My experience coming off Sertraline ( so far )

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I have been on 100mg Sertraline for 6 months to treat my anxiety and depression. 2 weeks ago my doctor advised me to start weaning off my Sertraline seen as its doing nothing to help. I have cut down to 50mg and been taking them for 2 weeks now and iv been feeling pretty awful doing so. I have been feeling really nauseous, headaches, cloudy headed, trouble sleeping and heavy chested. Is there anyone else suffering or have suffered these side effects before? and is there anyway of making these side effects more manageable? 

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13 Replies

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    Hi Davd -  I have been on 75mg for 6 months now and have to say its been a life saver for me, as well as the other stuff I have been doing to help. I have an appt at my doc tomorrow and was going to ask her about weaning off but she may say not yet. However, if she did, I would expect her to advise a slower reduction. Maybe 25mg at a time as 50mg drop is quite a lot. I only say that becuase I felt a 25mg rise from 50 to 75 quite a lot when I increased. I am a bit worried about side effects coming off, I did it years and years ago on seroxat and its not pleasant, especially as I got head zaps quite a bit. Why dont u try maybe 75 for a while and see how you go?
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      yeah could be something to consider, i feel more nauseous and tired more than anything but then again i did have some bad side effects when i first started, hope everything goes alright with you.
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      I did too and had to take them in the morning and only after some food, which is what I still do now. I forgot to take mine this morning (well i think I did) and worried I will feel bad missing just one. But not sure if missong one day would cause any effects?
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      oooh i take mine at night before i go to bed, and nah im sure missing one wont do any harm, it took me a few days to start feeling some side effects after i cut down.
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      Yeah a lot of people do that but I was worried I would wake up feeling sick and stuff. I just get really weird and odd dreams every night instead!


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      well if taking them in the morning is working for you then i see no reason why you should change. I tend to get strange dreams aswell but not very often, i still get the shakes and pins and needles sometimes though.
    • Posted

      hi David

      I was advised only to take in the morning on a full stomach. The long term affects are not good taking it on an empty stomach and that may well be why you are having probkem with it. Why don't you try raking it after breakfast

      before 0900 ?

      It's got to be worth a try!!

      Good luck


  • Posted

    I like yourself having dropped from 100mg to 50mg. 12 days ago. Must say im feeling no different and ive also just had a radical hysterectomy. Maybe the pain from that has stopped me noticing any changes
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      good glad you have had no problems and ouch a hysterectomy? my mother had one of those and i didnt need to feel the pain to see how much it hurt.
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      Yes it wasn't and isn't pleasant but had no choice. Im going to drop to 50mg every other day starting Sunday see how i go
  • Posted

    hi a would agree with natalie a 25mg going up or down is much better than 50mg the doctor dropped me to 50mg from 100mg but a went to 75mg because a felt the drop was to much he actually told me if a did not feel better at 50mg to go back to 100mg really they do not have a clue about these tablets wishing you well take care.

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