My husband fainted after peeing then I think he had seizure??

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My husband has been fainting after peeing at night, he’s 40 years old and generally in good health.  It happened a few years ago when he had a bad toothache (I personally linked it as it seemed to stop happening after he had the tooth out although this could merely be a coincidence) and he had brains scans etc and was diagnosed as having a condition usually inherent to older men where the blood pressure is too low at night and the urination causes a faint.  He was told that all he could do was sit down when he pees and be careful.

Well last night (4 years later) it happened again. He had a case of minor food poisoning (not from my cooking! biggrin and went to the loo in the middle of the night. I was woken up by a huge crash and found him on the floor unconscious.

The reason I am asking for advice on this matter is that I think the fainting is accompanied by a seizure afterwards and I can’t find anything online which says this can be a thing.

This is pretty much what has happened each time he has ‘fainted’:

So he’s unconscious, I’m not sure if he’s breathing, I put him into recovery position, and gently rock to try and rouse him. He has blood dripping from his mouth like he’s bitten his tongue, he then starts making a noise like he’s struggling to breathe almost like snoring and his tongue is vibrating in his mouth, I know they say not to but I gently poke my finger into the side of his mouth to kind of break the seal of the tongue, then he starts to come round, but his eyes are wide and unseeing and he jerks his hands and feet for at least 30 seconds, definitely like tonic clonic movements I would say and he us usually wets himself but this time he pooed himself too (probably due to the diarrhoea?), he is then completely confused and tried to get up (the first time I didn’t stop him and he went running like bambi and fell again), but I gently stop him from doing so until i can help him to the bed.  He will be really tired and have huge headache afterwards and also burst lots of blood vessels in his face.  

I can’t get him To go back to the doc since as far as he is concerned it’s diagnosed,  but he obviously doesn’t see or remember anything that I see/go through when it happens.  To me it seems like it could be something more serious especially when I can’t find anything comparable online.

Any advice?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    He maybe knocked his head when he fell. But otherwise this is, according to my gastroenterologist - quite a common occurrence and vasovagal attack or orthostatic hypotension as the blood pressure drops dramatically when some men pee.

    He needs to just be much more careful getting up to go for a pee and go to toilet slowly - not leave it until he’s bursting. 

    And you are right he  really should go and see his GP though in case it’s secondary to diabetes or epilepsy or some kind of  metabolic disorder.

    Also he should get his head checked out as bathrooms tend to have lots of hard edges and aren’t good places to faint. 

    • Posted

      Hi thanks for your reply smile

      I was thinking it could be a reaction to the blow to the head making his wake up a bit more severe than described by medical sites etc, most people seem to have the faint alone, I haven’t seen many observers’ reviews which has me questioning whether his is similar  to other sufferers or not.

      I thjnk I will definitely try and get him to go back to the docs and put my mind at ease a bit....

  • Posted

    I am so sorry for what you are going through. I don't have his symptoms but I would definitely seek medical attention for him.I am praying for you.

  • Posted


    My family members have witnessed my many “fainting” episodes. They tell me it looks like I am having a seizure. After Dr had me do a tilt table test he told me when I fainted my heart would stop and my body tensed & jerked, eyes roll back in my head, I mimics seizure activity. Dr said this is typical of anyone’s heart stopping ( even for a few seconds). It’s a lot for a body to go through. After my episodes I get terrible migraines & feel awful for 24 hrs. Very tired. What I have is vascular syncope from having very low blood pressure. Still getting testing done to try to stop the fainting. Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      These are psuedoseizures. Have you tried going to a doctor who uses supplements to treat this?

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