My face is hot but my hands and feet are cold - normal?

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hi - so im pretty sure im in peri - the past few years ive had symptoms, but lately ive been getting a hot feeling in my face - but its not a flash because it last hours or even days, and my hands and feet are freezing yet everytime i google 'hot flush' the response is that it last about 5 minutes and heats the whole body - so does anyone else experience this kind of feeling? is it peri? i also have very sore boobs, acne, kinky hair and my emotions are like a rollercoaster, im 42, any advice really appreciated xxx

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    Hi Karen, I hope you don't mind a long response. But at 62, ten years past menopause, and having tried everything under the sun, I feel compelled to offer some lengthy advice.

    First, you are at the perfect time to start perimenopause at age 42. First, take a deep breath and just know that things are changing in your body. You can't stop it, so the best thing to do is support your body in every way possible. Eat a really clean and balanced diet, take a good multi vitamin, drink plenty of water, stay away from alcohol, get in bed by 10 pm every night, try to get a long nights sleep, do a little exercise but don't over due it, and try to reduce as much stress as possible. Honor the wisdom of your body, by supporting it. Remember this is a marathon not a sprint. Perimenopause often lasts up to 10 years before your final period. (Mine did)

    You might consider doing a full panel of female hormones, simply as a baseline. These tests are often very expensive through your doctors office, however you can simply google search "inexpensive options for female hormone testing" and some things will pop up. By purchasing through an on line company, I was able to print my blood test panel, take the paid requisite to a free standing testing company, and had the results delivered both by mail and to my on line account. It was a complete female panel, including all sex steroids, FSH, DHEA, cholesterol, thyroid, etc. all for around $200.If nothing else, this will give you a baseline for future comparison. My suggestion is that you do this on days 21-25 of your cycle, when you progesterone should be at it's peak. All labs will show the normal ranges, including the ranges for menopause. So this shouldn't be a foreign language to see if your levels fall within normal limits. At a later date, you could give a copy of these to your physician for his/her records.

    But for now, make any life style changes that might help your body adjust to the change. I was so angry when this started for me, feeling very depressed and lethargic, that I tried everything I could to correct it. i.e. birth control pills, bio identical hormones, patches, pills, injections and creams, as well as an anti depressant.None of it worked, and most all of it made me feel worse. After two years I finally gave up. It took quite a while for my body to get back to normal, and I never looked back. I had periods for the next ten years.

    But I sure know how uncomfortable this can be. And what I've learned is don't wish this uncomfortable time away, because menopause itself can, at times, be even worse. (believe it or not) I'd actually go back to perimenopause in a heartbeat, if I was given the chance. At least my body looked good, I could enjoy sex, I had energy, and didn't hobble like a little old woman, my skin fit my body, and my hair looked normal. (to name just a few things I miss)

    Good luck, and I hope this info helped.


    • Posted

      Try not to worry too much , as all these feelings are perfectly normal in Peri and we are all here to help each other and give moral support . Its not easy at times , but there is light at the end of the tunnel and once you dont have your periods to worry about , you will feel much better . At times it may be a struggle but we will all get through this together.

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      hi gailannie - what a great response & great suggestions - it did make me chuckle seeing how i am 7 years post & would love to be back in peri instead of this menopause hell -

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      Hi Gail and all you ladies - thanks for your advice, but did you experience the hot face thing? It lasts for days, and I also have diarrhea every day - and have done for the past couple of years - had tests done and not found anything - and there is no blood so I haven't been overly concerned, but it is so chronic at the moment - is that normal ?? I just want a normal poo ! 😭

    • Posted

      hi karen - You may have Rosacea brought on by hot flash/flush - it is fairly common in peri/menopausal woman - google it. You do need to be diagnosed by a dermatologist. i have it & for me it was brought on by my hot flashes/flushes, but then i started finding my triggers like emotional stress, spicy food, red wine, sugar etc. it presents itself differently in people, some just get the flushed face, some get red blotches, & some get acne like white pimples - i also get ocular rosacea of my eyes, its all very charming - NOT! as for the diaherra, my bowels havent been the same since entering peri/menopause, but excess sugar in the diet can also cause that - now if i eat pasta, i immediately have loose stools...go figure?

  • Posted

    Hi Karen, keep in mind that every woman can have her own weird set of symptoms. I was standing at a soccer game the first time I noticed heat. It was a very defined circular patch on the top of my right foot. Very odd and strong enough that I took notice and still remember it 20+ years later. As I went deeper into perimenopause, every afternoon the area above my upper lip would be on fire. I used to sit with an ice pack on it, it was so uncomfortable. So no, I didn't have the full hot face thing, my reactions were very localized. But then I did have some drenching night sweats within months of these experiences. I can't honestly say I ever had "hot flashes" as most women describe them.

    As far as your daily diarrhea, if you've had things all checked out and they can't find anything wrong, it may be time to look at diet. These hormones effect every single tissue and organ in our body. Therefore, you many not be handling certain foods as well as you used to. So eliminate the standard list of typical problem causers and see what happens. Like go gluten free for 6 months and see if it helps. Or milk products. Do some google searches and see what comes up as far as elimination diets. I have a friend who had explosive diarrhea, until she eliminated all gluten from her diet.

    Good luck.

    • Posted

      hi gail, right ive defintley not heard that before, at least you're over the heat and sweating now...ive had such a hot face all evening - and my neck and face bright red 😕 i had the sweats and nausea but thankfully that seems to have subsided...for now! im defintley looking into changing my diet - giving up gluten & dairy from today, because i think ive got a leaky gut, so i need to get that fixed as it can affect your whole body, and unlikely making the peri symptoms worse, all the best karen xxx

  • Posted

    Hi Karen

    I also get those type of flashes. My neck and arms are very hot but the rest of my body is normal or even cold. Sometimes I even feel a bit faint and have to lay down. It can also result in your heart racing. I usually drink lots of water and splash the area with a cool splash. I usually get these flashes when I'm ovulating and just after my cycle ends. For me alcohol and caffeine are also triggers. Once in a while I get diarrhoea with the flashes. When they first started I panicked and went to emergency room a few times but once you understand what's happening just breathe through it and find what works for you.

    I also get the heavy breasts and intense breast pain before my period. I've been in peri for just over a year.

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