My Father's Persistent Penis Pain
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This question is for my father. He is 81 years old and lives alone in India. He was diagnosed with Recurrent Urethral Stricture in 2001 by his Urologist. He was on Tamsulosin and Darifenacin for a lot of years and was fine until Sept 2016. In Oct 2016, he felt pain (4 on a scale of 1 to 10) in his penis. At times, the pain was more on the tip of his penis than shaft. Other times, the pain was felt throughout the penis (shaft + tip). The Urine culture indicated the EColi bacteria and he was given antibiotics. When the pain did not go away, his Urologist did a flexible cystoscopy in Nov 2016 and dilated his stricture. He had no pain until Dec 2017.
In Dec 2017, his pain was a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10. His Urologist did a Urine culture and the results indicated EColi infection greater than 10000 CFU/ml. Antibiotics were given and a repeat urine culture in January was normal.
His pain oscillated between a 1/10 and 2/10 in February and March. He was prescribed a few creams which made the pain manageable. When the pain persisted at 2/10 for a couple of days in the third week of March, the Urologist ordered urine and blood tests (11.22 PSA, positive for bacteria, urine had elevated WBC and leukocytes). A cystoscopy was performed on March 19, which did not find anything abnormal.
The elevated PSA took us down the path of ultrasound, MRI and biospy. The biopsy was negative for prostate cancer. For about a week after his cystoscopy (March 19- March 26), he felt no pain. This might be due to all the NSAID's he was give during his 5 days hospital stay (March 19-March 22).
His pain returned on April 2 and is currently between 1/10 and 1.5/10. Since the last few days, the pain is felt more in the tip of his penis than shaft. He saw the Urologist on April 9 and when I emailed his Urologist, he said that the pain will slowly recede. My father has no growth, no discharge, no changes in skin color or redness/rash or anything of that kind on his penis. His urine stream is fine. He has no pelvic pain.
1) Does UTI in December explain the penis pain in Dec-Jan?
2) Does the detected UTI on March 17 explain the penis pain in Jan-March?
3) Since several antibiotics have been given March 17 for his UTI, can the Cystoscopy itself be the cause of his current penis pain due to inflammation of his urethra ?
4) Any other reasons for his persistent pain? I would be grateful for any comments from you.
Thank you!!
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marko19 jetski76
im only 42 with ureheral stricture from road traffic accident. For the past year and a half I’ve had high ecoli In My urine and non stop infections.i would love to hear why this is happening also?.
jetski76 marko19
Hello marko19,
Sorry to hear about your recurrent UTIs. If you don't mind, I have some questions:
1) What reasons does your Urologist give for the constant UTI's?
2) Do you have non-stop penis pain like my father?
Thank you
marko19 jetski76
my urologist says the UTI’S are from not emptying properly due to stricture and the only time I get penis pain is when catheter in or for a few days after taking it out. It very sore when catheter is in as erections are painful and hurt the muscle.
jetski76 marko19
Hello Marko,
Thank you for the reply. Does the Urologist recommend you get a urethral reconstruction?
ladha99 jetski76
However according to my understanding is that infection causes a lot of pain and burn most of the times.
Irritation due to cystoscopy is normal. What I do t understand is why they’re doing so many cystoscopes in a very short period.
His urethra needs to relax from all the irritation he is getting from cystoscopy and he needs fully treated for infection.
Once these two things are taken care of then they figure out if the pain and burning persists or not. If not it was due to constant infection and cystoscopy and I’m not sure if they kept him on catheter or not because that also factors in the pain and burning.
Hope this helps.
Bottom line they need to stop cystoscopy and they need to treat his infection first. I’m sure after that there will be no more pain.
jetski76 ladha99
Thanks a lot for your reply!
Your reply makes sense. He has been treated with several antibiotics for the infection since March 19. Since April 9, he is taking one tablet of Nitrofurantoin for three months. He has been asked to see his Urologist after that. He has not used a catheter for over 5 years. The second cystoscopy was done after 1.5 years after the first.