My fellow dizzy girls...
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came across this info...interesting read...
Migraine disorders are more prevalent among women than men. The ovarian neurosteroids play an important role in this sex difference by modulating neurotransmitter systems involving migraine pathogenesis. During perimenopause, unlike the postmenopausal period, women are under unstable fluctuations of ovarian neurosteroid levels. Such fluctuations might be an important interval-specific trigger for activating migraines. Along with migraine headache, dizziness is one of the most common complaints of perimenopause. A significant portion of this dizziness may be caused by vestibular migraine that has heterogeneous clinical features with dizziness and/or migraine headache. Because of this variation in phenomenology, the symptom of dizziness and vertigo during perimenopause is frequently misclassified as being a nonspecific climacteric symptom or having psychological origin. The recognition of vestibular migraine and its heterogeneous clinical presentations are important to understand, differentiate and correctly diagnose the symptom of dizziness and vertigo during perimenopausal transition. Further, recognition of the steroid influences on migraine genesis will lead to improved treatment regimens for vertigo from migraine.
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Gypsy014 Guest
Hi Gypsy! I cried for the first time last week...Had a 2 day long migraine...then strep throat. The 2nd day, my oldest had to go to his sports practice...I cried and begged my husband to stay home instead so he could look after my youngest. I was so in so much pain and dizzy. I knew it was coming too...earlier that week, I was yawning like crazy, very fatigued. Then after the “ attack” I am left worn out...and my period is coming soon 🙄.
The article did not mention stabilizing hormones. But, it is clear that hormones play a role I have read more into this too...more prevalent in women, onset over 40, worse around menses. You do not even have to be having a migraine to have vertigo. The migraine will clear, but the Vestibular system is still confused. My vertigo is not like room is like I live on a boat. Or if you recorded something while walking and played it would look bouncy. The head pressure is awful too, almost just as bad as an actual migraine. I keep records, I am set offby the barometric pressure and my cycle. If you have a vestibular issue, the weather can definitely affect your iner ear, balance.It makes sense to me! Food, not so much, but I do not drink caffeine or eat msg anyways.
I go back to my dr next week... I am going to spew all my info. He already diagnosed me with BPV. In May, he gave me amitripyline...however, typical me, got fed up after 2 days and tossed it because it gave me a migraine. Well, Vestibular migraines are treated with amitripyline or norotripyline. He may have been going in right direction after all. I am going to ask to go back on it. I have already started tapering off Lexapro. I gave the anxiety theory 3 months on medication...without any dizziness relief. I also believe my fatigue can be explained as my brain working overtime to compensate...almost like when the wheel is spinning on the computer and draining the battery at the same time!
I am supposed to see my new gyno next week too. Was going to ask about going on BCP, but now I am having second thoughts. I will still see her though!
Sorry for the novel...but these headaches and feelings are a b***h. There is some info out there, there is a medical book dedicated to the subject, but it is $80...but the major retailer that starts with “A” ends in “zon”lets you preview a couple of pages....just put in Vestibular migraine under books...I took pictures and I am bringing to my dr. There is also MAV migraine associated vertigo. I’ll keep you up to date after my appointment! Wish me luck! I hope you feel better is raining here and I feel like my brain is being squeezed! 😀
Louise4586 Guest
I take amitriptyline (15mg) at night and it has been really good at stopping the migraines and an added bonus is that I sleep really well and no longer need to get up for the toilet. Start at 5mg for a few days and then go to 10mg. It will make you extremely tired but after a week you get used to it. Takes a good few weeks to see the benefit. Still get headaches but nothing like before.
However, I am still very off balance. I have started the mini pill and that has stopped the ground moving but I still feel weird. 100% sure it’s hormones.
My doctor keeps saying anxiety - I know me, and I know that isn’t it. I have tried citalopram as I was so sick of being told it was anxiety. Horrible drug! Not taking it anymore.
Please keep me posted of any progress - we will beat this!
Louise x
Guest Louise4586
Thanks Louise! I do remember amitripyline giving a me a good nights sleep...the 2 days I was on it 😀. Lexapro helped with migraines a bit, but nothing for the dizziness. Then made the fatigue awful, double whammy. Switched to nighttime, no help. Hence, I am tapering off. Stuck it out 3 months. That’s an SSRI...the amit/norotriptyline are tricyclic...I guess. Still so confused about the BCP. On it for 20 years, went off last year...feeling awful ever since! Can do both I suppose. Hate taking anything too, but if we have better help! 🤗
Gypsy014 Guest
Well i wish you good luck!! And wow to everything you've said... I feel exactly the same, I also don't spin its like walking sideways or on a boat, and when I'm cooking in kitchen and turn to the fridge from sink or stove its like I keep turning , then I stop and say to myself oh dizziness is setting in today, then it escalates for that week right into the migraine, so I do know when migraines are you've cried once I've cried a river ha! Sometimes I feel good after a good cry, but you know Lou I've never been that person its so frustrating I've always been so strong and independent and it feels like this is breaking me and I can't cave to this I won't! Its upsetting and I need to feel right again, tired of feeling so helpless when these symptoms get so bad, I could and I do ( on my good days) get by and push on, but when so severe like these 3 day long migraines, or no stamina, or the pains and dizziness feels like you could just keel over at any moment, that's when I lose it and want my old self back so bad.. Sorry this has turned into a rant, just so done with this all, and I'm right into the thick of my really bad week. Ha can you tell
hope your feeling well today, definitely let me know how the Dr. Visit goes
good luck...
Guest Gypsy014
Thanks! I will. Please, rant on. My post was so wordy because nobody in my life gets it. I told my husband yesterday that I finally think I am on the right track as far as what is wrong with me, He rolled in eyes and said “ oh, what is now....what do you think you have now” and “well, can they fix you”..ugh! Next time, I’ll talk to my dog 🙄
anxiousface Gypsy014
Hello Gypsy sorry I’m so glad to read your post as I feel something is seriously wrong with me but you have discribes exactly how it is for me but without te
he migraine but sinus headaches, well I think they are. When you mentioned the walking sideways and feeling of being on a boat and the bit about turning in your kitchen OMG that’s me too I feel I will fall forward and head but something. I’d not had a bad day today so on my way home from work i called at my local shop for some light bulbs, I was standing at the shelves looking for the right size and all of a sudden my legs went weak, I thought I was going to collapse which sent me sick so I had to get out of there so no light bulbs today. I’m getting so angry of being a menopause victim and this has just knocked me back after feeling so ill for months on end day after day I thought today was a better day. I try not to cry because it gives me a another headache but I could cry a river. Do you ever think why me, I just want my life back that I don’t wake up every morning dreading the day ahead, this is no life it shouldn’t be like this not for so long. I had this in peri in 2012 and now it’s all back. I see my post has turned into a rant too but we only have each to rant to as I don’t know anyone who’d truly understand. I hope you and all the other lovely beautiful supportive ladies on here feel better soon 🤗x
Guest anxiousface
Hi anxiousface...if you are able...go on u. tube... put in, vestibular migraine-tina. I watched this last night and the symptoms are identical to ours. I do not tell many people this because it sounds nutso...but I feel like someone is pulling my brain forward too sometimes...I have inner ear vertigo, but I think along with the migraines, it is now screwing up my balance center. This cannot be just anxiety. 🤗
Louise4586 anxiousface
I saw your post from 5 years ago. Did the off balance feeling clear up and then come back? Please don’t tell me you have suffer this long?
I have suffered on and off for 2 years - since February, it has been really bad. Hoping it doesn’t last too long.
Gypsy014 Guest
Gypsy014 anxiousface
Oh anxiousface please do rant on anytime, this is hard and yes I do find myself saying why me a lot, or ok I've had enough already can I get some relief of this symptom or that symptom for a while, I'm constantly doing that, I think because there is only so much one can take... I've been there plenty of times in the store to go get something and have to turn around and leave! Countless times!! I will say that the actual lighting can set off the dizziness off balance sideways weak in the legs feeling, so if you can and its a store with shopping carts push a cart to lean on for support, and most definitely wear sunglasses in the store and don't take them off they help tremendously!!! And if all else fails I either go to a smaller store, or like you said I just leave and try again later ha what else can we do, its got to get better right??
anxiousface Louise4586
Yes it did clear up after having it on and off for about 2 1/2 years I think. Only reared it’s ugly head in March of this year, then I remember being ok when we went on holiday for 3 days in July ( can only manage to be away from home that long) but it’s back starting with feeling of full ears and tight heavy head and of course I alwsys blame my sinuses but after watching the you tube video that Lou suggested I’m now steering towards migraines as I have so many of the same symptoms Tina has but she is so much worse. I hope too this is just another horrendous menopause symptom just testing me again and it will clear. Hope your feeling better today so far I’m not too bad. Hugs x
anxiousface Gypsy014
anxiousface Guest
Thanks Lou I’ll have a look at that later.
i too keep thinking this can’t all be about anxiety 😩. it’s too late for me I think I went nutso ages ago 😳
speak soon x
Finny2018 Guest
Lou - I am so thankful for you and all of the information that you share! Unfortunately, I think I am starting to have Migraines. I didn't know that's what it was as it's all new to me.
In fact, each time I would see "Migraine" on the list of symptoms, I sailed on by because I wasn't having a throbbing headache; I assumed your head pain would be unbearable. Now I'm learning about aura's, silent migraines, numbness, yada yada. Just when I think I'm getting used to the 50 symptoms I it's a new two or three this week. SO HARD to get used to.
I didn't realize that there are SO many different types; it explains a lot as I'm pretty sure I am experiencing this on a regular basis each month right before my period is due (whether it shows up or not!). I hate to be a Debbie Downer...I can have so many good days and then I get new scary symptoms and it makes me cry (Oh..yeah, I cry like this a day or two around my scheduled period). Keep the info coming, Lou. I am still researching the BCP route.
Guest Finny2018
Hey Finny! You probably already are, but...If you have not already...start a headache diary. Note everything...time, intensity, weather, food...what color socks you wore that day😁. Mine started once my periods went crazy. I am starting BCP tomorrow. Finally spotted a bit after 40 my book that counts. Today...good day...check! 😁
Finny2018 Guest
Lou - thanks for reminding me to keep my daily symptom list going! I have so many symptoms sometimes that I'm just so sick of checking it off the list. I am still so amazed that symptoms come and disappear. It is SO odd to me! Some have not returned but maybe they will again down the road; I hope NOT!
Okay - I am following closely along as you start up on the BCP. I am strongly considering it, Lou.
In fact - I have a new theory!
What if the reason we are in the 20% is because we are NOT on Birth Control?
It would be great to do a survey here to see if some of the women are on the pill, IUD, coil, etc. What if that's a big piece of WHY????
What if there are women - let's say 60% of the women going through meno - that are on some form of contraception and that's why they breeze through or have very little symptoms??? It's because they have a constant stream of hormones during the time towards the end of Peri when it gets wildly crazy with fluctuation?? And then the remaining 20% just breeze through 'cuz they are just the lucky ones???
Guest Finny2018
Finny2018 Guest
Right! That's what I mean....we will never know because we ARE the women in the 20%. I am really fascinated by this thought, though. It make sense to me. IF I was on the hormones would remain at a "more consistent" state then they are now. I've got a strong sense I am going to have to do something vs the natural over the counter stuff.
The thought of having all of these symptoms continue for a year? Or two? OR 5 or 10???
There are women on here who are POST meno and JUST starting with the anxiety, migraines, hot flashes. It just confirms to me that some women don't LOSE all of their hormones at the same time. They lose them enough to stop the periods - but the CRASH (if it ever crashes) is what seems to arrive at different times.
My cousin's period stopped at 48. She is JUST starting to have MAJOR symptoms at 56. I am very tempted to have my mom (age 77) take the saliva test when she visits; I'm not kidding! I'm thinking there is a good chance she has more hormones than me.
Guest Finny2018
You should test your mom! We have to be our own would be interesting! Everything has to be even...the reason why most of us are so symptomatic is the imbalance. Your mom will show little to zero estrogen and progesterone at her age. BUT, that is a balance too if you think about it. 0 plus 0 equals 0! In peri, Our hormones waxing and wanning sends our bodies into stress mode, thus creating anxiety, so on so forth.
In a perfect situation, you may take BcP for a couple years, tolerate them well, calm the symptoms...then at that point go off for a bit, get levels tested, etc and have gone through menopause. Then, wait and see if you need HRT for more help, or creams...depending.
I will never for the life of me understand why I have bad symptoms. I do not smoke, drink, not obese...I am the picture child of good health...I know these women...they post pics on FB of their wonderful adventures...while I suffer.
The only thing in my bloodwork is erratic hormones. Already ruled out my I know there is some evidence staying that Bcp can cause thyroid troubles...that info is mostly from naturopaths though. I personally had one try and prescribe me medication for hypothyroid. After, she failed to convince me I had lyme disease. Both, after their own bloodwork came back normal. Guess she wasn’t in the bio itenticals business. Most endocrinologists and obgyns agree there is no evidence that bcp hurts thyroid function unless you have an underlying thyroid problem.
I think with me, maybe I should have been weaned off bcp instead of abruptly stopping. After all, it is a drug, and my body was used to it. Anyways, live and learn! Gosh, I could go on all day! 😁