My experience with a chronic anal fissure
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Hi all
I thought that I would post this as a lot of people appear to be going through the same agony that I was going through for over a year.
Anyway, I was at uni and going through a bad time in my life, whenever I get stressed my guts go into turmoil. As a result I was off uni for a week with severe rectal pain and feeling lower than a snake's belly. I booked an appointment with my GP as I had experienced similar symptoms before.
My GP recognised the symptoms immediately, I thought I had piles, she said I was too young so had a look. The digital examination wasn't fun, in fact she said she had never seen anyway change colour so quickly but it was worth it because I was refered to a colo-rectal surgeon.
I took my sick note back into my tutor and as I was doing a clinical degree, he said straight away that fissures were worsened and sometimes caused by stress. The penny dropped.
As I said I was going through a very very bad time in my life which necessitated me going on antidepressants (Cipralex) for my emotional state. When this was added to wall climbing agony due to fissures I was near breaking point. I remember after one bowel movement almost fainting with the pain, I was lying at the top of the stairs at my mum's house and clawing at the wallpaper with my fingernails - I have had a broken leg and in terms of pain that fissure was far worse, trust me.
I went to see the colo-rectal surgeon a few weeks later, I was terrified, but he was a lovely man, very very considerate. He told me that I had a large fissure that could be helped with an ointment. I told him my background so he talked a bit more openly and said that fissures are an incredibly debilitating condition. He once had a 16 stone rugby player openly weeping on his consulting couch with the pain - I can understand why.
I was prescribed GTN ointment and started using it as directed. I had a slight headache which I could live with, but this was far better than the agony of the fissure and this headache was pretty much gone after the first week. After a week of use the pain from the fissure had also subsided to nothing. After six weeks I went back to the surgeon and I was healed.
I wish that was the end of the story but it isn't, I have probably had four or five bad flare ups since and dozens of other twinges, spasms, bleeds and itches since but I am nowhere near as bad as the first time - I can live with this now. I have seen the surgeon twice since and he has offered surgery but my frame of mind precluded me from that, I was simply terrified.
My GP is very understanding and I can get GTN on prescription whenever I need it. I was prescribed Anoheal by the surgeon as well but this didn't work as well as GTN for me, but I have seen cases in work where this has been incredibly effective.
As I said earlier, I was doing a clinical degree, which I have now passed, so I feel that I am pretty well qualified to offer a bit of advice, so here it is.
1. Go and see your GP. Don't be embarrassed, your doctor has seen dozens of these - they are very very common. If you get fobbed off or feel that you haven't got anywhere, go back and tell him/her that you are not happy and you will go elsewhere i.e. change your GP. Changing your GP hits their bank balance, and as GPs are notoriously greedy, they will do something. Nobody should have to suffer with this.
2. Take something for the pain but NOT codeine. Ibuprofen worked best for me.
3. Drink plenty of fluids and lay off the alcohol while you are healing.
4. Eat lots of fibre and fresh fruit and veg, switch to brown bread and have something like Weetabix for breakfast. This softens stools and makes them easier to pass - less pain and less damage to existing fissures.
5. Use a stool softener, one Movicol sachet daily really really helped me. You can buy these over the counter from your local Pharmacist but tell them what it is for. Alternatively get them on prescription from your GP.
6. Lay off the red meat, there is some science to this as meat increases the residence time in the gut and predisposes to harder stools. This really helped me and I have seen a few accounts here where sufferers also say that.
7. Try to relax, easier said than done, but try simple things like having a hot bath instead of a shower. If anything helps you, no matter how crazy or off the wall it may sound, carry on doing it. Going out for a drive helped me. Staying active also helps constipation and makes you feel better. Don't stay in and stew - stay positive.
8. Stick to the doctor's directions of any drugs you are given. If you are told to apply a cream for 6 weeks into the anus, then make sure it goes into the anus for 6 weeks. And into the anus means into the hole - not nice, but a lot nicer than the agony from an untreated fissure.
Remember you are not alone, these things can be cured. You will feel terrible and you will feel like nobody else understands what you are going through but believe me, these things are very very common.
And if all the above doesn't help there is a simple operation that can be done on a day case basis that has a 95% chance of curing it for good.
If you are reading this you are no doubt feeling horrible but believe me, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Good luck with your pain in the ass.
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Quartz Guest
On a personal note, my clinical evaluation required me to go under general anaesthetic as I was in so much pain. The fissure has and is affecting how I am walking, sitting and lying. I am adapting to this hoping I will see benefits soon. I have started to apply a lubricant to the area which has offered a cooling, relaxing treatment and aids passing stools.
I'm counting down the days until I feel even a reduction in the size.
Bev1975 Quartz
Mojo55 Guest
FinallyHope Guest
Gently press the heat pack directly up against your anus and keep it there, the heat forces the muscle to relax and stops the spasms, which stops the pain caused by the fissure. You can use a hot water bottle too as long as you can mold it to place up against your anus. Seriously. This saved me from so much endless fissure pain, it's like a concentrated hot bath focused directly where you need it, but without the inconvenience of running a bath and being stuck in a bath just to get relief. (I know baths are nice and all but not really always practical or accessible)
Best position is to lie on your back in bed, put your knees up like you’re going to do a sit up and then place the heat pack between your legs right up against your bum hole. Sorry for the graphic image but I can't really think of another way to describe it. Just be careful not to burn yourself, you want the heat pack/heat bag or hot water bottle to be hot but not so hot you burn your skin. It helps to wrap it in a pillow case that's soft and then if your heat pack is too hot, wrap it in more layers of the pillow case, which will protect you a bit more if it's too hot at first.
Before the heat packs I was taking dangerous amounts of pain meds to deal with the fissure pain which for me was all the time, including during the nights which were really hard... until I discovered the heat pack. Which thank God I did because they really work. Please try them, I understand this might seem silly and I haven't read it anywhere else but I know the suffering from fissures and this will help keep the pain at bay. Seriously, heat packs, heat bags or a hot water bottle pressed lightly up against your anus and held there, keep it held there and it will work. I sometimes keep it there for 15 minutes or more and then I take it off. Then when the pain starts up again I'll put it back and the muscle relaxes and the pain go's.
Try it. I had tried everything from which hazel oil in my bum to manuka honey in my bum (my wife called me sweet cheeks because of the honey), but the best thing to stop the pain has been the heat packs. Heat relaxes the muscle, stopping the spasm and the pain.
Ultimately though you want to find a solution to heal the fissure once and for all so I suggest the surgery. I've had Botox and that did not work, in fact I was in a lot of pain afterwards, then I got the fissurectomy/sphincterectomy combo surgery and I am finally free from it all. I know it sounds nuts to get a surgical cut to fix a fissure but it’s the sure way to fix it. Conservative methods like Botox and Rectogesic Ointment did not work for me, in the end only surgery worked. I wish I had done the surgery first cause I went through months of pain and hopelessness that I could have avoided had I just done the surgery first.
Though very important, make sure you research and choose a reputable specialist to perform the surgery. Don’t just go with anyone, find and choose the best that you can cause for me it was the 3rd specialist that ended up fixing me with the fissurectomy/sphincterectomy. The first specialist caused the problem, the second specialist didn’t help and made my pain seem trivial until finally I researched and found the best in my area and he, the 3rd guy fixed me. So it’s worth it, pay a little more, travel a little farther if you have to but see the best that you can or at the very least someone with a lot of experience with exactly that surgery. If you’re in Sydney Australia then the Prince of Whales private hospitals “Sydney Colorectal Associates” really have a great team; Dr. Newstead fixed me and I am so thankful for him but he’s part of a group of several specialists there that all seem good.
Until then though, heat pads, use heat pads to relieve the pain.
I’ve come on here to give people this info to help but sorry I don’t think I’ll come back to follow up cause honestly I just want to move on with things, so please take the advice above and save yourself pain and anguish.
Heat pads then surgery.
T2231 Guest
Drink 2-4 glasses of miralax and 2-4 glasses of water daily and you'll heal in about 2days to a week. It softens your stool to the point that your bm no longer hurts.
I just healed myself from a fissure of 2+ months.
boboraider Guest
It was after my son was born that I developed a chronic anal fissure. It just wouldn't heal. And the spams were driving me insane. The combination of my c-section, immobility, pregnancy suppliments and breastfeeding made it even harder for me to get better.
I spent most of my wakeful time searching the internet and praying to God that I would get relief, and that I wouldn't require surgery. 3 months of relentless pain.
The interesting part was that defecating was really not as painful as the spasms that would set in an hour after coming from the loo.
This is what worked for me-
1. Praying. Asking people to pray for me. Being patient.
2. Fixing my diet.
Neither did ispaghola husks, movcol, or lactulose (duphalac) help....
Neither did fruits or vegetables...I even tried prunes but it did next to nothing for me. Figs seemed to help, but I didn't have soft stools. Just normal ones, and that was very painful.
Rather, I have been having a decent bowl movement with breakfast cereal (especially oats) AND fish oil. Like magic. No hard stools.
3. Plenty of water. Duh.
4. Mobilizing. Moving around. Walking as much as is possible with your baby.
5. NOT straining. Straining makes everything worse. Even though I wouldn't have the satisfaction of a full evacuation, I realized this dropped the pain down to more than 50%. Slowly with the fish oil and cereal I had no need to strain at all.
6. Don't avoid the urge. Sit and give plenty of time, but don't strain.
During the acute phase I used almost every medicine that could be used to heal the fissure.
GTN did nothing for me. Just made the area burn as well. That sucked.
Xylocaine made no difference. Even with liberal and frequent use.
What DID help was ibuprufen 40mg, before going to the loo, or voltral SR 50
Also, 2 suppositories gave me marginal relief, I used these for 2 weeks.
1. Proctoglyvenol. Most useful, reduced the swelling to a great extent, that helped particularly because my anal canal was so swollen I could barely insert the suppository let alone have a bowel movement. I used this twice a day regardless of bowel movements.
2. Neohealer. This was useful after I finished my proctoglyvenol course. I used it on an SOS basis.
Another useful tip is to always insert some petroleum jelly or better yet polyfax before and after a bowel movement. Before, to lubricate the area for smooth passage. After, to aid in healing.
Being a muslim, we are used to washing ourselves rather than using toilet paper or wipes. Its essential to keep the area clean to avoid infection, that could further impair healing.
Sure, sitz baths help for temporary relief. Very temporary. Within 15mins of coming out, my pain would start again.
Be patient. It took 4 months for my fissure to heal. I don't require medicines and I am free of spasms. But one thing is for sure, I will not let go of my cereal and fish oil routine because this pain is arguably worse than delivery. I never ever want to have an AF again. Hope this advice helped.
Fatz103 Guest
Someonewhoknows Guest
Nothing worked for me. Diltiazem was a flop. All sorts of creams and stuff. Nothing worked.
Until I just sat on a heating pad for about 20 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day.
Fixed it in no time.
Give it whirl. Worked for me.
Somone who knows
josh2121 Guest
thank you
melissa90547 Guest
I have been given rective medication for 6 weeks last year which helped some after having a bowel movement but wasn't successful overall because my pain has not changed, it's chronic.
carl70162 Guest
I have been suffering from AFs since Sept 2010.
The pain is unbearable .. it sends me into spasms after a hard BM.
It can last at least 10hrs and that's after taking 2x paracetamol every 4hrs and Sitz baths.
I used to take tramadol but that causes constipation.
I have been on a course of ultraproct, rectogesic, lavolac and Metamucil which I take 3x a day to sort this out.
Now I'm I've been prescribed Diltizem 240mg/white Parraffin Cream to take externally, just rub it around the anus, don't put it inside 3x a day for 6 weeks.
I am on a high vegetable /fiber.. no sugar alcohol diet , 8 glasses of water a day.... I have gone from 118kgs in last 4week's to 100kg cause of this.
I'm at my wits end.. having to take days off work because of the pain it's like glass...
Please help. .. next step I suppose is Botoix.. is Surgery. ..
z12345 carl70162
I had one a couple years ago and the pain was almost gone instantly.
But mine have returned again so im kind of stuck what to do next. Sick of eating painkillers and rubbing deepheat on my buttocks. Its ruined my day to day living as cant function properly.
Got a appointment to see a specialist but its in a months time and im already sick of this constant pain.
Wish I could offer more advice fella but try deepheat on your buttock it warms the area up and makes blood circulation easier.
that is the only thing that seems to help after sitz bath.
edmund15166 Guest
melissa90547 Guest
Mojo55 melissa90547