood and excrement is not a pretty felling or site but I PROMISE YOU it will get better.

9.   Keep the are dry otherwise you’ll develop sever rash – been there done that – more pain to avoid.

10.                 Keep moving. The more you move the better your digestive system works, the less laxatives, the less bloated feeling, the happier you will be.

11.                 Be prepared to go the bathroom at a moments notice.

12.                 Run a warm sitz bath often – it does wonders to sooth the pain

13.                 Squat not sit to pass stools. It’s easier to excrete, less painful and quicker. I’m still squatting and there is no way I’m going back to sitting. Before I sometime spent between 30 – 45 min on the loo. Now I’m in an out in 3 minutes.

14.                 Keep the area clean. Use a bidet, shower or whatever you want. Use only toilet paper to pat dry the excess water. Again with hindsight this should be norm. After all if you covered you hand in excrement you wouldn’t simply wipe it off with toilet paper but you’d wash the hell out of it.

15.                 Drink lots of water and take a reasonable amount of fibre. Taking fibre without water is a recipe for disaster.

16.                 You are going to have to live with sanitary pads for a few weeks until the area heals sufficiently. It will get gradually better. I have gained a new respect for women who have to wear these things once a month; very annoying.

17.                 After you recover promise yourself to share your positive experience and the things that worked out for you on a blog for the benefit of others. It’s kind of a chain get better advice blog.

18.                 Most important of all – KEEP POSITIVE and take care of your health. You only have one body.



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    Hi, I am on day 18 today and it's been the most horrific pain I've experienced , the first 2 weeks was bed, toilet , shower , bath, bed!! I've been constipated , panted like I was giving birth to broken glass! I had 3 external piles and a skin tag , suffered for 20 years plus so enough was enough! One thing I really can't understand is before the op my bm was 2 to 3 times a day but now I'm eating less and going 4 to 6 times a day! I haven't been taking anything for nearly 2 weeks! I'm sick of going to the toilet it's getting where I darent go anywhere because when I gotta go , I gotta go , the swelling only minor now but at first when I wiped I nearly had heart failure as it felt like the piles were there with a vegance! I have to go back to work on Monday I'm in a office so hope I can sit ok! I know the operation is worth it in the long run as I couldn't ever imagine going through it when I'm older , I'm 50 now !! I still have leakage , not sure when that will stop, i didn't even know about that til I read it on here , the hospital wasn't very informative really , they did tell me 6 weeks complete recovery, can't wait to feel normal again

    • Posted

      My doctor did not explain much either, I told him that I feel like it is a game, every day a new unexpected level is revealed. He laughed. He said I could call him any time but whatever happens is what has to happen, it is normal. Still, all of you guys here helped a lot, it is so much closer tohear the patients' perspective. I hope you all get well soon! 

      Ps never wipe, always tap. 

    • Posted

      Try using tucks to wipe or buy a handheld shower head to rinse off. I bought one and it worked great when I was really sore to touch. If your constipated try Metamucil once a day and stool softeners daily. smile

    • Posted

      Hi Tracy

      I am on day 14 and have also been experiencing 4-6 BM per day. Mostly soft but today was a whopper. Felt pressure. Couldn't go for 30 min. Finally has to sit in bath tub where eventually if just exploded out (sorry for the graphic detail). How long did it take for you to get better? When did you go back to your normal 2Bm per day? When did you stop stool softener?

      Thx. Alan

    • Posted

      I was so unhappy with this procedure and results that I consulted with my Gastro doctor who I trust.  He basically said follow what my colon doctor says but strart a blog to tell my story.  He gave me a week's worth of valim to calm me but I didn't take it because it won't cure the discomfort - just make me sleepy and I feel like I have done nothing for 9 wks except try to figure out how I can fix this.  Not at all happy with doctor.  She sees me but don't really get answers.  "I don't know" is not satisfactory, nor is "give it time."

    • Posted

      Hi Sharon, how are you doing now?  I'm 11 weeks out and still suffering.  I had an internal & external (just inside rectum) hemorrhoidectomy.  I also have a rectocele that's bad.  The swelling in the external one is still bad after I have a BM, immediately swells up.  The swelling has made my rectocele much, much worse.  I can feel the swelling on outside of rectum some.  Wondering what to do.  I need the rectocele repair but am terrified with the swelling in there.

  • Posted

    I have been having loads of salt baths and lavender oil helps to soothe in the bath as well
  • Edited

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Im also 5 weeks post op but the idea of having a BM still scares me to death. The pain is so excruciating that all the pain meds are not helping. I tried co-codamol, ibuprofen and olfen. The only thing that seems to help is the frequent sitz bath with salt and detol. what surprises me is that I eat well and im very careful of constipation issues but I still feel a sharp pain after a BM. I take a spoon of extra virgin olive oil every morning on am empty stomach and an hour before going to bed, this way im never constipated. I hope this gets less painful with time. Wish you all quick recovery.
    • Posted

      I'm at week 6.5. ony last 3 days have I been able to have a BM with bareable soreness after.

      Things that help me - I do have to take a Diazepam before  (never taken meds before in my life and cut down to half a pill today.) but it's the only way I can relax to help with the fear of the pain. (I actually had complications that put me back in ER and then hospital for 9 days with 3 blood transfusions)

      Try this - if you are not already - I actually take my BM in the Sitz bath. So it's a bit messy - but the warm water is soothing - I stand up immediately after - even if I have to empty and refill with warm water for a 'second go' - it helps to have a sink of warm water and a jug right next to you. 

      Do you have Lidocaine 5%? It's numbing. I use it after a BM. Doc said it's the same ingredients at Orajel - I'm not sure about that but it does help numb the area after.

      As well as two stool softners a day I am taking psyllium - more natural than metamucil and Miralax which I have cut out almost completely.

      You are getting there - promise you - at week 6.5 I am better than I was at week 5. I know this is a long and VERY slow journey but if I think back - a few weeks ago I couldn't even see myself where I am now and i still have a way to go. 

      Hope every day is a day better for you. I keep reminding myself that some people live with worse pain than this ever day and we will all get through this.

      Keep thinking forward. We're all getting there...

  • Posted

    3 weeks post op...still theres a small external lump which slips out. Cant be push in at all. And greenish secretion... Anyone has such experience?
  • Edited

    Hi guys! I saw my surgeon on Saturday and he told me I will need to have an open hemorrhoidectomy on one side and he should be able to staple the other side. I have a few external ones that don't look particularly bad but they can thrombose and cause pain, Dr said they will only get worse as I get older.

    I'm only 26 female in the UK and I have a few questions. I mainly wanted to know what it looks like after it has healed and how long it took to look 'normal' again? This may sound silly or vain but I am worried that it look really ugly and leave big scars that mean any future partner I have will know what I've had done! I get embarrassed by the one that pokes out now and have to push it back in before I will have sex as I don't want anyone to see it.

    I'm absolutely terrified of the pain and just wanted to know, if I am only having one done 'openly' and the others stapled, will I have slightly less pain or a faster recovery?

    Thanks in advance and I hope everyone has a speedy recovery!

    • Posted

      Hopefully you get a few answers on here to give you a wide scope of information. I do not want to scare you - but I did have a bad experience - so there are some things you should be aware of.  Firstly - there's nothing wrong with getting a second opinion. Your Dr is proably right but why not get a second opinion?. If you go ahead with the surgery make sure - AND THIS IS IMPORTANT - that the day or more before you are given the correct pre-op information and that you take laxatives and whatever else you need to take to clean out your body (I was sent the wrong info and it led to a whole load of issues). I am female, twice your age and really just wanted what was looked more like a skin-tag (but was a haemmorhoid) removed plus anal fissure repair. I was also embarrassed to be seen naked thinking it would be seen etc. I totally get your concerns. I can't tell you how long it takes to go, I am 8 weeks past surgery, I still bleed every day. I had really swollen 'lumps' when I first came home, they are much smaller now but are still there right now. Going to the toilet is painful but bearable now- it was really bad to begin with and I was given Valium (never taken meds before in my life), but some people on here have not had any pain and it sounds like your surgery is different to mine.. I use a sitz bath every day - in fact for me I have to use it to go to the toilet in - it's is a bit messy but the warm water  helps me and I stand up immediately, clean it and then refill with clean water. The Sitz bath does make things easier if you sit on it a couple of times a day - if I has a real bath (and not a shower I would sit in a warm bath every day). I take stool softners every day. I also researched my diet - I am a veggie anyway but have cut out everything that can cause constipation (dairy, (every list says no meat), too much fat, crisps etc) and also take psyllium. 

      I had a friend stay with me the first few days out of surgery - which for me was good as I had to be admitted back into hospital. If you live alone  share the info with someone and have them stay with you - I know if can be embarrassing but you will get over that really quickly.  Its reassuring to just have a friend there. Limit your activity - you use these muscles every day. Be careful squatting down to pick up anything, sit comfortably. I would take a little time off work if you can -just so you can relax.

      Anyway I hope you get more answers than just me. Many people on here say it's life changing once you heal and then you can run round naked where-ever you want without worrying about a boyfriend seeing anything!

      I find this site very helpful - a lot of different experiences and people to answer questions you never thought you would be discussing with anyone. It helps to know you're not the only person in the world with this - it's quite common and when you talk about it - you find out how many other people suffer from the same thing.

  • Posted

    Twelve horrific days post op. What a wonderful relief to read your advice and the other comments.

    No one mentioned a ring cushion to sit on - it's a great help.

  • Posted

    Now 2 weeks and 2 days post surgery for grade 4 thrombosed monsters. Been looking 3-4 X each am - soft but not diarrhea and then things calm down rest of day. Using a sitz bath connection to the toilet that allow me to have warm water relax my butt to help poop. Today some thing bad happened. Been reducing my stool softner in an attempt to reduce number of daily poops but this am I felt tremendous pressure - sat on toilet for about 20 minutes and it just felt like something was blocking the poop from coming out. Eventually after much pain/discomfort I got into a bath and had an a explosive movement - as though the pressure had to build to push the harder poop out which was followed by massive soft/not formed poop almost diarrhea. Worried I have some type of blockage forming. Did this happens to anyone after a few weeks.


  • Posted

    It's been 3 weeks sincd my surgery. First week was the worst and after that I suffer only during and after BM. Man I wish that I died before experiencing this pain. Blood everywhere. My anus is a blood machine and swelling is the worst. I lost hope, I always think that I'l never recover.

    I still feel some lumps (left side of my anus). I started to use fiber pills two days ago. The stool become softer but It is still hard. I'm planning to drink 10 glasses of water everyday for the next week. I hope I get better. I have an appointment with the Dr after 3 weeks. Such a long time.

    This is the worst thing that ever happened to me my entire life. I wish you all health.

    • Posted

      I feel for you, it seems like every day there is no improvement but it is getting there slowly. Think of how many days you've put behind you not how many more you have to go - you've got through 3 weeks already.  Every day I got past my BM I was relieved. The pain is like nothing you can ever imagine. Keep an eye on the amount of blood you are loosing - I bled every day and it was about 16 weeks before it had totally stoped bleeding. If you are thinking you are loosing huge amounts please go to a hospital. I ended up having to have 3 blood transfusions for the amount of blood I lost in my first week. I think it's normal to have a fair amount of blood with your stool but if it keeps coming do something - my nurses failed me for 2 days while I was in the hospital. Stool softeners definately helped me - still taking 2 a day and Psyllium. 

      I'm 4.5 months post op and still have lumps - more than I started with- looks like I am stuck with this now - I was told I could have another op.....! I don't know if I would have another op if my life depended on it.

      Keep up eating lots of veggies and foods easy to digest. Avoid meats and dairy as much as you can. Eventually things start to ease - the pain subsides. Sitz baths or sitting in a warm bath can be relieving or just letting a warm shower run down your back for a while.

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