My Hemorrhoidectomy Journey (Part 7)
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Hi everyone!
My name's Michelle and this is part 7 of My Hemorrhoidectomy Journey posts. Please feel free to read parts 1-6 of My Hemorrhoidectomy Journey to see what has led me up to this point, why and how. Any questions or comments is always greatly appreciated - thanks in advance
POD 12:
Tuesday, May 9, 2017.
Today has been an ok day. I spent most of the day in tolerable pain until around 6-7ish pm, had a bowel movement. Of course, afterburn pain began. Rest of the evening was in lots of pain, and I don't recall exactly what time I fell asleep, but I do remember waking up several times during night, but that has been the usual these last several days. I didn't take a pain pill until the late evening hours.
POD 13:
Wednesday, May 10, 2017.
Today was Mother's Day for most of the Hispanic Community, so to all the mamas out there, Feliz Dia de las Madres!
Painwise, today was more painful than yesterday because I had a BM in the morning after kids left to school. The afterburn pain was pretty annoying, but surprisingly not as bad as it usually gets. It eventually calmed a bit down without doing anything to relieve pain. Wow. It came down to tolerable level, then a couple hours later, another bm happened during early evening houra, and that time the afterburn pain was much worse than the afterburn from the day's first bm. From there, painwise, the rest of the evening was a lot like yesterday. Oh well...
On a bright note, husband & kids surprised me with a huge teddy bear & beautiful rose for Mother's Day. Very grateful as this sweet, sweet gesture did lighten up my day quite a bit
POD 14:
Thursday, May 11, 2017.
It has been exactly 2 weeks since surgery day. Today honestly has been one of the worst. One of those days that got me down quite a bit, both physically & emotionally. Made me really wonder if this is really getting better?
I had a BM shortly before noon. The afterburn after that bm was quite unbearable, to the point that I cried and just preferred to sleep it off as much as I could rather than deal with it because NOTHING would relieve the awful burning, throbbing, achy pain. I finally just took a couple of Advil PM around 1pm, and although it took a long time, I eventually did manage to somehow fall asleep around 3pm. The pain didn't let me sleep completely without waking up a couple times every now and then, but I did manage to sleep the rest of the day, and thanks to sleep, was pain free for the most part.
POD 15:
Friday, May 12, 2017.
Today is my 2nd newborn's birthday. Israel is turning 7 yrs old, thank God. Very Blessed to have him - Happy Birthday, Israel!
I'm also glad to say that today doesn't compare to yesterday. I was up since 3:30am. Painwise, do feel a bit better, although there was a point early afternoon that it seemed to be getting bad, but managed to take a short nap (I guess for not having the best night sleep) and when I woke up, pain was tolerable again. Too bad period started today, so now at times it feels like double the bleeding down there. Sorry, tmi...
Thankfully, after kids got home from school, Sister-in-law came by & took kids out for a bit to celebrate his birthday.
I had another bm early evening, and again, terrible afterburn pain, but at least not as bad as yesterday.
POD 16:
Saturday, May 13, 2017.
Pain today was tolerable for most of the day. Can't say the same for the evening part of the day After had bm around 7, felt terrible as usual afterwards. Unfortunately, a lot like Thursday's afterburn pain. My husband suggested cold towels to help cope with pain. Tried it, and yes, it does help quite a bit, but unfortunately, not for long. In addition, I ended up taking 2 hydrocone pills along with stool softener. I finally fell asleep past 1am.
POD 17:
Sunday, May 14, 2017.
Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies out there!
Today has felt like a roller coaster for the most part. Woke up with pain, but not extreme. Shortly after breakfast, had a bm. Awful burning pain didn't delay. Took a tramadol pill along with stool softener and husband gave me a very cold towel to help with pain. It did calm down quite some that I even managed to fall asleep for a couple hours. When I woke up, the bad pain seemed to have come back. At that point, towel was no longer working, and it was too early to take another pain med. So, for the time being just dealt with it. It wasn't tolerable, but wasn't extreme either, walking was too painful, so just tried to distract myself with phone, puzzle book, etc. Thankfully, it eventually calmed down on its own and got to tolerable level again. I doubt I'll have anymore BMs for today, honestly, I hope not because I always dread bms, especially the afterburn part Day is almost over here, already nightfall, so this is the end of POD 17
**On a side note, wanted to explain/specify some things that I didn't really mention above...
I'm always in pain more matter what, whether it be extreme or tolerable, it's always there. When I say tolerable, it doesn't necessarily mean low, lol..just that it's to a point that it's not that bad and I can deal with it. I've even gotten used to it, so it's ok, and will take that anytime over the really bad/extreme levels of pain that usually happen after bms.
I am still walking somewhat like a penguin, lol, and when the pain is really bad/extreme, walking is pretty unbearable which is when I avoid walking or even moving at all. When pain is ok/tolerable level are the times when I do walk around house a bit. My husband is still doing everything for the most part, and prefers that I still don't do anything. I do something every now and then when needed, for example, change our youngest boy's diaper. I also do little things whenever, like pick up some trash, or help wash youngest kids' hands. Unless walking/moving is really painful, I don't like to be completely useless even though my husband prefers I do nothing until I'm completely ok, heheheh. Is possible, he prefers I still spent lots of time in bed. He has been completely supportive and sweet about the whole situation. Has been spoiling me as well. Sometimes I think he is overdoing it. Amazing! So Blessed to have him
My diet for the last several days have consisted mainly of fiber cereals, some jello, chicken soup, chicken with beans and rice, some eggs, fruits & veggies, and lots of water, juice and some soy milk.
I still have rectal bleeding, but mainly when I have the bms. What I have noticed a lot these last several days is an increase in rectal discharge. Seems a lot like mucous. Not sure still how normal this may be.
I am still using baby wipes to clean up after using toilet whether it be pee or poo. After bm, I always wash up down there using hot water. This will either be done by using a water bottle to wash up down there or sometimes I just jump into a hot shower immediately after bm. I still apply hem analgesic cream in hopes that it might do something with pain, but it never really does whatsoever relieve pain, yet I think it helps a tad bit with itching down there because I have had lots of itching in the surgery site for several days now. Another thing that helps a bit with itching are the baby wipes.
Every day I still have 1-2 pain meds of some type, whether it be tramadol, hydrocone, or advil pm, and about 3-4 stool softeners throughout the day. Also, sometimes I get nauseated, and take a meclizine for that and in the mornings, always take levothyroxine for thyroids.
The pain level during bowel movements these last several days have varied. For the most part over the last several days, they have been tolerable. So far, there has not been a pain-free bm since surgery. But there have been many that have been tolerable pain wise. There have also been a few that have been very painful, and there have been some that have been quite intense in addition to pain, therefore leaving me shaken and a bit weakened afterwards. I have bled with each one as well no matter the pain. For most of the bms I've had the last several days, I have had to push either a lot or a little. I know, not good, but during the moment, Idk what else to do when it doesn't come out on its own. Often before and after bm, I tend to feel lots of pressure down there. On a positive note, at least I have no longer gotten constipated like last week so far...or at least I think so. For every bm time, I do my best to get into a Squatting position by using my daughter's old potty which I use to elevate my feet.
As for our upcoming plans, well, we still have tickets for upcoming concert. It's to take place in less than 2wks, on the 26th. I'm really hoping to be well enough to go. It's still too painful to sit on bum, so Idk, but we'll see what happens. We moved the kids' birthday party to June 3rd. Part of it is due to financial reasons, and the other part is to give me more time to heal. That is the official date for their birthday party, clowns have been reserved, and this week will reserve catering and bounce house as well I have followup appt with colorectal surgeon on the 26th as well. Wonder how that will go. And one day before, have school Advising appt, so hoping I'm well enough to attend that appt as well so I am able to continue school later this year.
That's it for now. Will post Part 8 sometime next week. Thank you so much for taking your time to read. Any questions/comments/feedback/tips is always greatly appreciated - thanks in advance. Take care & God Bless
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katpain andrea1988
Michelle, I'm sleepless , it's 2:30 in the am and I'm laying here reading your post with tears in my eyes only because of understanding the part of living with and coping through Unrelenting PAIN. Praying for your healing🙏. What a blessing to have such a caring mate.... bless him!!
I've finally broke through the horror of continued pain. Yes it's always there a bit but nothing that is controlling my every thought! My bathroom habit is ever changing though but I try not to get constipated . My appetite is lousy anymore, I pretty much look at food as medicine trying to be careful of what I eat . I'm thankful the pain has subsided so thankful I could cry. Now I just feel physically exhausted. My job demands a upbeat presence so by the end of the day I just want my bed . I have had waves of nausea too. My colonoscopy is scheduled for the 25th. If they don't find anything I guess my next trip will be to the GYNo , I feel like there is pressure I have been leaking urine a bit too which is concerning. But I will take that over the pain any day that's for sure.
Hoping you have some real relief Michelle this pain has certainly changed me. If it wasn't for my faith and family I know I could t get through the days. Try skipping the pain meds and have a couple glasses of a good red 🍷 prayers for your healing Michelle
andrea1988 katpain
Kat, ur so sweet, thank you so much for well wishes & prayers! Greatly appreciated
And now you're going to make me cry, lol...OMG, tell me about it, sometimes feels like it's never going to end
but you're very right, thanks to faith & family...if not for that, Idk. I recall a lady from another thread on a different site sharing her experience & saying that if she didn't have kids, she prob would have been suicidal. The way she describes her story, OMG, sounds her pain was much much worse than mine! Crazy, huh??
I'm so happy to hear that your pain has subsided! I hope you stay pain free forever which would be nice, huh? I also hope u get much needed answers when you have your colonoscopy done! Please keep me updated on your journey ;-)
I think I will probably take up your advice on skipping pills & drink a bit of wine for once, lol. You know, before today, I honestly thought the worse was over. Boy, was I wrong. This morning I was even in tears again because of going through yet the worse :-(
Oh well, one day at a time for now & no worries, they say it eventually gets better, right?
I'll be posting part 8 soon. Probably tomorrow. Thanks again for your input & for updating me on your journey! Please take it easy & talk to you later, God Bless & take care
kathleen19776 andrea1988
Hi, your blog has been very helpful to me. I have sugery planned for the 31 of may. What did they exactly do. Did they remove the internal and exterior hemorroids by cutting and then putting in stitches? My little guys where to far gone to tie them, so this is what they are going to do to me. It sounds like it is a really painful procedure. I am just getting over a knee replacement which has been very painful and honestly I think I'm going to cancel this operation until the fall. They say two weeks and you're back to normal activities, I guess you can confirm that that's not true.
andrea1988 kathleen19776
Kathleen, hi!
I'm so happy to hear that you have found my posts helpful
My colorectal surgeon cut off the biggest one which was external. The two smaller ones which were from interior, she banded those and they fell off & bled less than a week later.
I'm so sorry about your knee replacement surgery. I truly hope you feel much better now. Another surgery along with another painful recovery is something to think about. Obviously, more bed rest & down time. I would advise you to balance & weigh all the pros & cons before making a final decision. Also, if a hemorrhoidectomy is very necessary for you, and you do decide to reschedule for a later date, please do not keep delaying the procedure because based on what I read from other people experiences [such as someone on this site under the name Hernino] when a hemorrhoidectomy is really necessary and it's delayed, it will eventually become an emergency (not necessarily right away, years may pass), and then you will not have been ready for recovery.
Also, for recovery time, each person is different. But yeah, I guess most people who go through this procedure aren't pain free and ready enough to go back to normal activities within 2 wks of surgery (like me) :-(
But trust me, there are some who amazingly have been able to recover within a couple wks [like someone on this site under the name of Pezz (aka Pete)].
Whether you plan for it to happen on the 31 or in the fall, just please be prepared, be careful what you eat & consider taking at least 4 wks off of work/regular activities. You may very well need more, or you may be well enough in 2-3 wks, who knows, just give yourself much needed time to heal & cope with pain best you can.
It's not going to be easy, but maybe & hopefully your recovery will be much easier than mine. 3 wks today, still not pain free whatsoever, just maybe low pain every now and then until it's time for bm, then afterwards its awful painful hours with walking usually being too painful after bm. Today has been the worse yet that I was even crying. So much to all this. But anyways, I really do wish you the best. Please keep me posted on when you decide to go through this & how it goes.
It's late here now, past 1am, will probably post Part 8 tomorrow. Thanks again for reading my posts & hope to hear from you soon. Hugs & prayers your way, take care & God Bless
Hi everyone!
Just want to let you all know that I have just posted Part 8 of My Hemorrhoidectomy Journey. Please feel free to read & comment - always thanks in advance! Take care and God Bless ;-)