My first kidney stone experience.
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Sept.28, 2017 4:30pm. I am at a client's house. I just finished staining the front porch and they invite me in for some iced tea( I drank almost no water the whole day). I slug about three 8oz. glasses in about 30 minutes. Get paid. Go home. Wife is making dinner. I am on the phone with my Mom at 6:30pm. I am having a little twinge of pain in my right flank. I think nothing of it. As a painting contractor, I sometimes deal with minor aches and pains. 20 minutes later I have to get off the phone because the pain is excruciating! I am writhing in pain and can't sit still. My wife takes me to the ER. Medical community in my area is awful. !0 minutes passes and a nurse takes vitals and gets a urine sample. It was the color of coffee!. Says "probably a kidney stone". I spend the next 2 hours in the worst pain I've ever experienced in my mid/upper right back. There's a little girl(age 10-ish) with severe stomach pain waiting to get in also. Meanwhile, a woman with a sprained ankle who came in after me gets seen, treated, and discharged. Guy with a sore shoulder comes in. Gets seen in about half an hour. He goes home. Another woman comes in with a UTI. Seen, treated, goes home. A woman with a "migraine" comes in....seen, treated, goes home. I've seen people with REAL migraines. Tears, pain, and vomiting. This woman was playing on her iphone! This whole time, me and this child are sitting there in extreme pain and discomfort. After 2 hours, my face gets really hot, I feel the stone move, and suddenly all is right in the world (for now). I waited an additional hour to be seen to decide how to proceed. Never happened. After 3 hours, the girl( and her father) gave up and went home. And remember, they were there when I got there! I followed suit. Neither of us were seen. They said they'd call me with my urine results. Never happened. When I called to get them, they said I would have to come back and be seen. I TRIED TO BE SEEN! I see my doctor the next week. CT scan follows. 3mm stone in my bladder. The pain I felt at the ER was probably when the stone left my kidney (It has to travel over a hump). Now it's Oct. 5. Wife and I are supposed to fly out of state for 10 days on Oct. 10th. I'd really like to get this taken care of beforehand! Doctor says the stone is too small for lithotripsy (I'm getting really tired of so-called "healers" not wanting to help me). I chug gallons of water for 3 days. Nothing. So then I think, "maybe it dissolved"??? I decide that I can't stop living my life for something that may not cause me any more grief. So we go on vacation. On day 7 of vacation(Oct. 16, I wake up. Mild pain in lower right side. Strong urge to urinate, but can't go much. Then the pain increased. Hot flashes ensue. Nausea comes on strong. I'm pale white and clammy. Lasts about an hour. Then I'm fine the whole rest of the trip. Still have not passed the stone though. Today, Oct. 23, Have another episode, just like the one on Oct. 16. Still have not passed the stone. Planning to chug lots of water today. I need to get back to work tomorrow. Also have Flomax so will start taking that once I feel I can stomach some food. I will post an update when something happens.
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lakki Assassin1999
Assassin1999 lakki
sarah87162 Assassin1999
Disgraceful that you were not seen. Where do you live?
I have been to A and E several times with pain of kidney stone but have never left until I have been seen and discharged.
I think the pain of kidney stones does come and go so you never know when the pain is going to come back again, you can't really plan anything.
Hope you manage to get some treatment sorted soon.
Take care and keep in touch.
Assassin1999 sarah87162
I live in Oregon, USA. I am due at the urologist in 2 hours today. He is going to remove the stone as it is "retained". It is stuck at the junction where the ureter enters the bladder causing severe pain due to dilation of the ureter. Night before last, I spent 12 hours writhing on the floor trying not to vomit. It was the worst episode so far in 3 weeks. I called my doctor the next day (yesterday) and went to the ER. Spent 6 hours there. They dosed me with Dilaudid (for pain) and Zofran (for nausea). It's the best I've felt in almost a month. My doctor is concerned that it is causing damage to the kidney. The CT scan they did yesterday shows a 4mm stone blocking the junction. Such a tiny thing has the power to take over a person's life!
lakki Assassin1999
hello Friend. can u give ur WhatsApp number if u don't mind..
lakki Assassin1999
hello Friend. can u give ur WhatsApp number if u don't mind.
lakki Assassin1999
hello Friend. can u give ur WhatsApp number if u don't mind.
sarah87162 Assassin1999
Take care and keep in touch.
Sarah xxx
UPDATE! If anyone's interested........I had the stent removed yesterday after a week. So happy to have it out and I feel great! I slept 9 hours last night for the first time in 5 weeks. The actual removal only lasted about 15 seconds, but it was quite unpleasant. It stung and was very uncomfortable, plus there were 2 nurses(1 male, 1 female) pulling it out, and my wife was watching. It was embarrassing. Afterward, I went home and have been chugging water. I wanted to let people know about something I wasn't's kinda nasty, so beware....I have been p*****g out these chunky, jelly-like, mucus things along with a few clots. Stings a little. These no doubt formed around the foreign body(stent). My research tells me that for up to 2-3 days after the removal, a person can experience this along with flank pain( which I also felt in the evening). As always, drink tons of water to flush the system. Another thing I wanted to mention is my blood panel results. They took blood from me about an hour before the operation and all kinds of things were out of whack. Protein in the urine, ketones were high, lymphocytes were low, and more. Doctor said this was all a result of the stone except for 1 thing. My creatnine was a little high. He didn't expect that, but said it may/may not have been because of the stone. Anyway, I go back in a few months to check blood again. At that time, my GFR was 58. A person with 2 fully functioning kidneys has a GFR of about 100. This tells me that my stuck stone was possibly shutting down my kidney. Point is, don't wait! If you don't pass your stone in a week or 2, get it looked at. I waited a month before I saw the urologist. Thankfully my primary doctor called me on the phone, after I left him a message asking for pain meds, and told me not to wait any longer. He was very adamant that I go be seen.