My experience with a chronic anal fissure

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Hi all

I thought that I would post this as a lot of people appear to be going through the same agony that I was going through for over a year.

Anyway, I was at uni and going through a bad time in my life, whenever I get stressed my guts go into turmoil. As a result I was off uni for a week with severe rectal pain and feeling lower than a snake's belly. I booked an appointment with my GP as I had experienced similar symptoms before.

My GP recognised the symptoms immediately, I thought I had piles, she said I was too young so had a look. The digital examination wasn't fun, in fact she said she had never seen anyway change colour so quickly but it was worth it because I was refered to a colo-rectal surgeon.

I took my sick note back into my tutor and as I was doing a clinical degree, he said straight away that fissures were worsened and sometimes caused by stress. The penny dropped.

As I said I was going through a very very bad time in my life which necessitated me going on antidepressants (Cipralex) for my emotional state. When this was added to wall climbing agony due to fissures I was near breaking point. I remember after one bowel movement almost fainting with the pain, I was lying at the top of the stairs at my mum's house and clawing at the wallpaper with my fingernails - I have had a broken leg and in terms of pain that fissure was far worse, trust me.

I went to see the colo-rectal surgeon a few weeks later, I was terrified, but he was a lovely man, very very considerate. He told me that I had a large fissure that could be helped with an ointment. I told him my background so he talked a bit more openly and said that fissures are an incredibly debilitating condition. He once had a 16 stone rugby player openly weeping on his consulting couch with the pain - I can understand why.

I was prescribed GTN ointment and started using it as directed. I had a slight headache which I could live with, but this was far better than the agony of the fissure and this headache was pretty much gone after the first week. After a week of use the pain from the fissure had also subsided to nothing. After six weeks I went back to the surgeon and I was healed.

I wish that was the end of the story but it isn't, I have probably had four or five bad flare ups since and dozens of other twinges, spasms, bleeds and itches since but I am nowhere near as bad as the first time - I can live with this now. I have seen the surgeon twice since and he has offered surgery but my frame of mind precluded me from that, I was simply terrified.

My GP is very understanding and I can get GTN on prescription whenever I need it. I was prescribed Anoheal by the surgeon as well but this didn't work as well as GTN for me, but I have seen cases in work where this has been incredibly effective.

As I said earlier, I was doing a clinical degree, which I have now passed, so I feel that I am pretty well qualified to offer a bit of advice, so here it is.

1. Go and see your GP. Don't be embarrassed, your doctor has seen dozens of these - they are very very common. If you get fobbed off or feel that you haven't got anywhere, go back and tell him/her that you are not happy and you will go elsewhere i.e. change your GP. Changing your GP hits their bank balance, and as GPs are notoriously greedy, they will do something. Nobody should have to suffer with this.

2. Take something for the pain but NOT codeine. Ibuprofen worked best for me.

3. Drink plenty of fluids and lay off the alcohol while you are healing.

4. Eat lots of fibre and fresh fruit and veg, switch to brown bread and have something like Weetabix for breakfast. This softens stools and makes them easier to pass - less pain and less damage to existing fissures.

5. Use a stool softener, one Movicol sachet daily really really helped me. You can buy these over the counter from your local Pharmacist but tell them what it is for. Alternatively get them on prescription from your GP.

6. Lay off the red meat, there is some science to this as meat increases the residence time in the gut and predisposes to harder stools. This really helped me and I have seen a few accounts here where sufferers also say that.

7. Try to relax, easier said than done, but try simple things like having a hot bath instead of a shower. If anything helps you, no matter how crazy or off the wall it may sound, carry on doing it. Going out for a drive helped me. Staying active also helps constipation and makes you feel better. Don't stay in and stew - stay positive.

8. Stick to the doctor's directions of any drugs you are given. If you are told to apply a cream for 6 weeks into the anus, then make sure it goes into the anus for 6 weeks. And into the anus means into the hole - not nice, but a lot nicer than the agony from an untreated fissure.

Remember you are not alone, these things can be cured. You will feel terrible and you will feel like nobody else understands what you are going through but believe me, these things are very very common.

And if all the above doesn't help there is a simple operation that can be done on a day case basis that has a 95% chance of curing it for good.

If you are reading this you are no doubt feeling horrible but believe me, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Good luck with your pain in the ass.

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    Hi there, I realise this post is around 4 years old, but it came up when I googled anal fissure and I'd very much like to give some advice that I found really helpful, by doing my own research.

    I have had an anal fissure for around a year now, on and off - more on than off! I am a 38 year old woman, vegan, very active and consider myself a really healthy eater. A year ago I got on a plane - something I hadnt done for 15 years, due to intense fear of flying. Around this time I had a number of stressors apparent in my life. I feel that the fissure developed around this time. When on holiday, I was very tense and I found it difficult to find food suitable for vegans - I ate a lot of bread basically and became constipated - something I wasn't familiar with at all. Kapow!! very very painful!

    I'd not read about fissures - i went to the docs after 6 months of pain and some bleeding. I was petrified. I had a lot going on and the last thing I wanted was some hidieous diagnosis in a very delicate area. The doctor didnt examine me , he just asked for symptoms - he gave me lactose fluid and some cream to apply. I admit to not using the lactose as i didnt feel I my stools were that hard. I did use the cream however, which worked temporarily. The pain came back around a month after i thought it'd healed.

    I was pretty terrifed to go back to the docs, so i didnt. I did lots of online research about pain in that area and decided to treat for fissure.

    After using coconut oil internally and externally, aloe vera juice, psyllium husk, acidophillus tablets, a gallon of water a day(!), lavender oil etc etc...nothing was working and i was becoming tearful and agitated. I told NO ONE about the pain i was in.

    Ok, so here is what helped me.

    I bought 20+ strength Manuka Honey - I applied it inside my anus using the 'germaloid' cream insert that came with the cream. I covered the insert in honey - admittedly it was a little messy!! Honey in my knickers wasnt entirely comfortable and it stung like hell at first. But i used a pad and it helped a lot. I did this whenever I possibly could - up to 5 times a day.

    I drunk 2 litres of water alone (not including the cups of tea) per day, I used a teaspoon of psyllium husk as a stool regulator, every time i ate. I ate lots of water fruit such as melons and I increased my fibre intake. I did this for 2 weeks before seeing any real results...and after a little while, no pain.

    It has come back and i am suffering again, but im straight on the manuka honey - again for me, its defintely stress induced. I hope this helps people? I do understand the indescribable pain associated with this....but this has worked for me and its a natural remedy.

    I just have to make sure that i keep it up, so that the painless times increase and the painful times decrease!

    • Posted


      I find your experience very helpful for the others. That is why I am also here, to share my experience. Hopefully it will help someone, because when I was in need, was also searching from people's experience on blogs. I would rather believe them than the doctors..

      So, I had an anal fissure operation about 18 days ago. Was not an extreme case, but still I've decided to end up with it. 

      After the operation I was obviously thinking of what can I eat so I can as painless as possible to go to the toilet.

      What I figured out is: drink a lot of water - about 2 l (it also depends on your weight); for the first week I was given a medicine that would liquify the stool; take herbal baths; something else I did: I just bought simple camomile tea, and after I was going to the toilet and after I would wash the area, in the days I could't take a herbal bath, I would just wipe with a tea bag (attention: has to be cold! before using, try to hold it for about 5 minutes in hot water - as if you would be doing yourself a tea, and then let it cool down); eating porridges cooked on milk in the morning, coffee with milk, not so many fresh fruits or vegetables, but cooked ones. Try not to eat meat at least in the first week, and after that maybe once or twice a week in the next few weeks, and if so then poultry. Backed pumpkin is good and pumpkin seends, also nuts.

      I hope it helps.

      Cheers! Be healthy everyone!

  • Posted

    Just had my first experience with an Anal Fissure this past week. It is by far the worst pain I have ever had in my life. I have had 3 vaginal births and the pain from the fissure was 10x's the pain of any of the experiences of childbirth. I felt like I was sitting on broken shards of glass.

    After 4 days of feeling very constipated and using a laxative with no relief I went to my family doctor. She could tell I was in severe pain. She attempted an exam and quickly decided against it when I was screaming at the top of my lungs. She called a colleague in the medical center who is a surgeon. I went over to see him 1.5 hours later. My family doc called in some pain medication because she wanted the surgeon to be able to be able to do an exam.

    Took the mess and tried to relax for an hour. Went to the surgeon, tried to examine me, same problem the family doc had. Far too painful. His diagnosis was a possible anal fissure or an abscess . Did a CT scan, no abscess but a major blockage. In surgery 45 minutes later to remove blockage and found an anal fissure. Treated with medication and sent home.

    Have been home5 days now and have actually experienced a bowel movement with very little pain. The first couple days home on pain meds and high fiber diet. Slept , took many hot baths and sat on alternating heating pad and ice packs. Now , am on Miralax, high fiber diet, and at least 64 oz. of water along with tea each day. I am also practicing relaxation techniques.

    My doctor believes the constipation was stress induced, however just having gone off of some medication for acid reflux this all occurred after the end of the meds. Wondering if anyone else has ever been on a medication called dexilant? Any complications? Just curious.

    My surgeon has talked about a Botox injection also. Not sure where we will end up wih that.

    On the up side, I have lost 12 pounds since this began and am committed to not ever having this reoccur again. Truly was the most pain I have ever had in my life. Wishing all well and a continued recovery.

    Take care,

  • Posted

    I have been having chronic fissures now for som years.Like some others I mistook them for haemorrhoids

    and did nothing for while but use the kind of creams one get from the chemist without a prescription.

    As the pain intensified I finally was seen by a colo rectal surgeon, given the botox treatment , rectogesic and Diltiazem.

    There has been temporary but not complete healing. So I was botoxed again only to relapse in a more

    horrific wayimmediately after the treatment than before. As my symptoms also became hellish after the first botox injection, I conclude that I may have an intolerance to the medication, However, the medical profession will not even consider this and they are offering me now sphinterectomy, which I am reluctant to accept.

    Unlike other fissure sufferers my pain is not at its worst when I passing stool but when I am in an upright position and when I am walking. I have virtually become disabled - and have reached the end of my tether.

    I am no stranger to pain: I had both my hips replaced, I had chronic cystitis for 9 months, I had dismenorrhoean, but I find the fissures most debelitating of them all.

    • Posted

      Hi Suleika

      As you say your pain is worse when standing or walking rather than when passing stools, I wonder whether it would be worth asking a women's health physiotherapist to assess if you have any weakness in your pelvic floor muscles that could be contributing to your pain. The pelvic floor is like a hammock that supports your bladder,womb and bowel etc, going around the openings to your anus,vagina etc. When the pelvic floor mucles are weak they do not provide sufficient support.

      I have had an anal fissure for about 8 weeks with excrutiating pain, and it's improving slowly with Diltiazem and Betnovate steroid creams, plus regular paracetamol, lots of lying on my tummy, and minimal sitting. However, I think my pelvic floor weakness gives me pain in a slightly different place to my anal fissure, particularly when I stand for a prolonged time. My theory is that the fissure pain has inhibited the muscles from working well, so I will ask the GP to refer me to a women's health physiotherapist for assessment and advice on strengthening those muscles.I saw this sort of specialist physio after my 2nd child was born, so remember the pelvic floor exercises she taught me then, so will get started with those in the meantime. Hope this helps!

    • Posted

      Hi Jill,

      thank you for your thoughtful lines but I am pretty sure that the aggravation of my complaints in an upright position and especially when I am moving about have nothing to do with any muscular weakness in the pelvic area. In fact, after 30 years of doing yoga on a regular basis, swimming  and cycling my muscles are in good shape - so the medical profession and pelvic MRI scan tell me.

      My pain is very clearly and palpably located in the sphincter muscle, it is never dull or aching but always sharp, piercing and shooting. 

      In other words: it is neuropathic pain, which is also born out by the fact that the only analgesic that works are certain anti-depressants. The trouble is that I am becoming tolerant to them and have to increase the dose at time. The time when the dose cannot be increased any more frightens me.

      But thank you for your ideas, I hope that you will get help from the womens' healt physiotherapist.

      Kind regards 



    • Posted

      I suffered from an anal fissure for over a year. My pain was sharp and stabbing. It was every day about an hour after BM.  And would last for hours. I would usually take about 4 advil and get minor relief. I too was very active, hiking, spin classes, weightlifting, my work and lifestyle was very strenuous. I saw doctors and tried all the creams that people are mentioning. I did the hot baths, warm baths, Ice packs, diet. All of it!  I finally could not take the pain. I had a surgery 12 weeks ago. I would do it again. I am totally back to normal. It was a painful recovery. That got better each week. I would highly suggest surgery. I haven't seen all if your post but the stabbing pain is what made me reply to you with my info. Good luck. 
    • Posted

      Hi Bruni

      Thanks for your reply. I hope your pain continues to be helped by that medication, and that there will be another option that works if the dose can't be further increased.

      Best wishes


    • Posted

      Hey Jill I had an anal fissure a couple of years ago. Mine lasted for about six months and I tried everything! Creams, baths, meds etc. Please trust me. You will stay in pain until you get the surgery. I know you don't want to hear that but it is the truth! When the fissure is at a certain stage nothing works but the surgery . I was in pain for months trying other things
    • Posted

      Hi Kristen, your story sounds like mine exactly. I just had the surgery about 5 days ago and on my second BM. The pain is still there. I see you did it about 12 weeks ago as you mentioned. What was the healing like. Did you have that throbbing pain? Did it heal instantly. I though I was supposed to feel better, nope. Fissure is still there, lingering all day. Can you shed some light? Maybe I am impatiend and my expectations are high, just been living with this for 1 year.


    • Posted

      Hi Kristin, I just had a sphinctorotomy surgery two days ago,was that the surgery you had? What would you suggest for a speedy recovery? I was beginning to doubt the benefits of the surgery. How are you now? Would you say you're fully recovered with no symptoms of every having a fissure?
    • Posted

      Hi Reggie, How are you now? You seemed discouraged when you wrote this reply, which is How I'm feeling now. Are you recovered fully now?
    • Posted

      Hi Kristin, Do you know how long after your surgery were you healed. Becasue i had surgery two weeks ago, and im still in alot of pain with only my bm. Maybe its too soon still. Im praying i am healed soon.

      I had a lft Lateral Internal Sphinterotomy surgery.

    • Posted

      Hi since the Botox surgery 5 days ago I have had 2 BM.They where Thursday /Friday.

      The first one was sore bur because of the meds the pain didn't last long.

      On Thursday I had second BM.

      I couldn't rush it .. you jiu have to wait for it to arrive. . If you rush anso strain.. it will hurt.

      So it hurt a bit but the pain didn't last long.

      Mind you I'm taking paracetamol X2 every 4hr, Laxol tablet X2 per day (stool softner) Metronidazole Tablets ..3c day for a week.. Lavolac in morning and night, Metamucil twice daily and Diltizem along with Lignocaine gel (topical anesthesia) ..apply before BM . Put a bit into anus and around outside as well.. even use it after BM... really helps.

      I also take Harkers Herbal Bowel Cleanse.

      So far so good... slow road to recovery. .

      Hope this helps.. I'm still slow at walking. . But hope to get better

    • Posted

      Hi Carl, I havent had botox surgery yet, but it sounds like something i will look into if this recovery from this LIS Surgery doesn't help. Totally understand your pain. I hope you get better soon. Thanks for those tips as well.
    • Posted

      What surgery did U have if I don't mind me asking? Thanks 😊

    • Posted

      Hi Kristin

      i just had my anal fissure surgery about a month ago. I was trying to find someone who had done it a way time ago to know how you are feeling now. And do u take any lax or stool softeners or fiber supplements till now? I would be very grateful for your reply. I need it.


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