My HSV 1/2 IgM and IgG Results

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I had an unprocted sex with a girl severally within a month around August 2019. I started having flu, fever, sore throat, stiff and burning neck pain 4weeks later, no vesible signs. Around late October I noticed lesions that were difficult to differentiate between ingrown hairs and that of herpes. My Doctor told me they were folliculitis but my mind wasn't at rest. Middle of February 2020 I noticed blisters with clear fluids on the other side of my scrotum, then I was convinced those were herpes blisters, they had ruptured and crusted with 7days. Not before they could heal properly well another but very aggressive blisters emanated from another site (penile shaft), about 9 of them. They blisters were big. Then I was noticing this severe burning sensation within my inner thighs looking like chaffing but not it, they were so severe that I sweat and could barely walk around in my house. When i went back to my doctor with the blisters, there he confirmed they were herpes. He bursted them open and they oozed out clear fluids. He dispensed Valtrex and they healed within 10days leaving scars on my penile shaft. 2weeks ago I went for total STD tests including Syphilis, HIV 1/2, Gonorrhea, Chlymidia, Yeast, Herpes 1/2 IgG and IgM, including other culture tests. All came back NEGATIVE including Herpes 1/2 IgM but Herpes 1/2 IgG came back positive today with a high index of 18.26

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    1. What does the high index means. I already know it is positive. The lab couldn't tell me whether it is HSV 1 or 2
    2. I am 27+ years (male), I plan getting married next year. With this, is it the end of me getting married? Or is there any hope for me?
    3. I have read online where it is said one must wear condoms at all times if you have HSV to avoid transmitting it to your partner. This means no babies.

    Please I need opinions, especially from women. Guys are welcome too. Thanks!

    • Posted

      High index doesnt mean anything. I asked my doctor this plenty of time. It just means its positive. And thats odd they couldnt tell you the type. Get tested somewhere else so you know the type.

    • Posted

      Life is not over just let your partner know and give them the choice that was never given to you. The girl knowingly infected you. Dont do it to others. You will find someone who will accept you or probably even have herpes too. Life will go on.

    • Posted

      Valtrex and Acyclovir causes neutropenia (low neutrophil counts) that will predispose one to further infections. I dont want to be taking these medications whenever I have an OB. How long will it take to heal if I didn't take any of these meds? Like I had another OB yesterday after the former one on 1st March.

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    i think i might have hsv2 but i am still unsure! can you please help me! were the lesions itchy or did they hurt?

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      Now it does not hurt nor itch. But it did when I had my first OB

  • Posted

    i think i might have hsv2 but i am still unsure! can you please help me! were the lesions itchy or did they hurt?

  • Posted

    i think i might have hsv2 but i am still unsure! can you please help me! were the lesions itchy or did they hurt?

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      I just had what looked like a tiny pimple and redness in an area about the size of a dime on the shaft of my penis. my doctor thought it might be herpes and gave me some medicine and ordered igg and igm tests. I came back positive for igm and negative for igg (recently contracted) I never had a sore pop, the discomfort was actually very mild and felt like it was just badly chafed but I've heard horror stories from others. I'd go to a doctor right away, as they can provide diagnosis, and can also provide medicine.

  • Posted

    Thank you dear! I really appreciate. Its well

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