My hemorrhoidectomy recovery
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Hi there, this is my first time posting to a forum of any kind regarding this issue, I have however read countless stories from all different places (over 99% horror stories) in the last couple of years.
This post is to share my personal experience, answer any questions and also to get some feed back from people who have had the procedure done also. Forgive me in advance for the long post but I am trying to be as detailed as possible.
First of all, I am a 33 years old male, 5’6 and 110 lbs. I have suffered from hemorrhoids since my teen years but within the last few years they have seriously affecting my life. I had 2 very large grade 3 internal, 2 external hemorrhoids and an extremely painful anal fissure. I had the 2 internal ones banded in April of last year but it didn’t work.
My surgeon suggested that I do a complete Hemorrhoidectomy of int and ex hemorrhoids along with a sphinterotomy, HOWEVER, I have decided not to do the sphincterotomy because I was afraid of getting incontinence.
DAY 1: I woke up in recovery at 6:00pm in excruciating pain, was given dilaudid thru IV with no relief and again about 15 mins later and then fentanyl about 10 mins after that and then 10mg of oxycodone by mouth, all which didn’t even touch the pain. I was then taken back to my room to get discharged. While waiting for the discharge nurse I decided to try to urinate but only a few drops came out. I then Signed my discharge papers and was wheeled out to my car and my father drove me home. During the car ride home (about 20 mins) the pain was still the same, I got home around 8:00pm, took stool softeners and ran a bath which offered some welcomed relief, repeated the bath about 30 mins later, ate some soup and crackers and took my second dose of 10mg of oxycodone and 1,000mg of Tylenol at 10:00pm. As I am writing this post it is 11:30pm and am in the bath again (3rd Time since I’ve been home). I Also would like to add that I am using extremely hot water because that seems to help better but am wondering if that could be harmful to the surgical area (any input would be greatly appreciated). The pain meds make me really tired but am not able to sleep for more than 15 mins because the pain wakes me up.
All in all so far it is every bit as painful as advertised and i ABSOLUTELY DREAD when I have to have my first bowel movement. I am hoping that this doesn’t become one of those horror stories but so far it has been. But on the bright side, it has only been about 6 hours post op.
I will be updating this frequently so feel free to any questions.
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izak16118 bas84
Hi Bas84 -- I actually just had this Hemorrhoidectomy Surgery on 4/9/21 Friday. I'm 1 week in and its not been easy so to say. I spend most of my time in the tub soaking in hot water / or sitz bath. I've ran out of my week supply for muscle spasm / pain medicine , so doctor will not prescribe anything but OTC Advil/Tylenol and I've just got this cream called Recticare. It helps but Bowel Movements are the worst part of my days. The wound beside my anus hole seems it will take awhile to heal. I think this is the area where the Internal Hemorrhoid was removed. In the mirror when I clean myself it looks like a grape hole if you ask me, flesh wound. So when you pass a bowel movement it stings because stool is passing near that wound. I wish I could give more advice but as I'm new to this to, it seems we are in the same boat. I also just wrote a topic about this called " Hemorrhoidectomy Recovery 1st Week" feel free to post on there as well. I hope this finds you in GREAT SPIRITS. Take Care!
mel68701 bas84
hi...i had my hem surgery on 21 apr 2021. My initial problem was a hem that would come out of the anus but was able to massage it back into place. It would cause me problems during exercise and interfered with my daily activities.
So far recovery has been rough. It feels good on one day day terrible the next. just when you thought you were recovering it takes two steps back.
Now, I am lying in bed at 8am typing this as I am unable to sleep after witnessing a large pool of blood after BM. The most I have seen since the op. Kinda scares me. Bleeding from BM seems progressively worse in my case.
Not much of pain during the BM itself but its 1 min into the BM where the pain really hits...had to go straight to the shower and use warm water to sooth the pain.
by the way i can feel a lump still as if the hem was never removed. it is painful and swollen. Is This normal?
Gonna have my review on the 4th May. will try to keep you guys posted. Hope we can cheer each other on especially during this pandemic.
JCW1980 bas84
I am 6 days post op (rectocele & hemorrhoidectomy -3 external and a skin tag from child birth, 5/6). Surprisingly my pain been very minimal. I have been alternating Tylenol & Ibuprofen every 3 or so hrs. I have also been taking Smooth Lax in my coffee, drinking tons of water and taking 3 Colace per day. I was given Oxycodone for pain also but I haven't really needed to take them and when I did, it didn't help at all. I've eaten nothing but fiber filled foods (literally just ate a bowl of seasoned cabbage) and finally I had my first bm on Sunday. It was quite smooth & not very painful, thankfully. Sitz baths or warm showers are helpful after bms and the biggest comfort I have found (to ease pain) is to keep a rolled piece of gauze in my crack. The one night I did not do this the pain was excruciating! Reading these posts a few days ago (before my 1st bm) gave me nightmares, but there is hope! I think as long as you stick to solid recovery plan, you'll feel okay. Don't lie around! I was up walking around the day of my operation b/c it felt better to stand than to sit. I think that may have contributed to my healing processes being less painful.
kimberly61860 bas84
Edited 6 days past a hemorrhoidectomy. the first 48 hours were intense. i have never felt that much pain and got such little sleep. Now i have pain after bowel movements...can anyone tell me how long this intense pain will last? im eating a high fiber diet and taking mineral oil but the pain is still unbearable!!
g84554 bas84
Hello fellow hemorrhoid sufferers,
32yo with grade 3 internal hemorrhoids since my middle school years (thank you, genetics). They unfortunately became borderline grade 4, so I had a THD hemorrhoid procedure 5/20/21. Disclaimer: THD recovery time is shorter than the traditional hemorrhoidectomy. If you're on the fence about getting your hemorrhoids taken care of because of recovery time like I was, ask your doctor if it may work for you. How it works (not medical, please talk to your doctor): under general anesthesia, the surgeon uses ultrasound to find the artery that is feeding blood to the hemorrhoid. She/he will tie off the blood vessel, and the blood is allowed to drain through the vein system. The surgeon then sutures the extra tissue from the hemorrhoid to the wall of the rectum in the anatomic position (this is called a mucopexy), which will scar down. Sutures are absorbale. No cuts, ergo faster recovery time.
Complications like thrombosis can occur, and this procedure does not work on external hemorrhoids. Since I don't have external hemorrhoids, I figured this would be a great fit. Post op days 1-3 were great, but I did not have a bowel movement until post-op day 4 despite lots of stool softeners, high fiber diet, and 2L of water per day. Unfortunately got constipated from the anesthesia most likely (I was not taking opiates) and developed a fecal impaction. Now there is something I never want to do again: manual disimpaction. Invest in some gloves. The increased pressure/post-op inflammation also caused new external hemorrhoids that I had to reduce (omg the whole point of getting this surgery was to not have to reduce anything!!!) as well as many thrombosed hemorrhoids. My surgeon took a look and assured me that this can happen post op, and they will go away.
The constant, nagging pain set in post op days 4-9. Could only get 2-4 hours of sleep at a time. Lived in the bathtub. Questioned my purpose and meaning in life on multiple occasions. The only thing that helped was jumping up and down or pacing. Also, my bowels opened up post disimpaction, and going 6-7 times/day then having to reduce the mass of my mortal enemy after each bowel movement was hell. Dante was wrong when he wrote that Lucifer gnawing on heads was the 9th circle of hell, it should be any procedure involving hemorrhoids. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
Well, maybe not all hope. Today is post-op day 11, and I'm happy to tell you things will get better! I still have about 3-4 hours of pain after a bowel movement. The mass I have to reduce is getting smaller, and the thrombosed hemorrhoids are falling out or are being resorbed. Hopefully this will continue to improve and I won't have to reduce anything in the future.
Things I recommend:
Have regular soft bowel movements before surgery to prevent constipation that might come from anesthesia. Start the week before and ramp up on fiber and water. Your stool should be soft serve consistency (no more fro yo for me this summer-I don't think I can look at it the same every again). I was still having hard stools the day before surgery, and although the enemas cleaned me out, the stool above was still hard. This was terrible. Day before surgery: clear liquids only per my surgeon. It will make things easier on you post op.
Freeze some hot dogs individually. Ice packs do not conform to your bum, but a hot dog should hit the target area nicely and is not hard. Others have suggested freezing water in a condom or water in plastic gloves, but I found the hot dog to be the most comfortable. Do this ahead of time so you're ready post op.
Try to stay off the opiates. I was given 12 tabs of oxycodone 5mg and maybe used 5 total so far. Alternate tylenol and ibuprofen and set a timer, even if it means getting up at night. Also, topical lidocaine is great. It has been starting to burn a little now though, so I have switched to regular old vaseline to the bung hole after a bath. It seems to cut down on the overall burning sensation. Again, I have no open wounds. If you had external hemorrhoids excised, please ask your surgeon before applying any type of cream to the area because it might screw up the natural healing process.
Baths are your friend. I make it as scalding hot as I can stand. Instant relief. My husband got me a rubber ducky to soak with because I was so miserable. It made me smile.
No one is going to be able to predict what the best stool softener regimen will be for you, so figure it out beforehand (see suggestion 1). Turns out miralax hates me more than I hate it, but the combination of benefiber 3x per day with 2L water and 1 colace every other day sends me to the toilet once per day with soft stools (no diarrhea, no rocks. Win!). There are a lot of different regimens out there, so check with your doctor first, then actually try them. That way you know what works best for you before the pain comes.
It will get better. The first week was full of tears and blood and cold sweat with every bowel movement, but the light is there. My surgeon told me the first 2 weeks after THD procedures are the literal worst. Hope this is helpful!
MackClark bas84
I am 28 years old, mom to a 6 year old and I would say pretty healthy ...other than dealing with hemorrhoids since I was 17. We are talking from the bleeding, uncomfortable to sit, external &internal (2-3 on colonoscopy-I have had two colonoscopies in the last 4 years), from crying, to days of no bowel movements with suppositories', laxatives etc.. even depression from this crap because I feel it limits me. I have tried dieting, changing lifestyle, (EVERYTHING we ALL try and then some). I also feel it is affecting my intimacy because the pain I have with my butt, I don't even want anything close to it (if you catch my drift).
A week ago I had to take 2 days off work because I had a thrombosed hemorrhoid and was also bleeding through my scrubs at work from a fissure. I could barely sit down and it was terrible. I saw the trauma surgeon who specializes in these, and he scheduled me for a hemorrhoidectomy. He plans on taking out the two trouble makers that have caused me pain for years.
Now reading these Forums have me scared to death. I know I NEED this procedure because I really have tried all other methods but my God.... Ya'll have me wanting to live in pain the rest of my life than to face the weeks of the procedure post op pain LOL HELP I am scheduled for 06-03-21
loren49232 MackClark
How it go for you, post-op?
say42209 MackClark
Did you go? I went on the 17th. It wasn't bad until the constipation kicked in. Hope you are well.
say42209 bas84
I'm 1 week post op. Why is it that they prescribe Oxycodone when it causes constipation?
I've been having such pain when passing stool to the point it literally takes the wind out of me and I need to lie down afterward. Surgery was successful overall but the post instructions have not been as clear. I was told to go back to regular diet. I also read to ease back. I'm unsure what's best. I'm drinking tea water, sitz bath has been the MVP. I'm trying to up my veggies but also started a prebiotic to get my gut in order. Thank you for sharing your experience. It really is different for each person. I'm trying to rest and take it slow and hoping I'll be half way there in another full week.
terry67463 say42209
I am on a similar timeline as you. Had surgery first thing on Monday morning. Thought I may have gotten over the hardest part with manageable pain and discomfort from the Exparel shot they gave me, but woke up today (Day 6 if you count surgery day) needing help getting of bed and having to stay horizontal (which I later realized was because I had to have a BM. The burning started early yesterday, up until then I mostly felt general surgery pain that could be kept at bay with non narcotics meds (Keterolac). Until I had a BM on Wed, I was definitely miserable from the pressure and constantly trying to go, but I didn't experience the sharp pains like I do now thanks to the Exparel.
Using a sitz bath for BMs and then sitting in the tub or cleaning off in the shower is amazing, but it's draining because of how frequently I have to go through this time consuming routine. Have you tried to poop in hot water to easy the pain? I also find it helps to just relax into it slowly but keep myself from clenching..once that intial painful shock is over it feels much better (while in the water), but if I get scared and clench, I have to start all over with the pain.
I still feel really lucky with the pain, despite having to bite and scream into a washcloth to help me get through my last BM (screaming helps distract me from the pain, I wasn't screaming from the pain. the pain level audio is more like a loud moan and tearless sob). I have been able to clear some emails, read a few chapters of a book, and able to keep up with light duty daily tasks like showers, family meals, and room cleanups.
Just really hoping I don't keep getting worse.
chaz34197 bas84
ok so here's my story so far.
36 male, 4 internal grade 4 hems. worst surgeon had ever seen. associated skin tags x 4 on outside.
day1 had surgery and woke up feeling fine. no pain. shaking from anisthetic
trolleyed back to my room, asked to stay in the night as was starting to feel throbbing. was given oramorph and ibuprofen
woke up through the night every few hours. pain 5/10
day 2)
had to be catheterised as still no wee post op. that hurt more than the operation site.
asked to stay in hospital as was able to keep access to oramorph if i needed it. pain 4/10
day 3) went home with catheter in. the catheter was more annoying than the operation site
spasms came and went maybe 20 all day and 7/10 pain when they happened. 3/10 when they werent
day4) first attempt at bowel movement . pain 9/10. passed a nugget
rest of day pain 2/10
day 5) 2nd attempt at bowel movement pain 9/10 but rest of day 1/10. catheter a real uncomfortable annoyance now
day 6) back to hospital. catheter out. pain 7/10 when removed. went home could wee and did massive BM with pain 4/10.
i now feel amazing. pain 0/10, empty bowels , empty bladder. comfortable feet up in bed. no hems when wiping bum. if youve read horror stories...remember everyone is different. i had the worst hems the surgeon had ever seen and am fine on day 6. way more healing to go but comfortable.
lee26768 chaz34197
This gives me hope I'm in completely same boat with catheter and no bm on day 4!
aliceabbie1993 bas84
i had a haemarroidectomy and skin tag removal 5th may 2021
i am currently on week 9 of total and complete agony!
i have been pushed from pillar to post continous bleeding and excruciating pain every time i go to the toilet!
i have had three lots of antibitotics numbing gels channel blockers movicol i am currently on oramorph which is liquid oral morphine as nothing works. the latest consultant says its going to take time but this jusy does not seem to be going away or getting better. if anyone can shed me some faith or light or something to try to get me out of this hell!
if your thinking of getting it done dont!
terry67463 aliceabbie1993
Is the morphine causing constipation? I only felt/feel increased pain when my bowels are not completely empty (and I never took a narcotic). I have been keeping up with laxatives and stool softeners so I go after every meal at least. I have tried different combinations of laxatives and stool softeners and the wrong combos have resulted in moderate to severe pain from pressure build up and during BMs. I am sure you have tried everything at this point, but I exclusively poop in warm sitz has saved me from agony. Many of the forums talk about the water bowel movements as a move to be used in desperation, but they are part of my normal routine. Even as BMs without are becoming less painful, they are so much better with warm water.
bravo62076 bas84
I had my hemorrhoidectomy 2 days ago. I have a massive pain when having a BM. But day by day it's getting better. I feel my anus hole has become some tight. And also when I have a BM it is something like wet sponge is coming out from anus but it strucks at the anus hole because of stiches. Maybe it strucks my stools. Is it a common problem for all who has done this surgery ? I am so depressed and I think I would have another surgery. Please comment your ideas.
terry67463 bravo62076
The stitches do make things tighter. it's best to not strain. If your bowel movements are not coming out easily, it may help to take more laxatives and drink a ton of water Seriously, laxatives are your friend and straining is the enemy.
I took miralax twice a day and took three senna plus a day to get things moving and then started cutting back to find better maintenance dose. This really helps keep things soft. As your swelling goes down, it will get easier to pass BMs. Ice your butt and don't be ashamed of pooping in warm water sitz baths, it helps relax your muscles.
Good luck!
arj2021 terry67463
I have surgery scheduled for the first week in August, for grade 3.
School starts for my teens in August, as well.
In September we have what is called "Senior" night, where the parents of senior football and band walk their senior out onto the field during the half time, to be recognized. This is a big deal and obviously a 1x only thing. Also, i want be able to sit in the stands and watch my teens last year of playing.
Should I place my surgery in July or next summer, so i can enjoy these Fall activities with him? The football season starts 4 weeks to the day after my surgery.
Also, does anyone have any advise on keeping hemorrhoids (thrombosed) from serious flare ups and healing of a fissure?
Thank you for any inputs.
That should say, "place my surgery in January", not July