My horrible periods keep me in bed for up to 3 days, needing advice!
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I just turned 18 this month, I've had periods since I was 11. They have always been horrible.. Extreme pain, severe nausea, diarrhea... I've taken multiple kinds of pain medication and the only thing that somewhat helps a little bit is Aleve.. My periods keep me in bed for up to 3 days... Aside from it being so painful, it also gets in the way of so many other things. I'm a musician so I have to turn down good paying gigs because of it, I also don't know how I'm going to be able to get a job because most places only allow 12 sick days per year and I'm needing to get a job soon.. I've been to 4 different doctors and nurse practitioners and none of them have done or said anything to help me. One of them prescribed me nausea meds but they didn't work.. I feel so helpless at times because it seems like there's nothing I can do about it.. If there is anything anyone could tell me that would help, please do.
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jenny19687 pj001
Hi. Sorry you are having a hard time.
Have you checked your iron levels? Lots of women are anaemic or have iron deficiency anaemia,
You may also wish to rule out endometriosis which can cause bad periods although invasive for conclusive diagnosis.
Lastly birth control might help, please weigh up risks and benefits and discuss with a doctor.
Hope this helps.
pj001 jenny19687
I'll definitely get those checked, thanks. Doctors have told me not to take birth control due to a heart issue I have.
kim12266 pj001
i was in the same situation in my 20s i went onto the pill it really helped less painful and alot lighter sometimes didnt have a period at all i did go for a pelvic ultrasound first to see if was any underlying cause they found nothing and put it down to painful periods
pj001 kim12266
Maybe I should get the ultrasound done then.. Doctors say I can't take birth control due to a heart issue I have.
moon53540 pj001
Do you take the Aleve before the period starts? I was told if you take it as soon as you start to feel the pain before the period starts and then right through to the end of the period, it lightens your period and makes it a bit less painful. I think it does work for me if I remember to do that.
Like Jenny said it could be endometriosis or it could be polycystic ovarian syndrome, or maybe even both. Ask to get your hormone levels tested and ask about getting some ultrasounds done.
Try and avoid sugar, caffeine and alcohol around your periods, this is usually the time you crave it the most, but it can make symptoms worse.
pj001 moon53540
I was told to try taking aleve 2 or 3 days before it starts but it always seems to put my period off. I usually don't start hurting until a few hours after I start my period but I take it as soon as I know it has started. I will definitely ask about ultrasounds. I hardly ever consume anything with caffeine in it but I try to avoid it around the time of my period and I don't drink alcohol... now sugar is a different story lol, but I will try to work on that, thanks.
always_somethin pj001
That is a bummer about not being able to take birth control, as that would definitely help all of the problems you mentioned. progestin only birth control might work for you. skyla is progestin only and an iud. id try that route.
pj001 always_somethin
Ok, thanks for the suggestion