My experience with Livial

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I have been on this for menopause (45) for the past 8 to 12 weeks, and I am pleased to have found this blog! OMG I thought I was going insane! my reason in seeking help was to try and get rid of the mood swings, emotional status and hot flushes! instead I have gained weight, fluid retention, very sore neck to the point I have had treatment for 3 weeks, now hip pain and slowing moving to my knee on to my calf! I have an unexplained rash on my arm which I though come from a heat rash and first time ever genital bleeding i was like WTF is this experienced whilst on holiday and prevented me from walking and getting about, learnt very quickly how to pee backwards on the toilet!! I also have only one ovary due to endomentreosis, so have a strong pain threshold and have asthma as well. I have been increasing my preventative and reliever for the past 4 weeks and counldn't put my finger on it... So long Livial!!! I am hoping the ethical nutrients hot flush supplement will work cos seriously I need to get off this crap! Cheers for all who have written!

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Julie

    i went on Livial for the same reason as you and ended up with about half of your symptoms and couldn't stand it anymore.  My GP was not particularly helpful with alternatives to HRT.  A friend recommended Magnesium supplements and I have found them amazing for the anxiety, mood swings and emotional wellbeing.  

    I have not found anything yet for the flushes but dealing with them is better than the Livial side effects.


  • Posted

    Yes Deb I haven't even gone back to my Doctor already been off them for 48 hours and I haven't even had to have my inhaler 4 times today! although a little irritable I already take magnesium so will def continue and as soon as I find something for the flushes I will let you know smile


  • Posted

    Hi I have found Maca capsules to be great for hot flushes. It's a herbal remedy and it's really helped me a lot. Good luck! 


  • Posted

    I so feel for you Julie I had to come of livial as I clasp twice at home with the banging headaches and going hot and cold. I'm back at QMC hospital for my 3 lot of injections and then getting my new tablets. I understand we're your coming from with the pain. Good luck

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