My experience with a chronic anal fissure
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Hi all
I thought that I would post this as a lot of people appear to be going through the same agony that I was going through for over a year.
Anyway, I was at uni and going through a bad time in my life, whenever I get stressed my guts go into turmoil. As a result I was off uni for a week with severe rectal pain and feeling lower than a snake's belly. I booked an appointment with my GP as I had experienced similar symptoms before.
My GP recognised the symptoms immediately, I thought I had piles, she said I was too young so had a look. The digital examination wasn't fun, in fact she said she had never seen anyway change colour so quickly but it was worth it because I was refered to a colo-rectal surgeon.
I took my sick note back into my tutor and as I was doing a clinical degree, he said straight away that fissures were worsened and sometimes caused by stress. The penny dropped.
As I said I was going through a very very bad time in my life which necessitated me going on antidepressants (Cipralex) for my emotional state. When this was added to wall climbing agony due to fissures I was near breaking point. I remember after one bowel movement almost fainting with the pain, I was lying at the top of the stairs at my mum's house and clawing at the wallpaper with my fingernails - I have had a broken leg and in terms of pain that fissure was far worse, trust me.
I went to see the colo-rectal surgeon a few weeks later, I was terrified, but he was a lovely man, very very considerate. He told me that I had a large fissure that could be helped with an ointment. I told him my background so he talked a bit more openly and said that fissures are an incredibly debilitating condition. He once had a 16 stone rugby player openly weeping on his consulting couch with the pain - I can understand why.
I was prescribed GTN ointment and started using it as directed. I had a slight headache which I could live with, but this was far better than the agony of the fissure and this headache was pretty much gone after the first week. After a week of use the pain from the fissure had also subsided to nothing. After six weeks I went back to the surgeon and I was healed.
I wish that was the end of the story but it isn't, I have probably had four or five bad flare ups since and dozens of other twinges, spasms, bleeds and itches since but I am nowhere near as bad as the first time - I can live with this now. I have seen the surgeon twice since and he has offered surgery but my frame of mind precluded me from that, I was simply terrified.
My GP is very understanding and I can get GTN on prescription whenever I need it. I was prescribed Anoheal by the surgeon as well but this didn't work as well as GTN for me, but I have seen cases in work where this has been incredibly effective.
As I said earlier, I was doing a clinical degree, which I have now passed, so I feel that I am pretty well qualified to offer a bit of advice, so here it is.
1. Go and see your GP. Don't be embarrassed, your doctor has seen dozens of these - they are very very common. If you get fobbed off or feel that you haven't got anywhere, go back and tell him/her that you are not happy and you will go elsewhere i.e. change your GP. Changing your GP hits their bank balance, and as GPs are notoriously greedy, they will do something. Nobody should have to suffer with this.
2. Take something for the pain but NOT codeine. Ibuprofen worked best for me.
3. Drink plenty of fluids and lay off the alcohol while you are healing.
4. Eat lots of fibre and fresh fruit and veg, switch to brown bread and have something like Weetabix for breakfast. This softens stools and makes them easier to pass - less pain and less damage to existing fissures.
5. Use a stool softener, one Movicol sachet daily really really helped me. You can buy these over the counter from your local Pharmacist but tell them what it is for. Alternatively get them on prescription from your GP.
6. Lay off the red meat, there is some science to this as meat increases the residence time in the gut and predisposes to harder stools. This really helped me and I have seen a few accounts here where sufferers also say that.
7. Try to relax, easier said than done, but try simple things like having a hot bath instead of a shower. If anything helps you, no matter how crazy or off the wall it may sound, carry on doing it. Going out for a drive helped me. Staying active also helps constipation and makes you feel better. Don't stay in and stew - stay positive.
8. Stick to the doctor's directions of any drugs you are given. If you are told to apply a cream for 6 weeks into the anus, then make sure it goes into the anus for 6 weeks. And into the anus means into the hole - not nice, but a lot nicer than the agony from an untreated fissure.
Remember you are not alone, these things can be cured. You will feel terrible and you will feel like nobody else understands what you are going through but believe me, these things are very very common.
And if all the above doesn't help there is a simple operation that can be done on a day case basis that has a 95% chance of curing it for good.
If you are reading this you are no doubt feeling horrible but believe me, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Good luck with your pain in the ass.
15 likes, 216 replies
dan27470 Guest
did u ever get a botox injection ?
Rosco9 dan27470
I have never had surgery or botox, only prescription drug I've used is diltiazem 2‰ cream. I have had at least 20 fissures in the last 4 years, some deep to the sphincter muscle, and have healed all of them with different remedies. Unfortunately mine recur because I eat a lot as a weightlifter, especially dairy, and have massive Stools. It's to the point now however that I'm not concerned when I get one because I can heal it in 3 or 4 days with the advice in my link.
dan27470 Rosco9
KenSanDiego Guest
dab46255 Guest
Have gotten alot less pain/issues/tears with lots of probiotics (gummis avail now as well—and moderate hydration (salads help as well)
Bacteria essensially eat break down food and lubricate to make BM’s much easier- plus there are health advantages galore. i am from pain to the point of nearly passing out to predicatble
Daily management .
paul_65624 Guest
Fissure as pooping is the worst pain I’ve ever had. Docs given me laxoid to help . 3 days later and pain is almost gone but still itching a bit. I’ve used all creams known to man for itching but as soon as I stop using them it comes back. Like you I’m terrified of colonoscopy or an operation so am hoping it will just heal on it’s own . I’ve has so much pain I’m groin and lower back this last 2 years that I thought it was all
Connected. My doc seems to think the bleeding and the groin pain are separate issues. I too suffer anxiety and stress. Maybe this is the cause of the muscular pain. Anyway I’ve also felt fobbed off by doctors over the years. One did send me fir an ultrasound for the groin pain as he thought it might be prostatitus, but all was clear, it’s very hard to get an absolute diagnosis for the bleeding bum. I don’t think it’s piles as it’s already healing after 3 days of agony. So either the laxatives have eased it or it’s curing itself? Very confusing but thanks for your post. Feel like I’m just going to have it forever unless I pluck up the guts to demand a colonoscopy. Surely that would tell me exactly what’s going on inside . Cheers Paul . UK
will19082 Guest
will19082 Guest
nsny59608 will19082
Besides, get your stool soft by taking latulose. Dont over consume lactulose.
Guest Guest
Hi. I'm probably the oldest guest here and I'm completely sick of visiting
doctors and specialists only to be told 'well, at your age'. Thanks very
much but the pain from haemmoroids is just the same at any age. I have
tried Proctosedyl as told it's the best ointment but it's in a metal tube
and extremely hard to get ointment out. Why they don't use plastic
(like toothpaste) is beyond me. I've tried other ointments, etc. but
nothing seems to help. Inner ones that come out. Any help? Told pain
from 'banding' would be too much for me.
jaime29690 Guest
i cant eat i cant sleep i cant think i cant relax. i literally wish i could give up and die. i had severely bleeding internal hemorrhoids which i had to be hospitilized for the bleeding. i have internal and external hemorrhoids that aside from the bleeding literally never hurt me. i decided to try the HET procedure and went to a dr with great reviews 2 hours away from me. i was optimistic because i had started bleeding again and was told the procedure was relatively painless.. the procedure hurt and now i have what he thinks is an anal fissure because i cant muster up the strength to drive 5 hours to go see him again. im sick to my stomach i have headaches. i can barely eat. i was seeming to do alright but yesterday morning i had a bowl movement that was even more painful than the others and ive had a constant lingering pain ever since. now im so scared to use the bathroom ive been sobbing uncontrolably. he gave me a perscription for dilitizipem or whatever it is and lidocaine and it made me burn so bad that my butt was hot and throbbing for hours. im afraid to use it again. idk what to do.
PatientMod-B jaime29690
Hi jaime29690
We note from a recent post which you have made to our forum that you may be experiencing thoughts around self-harm. If we have misinterpreted your comments then we apologies for contacting you directly. But if you are having such thoughts then please note that you are not alone in this, and there are people out there that can help.
If you are having these suicidal thoughts then we strongly recommend you speak to someone who may be able to help. The Samaritans offer a safe space where you can talk openly about what you are going through. They can help you explore your options, understand your problems better, or just be there to listen.
Their contact details are on our patient information leaflet here:, which also offers lots of other advice on how you can access the help you may need.
If you are having such thoughts then please do reach out to the team at the Samaritans (or the other people detailed in our leaflet) who will understand what you're going through and will be able to help.
Kindest regards
GabrielF. Guest
I suffer from CAF 2 months now, about 1 week ago or so I had botox injection and seems to work but...when I walk or stand on my feet for more than 5 minutes , the pain will start to rise, also I have something like an hemorrhoid which swells but I can push it back inside with my finger and it gets better after I sit down for a while, I still have some pain after BM but not as bad as before the botox, except that I do all the stuff mentioned here, warm baths, alot of fiber, water, rectogesic, cocconut oil and so on, hope will go off without surgery....
mcoucla Guest
thanks for sharing your story ..been there done that, I was even scheduled for surgery but decided not to. the only thing that has ever helped my fissure/hemorrhoids was a portable bidet that I purchased online. after each bowel or urinating I would use it and keep the water running on my wound. 5 years today,not 1 flare up. you need to be patient. I no longer need ointments or pills or stool softeners. look for white bidet online and hook it up to your toilet seat.very simple to assemble. no more dealing with pain in the arse.good luck and let me know how it goes.