My family think I am going mad

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hi ladies I have not be on for awhile as I felt I needed to just get on with my body going through this change and so many lovely ladies are and have been going on there journey for years my doctor said I was depressed which I have had for a long time I have always had mood swings highs and lows from a child I can go from so nice to so being so much anger I black out and when I come round I can't remember I just thought everyone done that but over the years I have just learnt to live with it my two older boys said they never knew which one they would get I have two other children who are jy son is 19 and has Autism and my daughter is 15 and has low mood and anxiety and with this lockdown I have struggled so much so I can't hide it as good I was just wondering if the menopause good be adding to it anyone else feel like this and how do you cope as my family think I am mad .

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5 Replies

  • Edited

    Dear Anji63

    So sorry to hear about your struggles I like you have a son with Autism ! He has Down syndrome as well who will 19 this June ! l haven't posted anything for many years as life as you know it takes over !

    Let me be the first to tell you your not mad ! As my mother used to call it "the change of life" ! and i now understand what she meant by that lol but you will get through this I think im sorta over it now so it will be over someday for you as well ! Its important to realise that everything thing your going through is perfectly normal I was put on antidepressant's as i had quite a traumatic childhood

    So don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it i also was put on Vagifem which is estradiol pessaries as well So that's something you could try if your not already on it

    Nobody can describe what going through the menopause affects you unless they gave been through it themselves So don't beat yourself about it as all these side affects are normal I find music a great therapy so i would put it on as soon as i get out of bed So listen to your favourite music through your headphone's Also i got a gel pillow which i would put in the fridge to use underneath my pillow at night to keep it cool Sometimes even stuck it in the freezer for an hour so the coolness lasts longer I hope some off this helps but most of all to know your never alone dealing with the side effect's and that everyone on this chat line understands completely so you are never alone God bless

  • Edited

    Hi there

    I can understand how you feel. Menopause has made my anxiety/depression return. I think the lack of confidence and self belief and as u say you feel like youre going mad emotionally is the worst bit for me. Before i was very confident. Interesting what Mary said about a traumatic childhood as this seems to have been dredged up for me also. Good to hear things will improve as moods so up and down right now. It is hard if youre children have anxiety/autism I would imagine. Stay strong

  • Posted

    thank you caz I feel better when I don't feel I am the only one .

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