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My journey through LS

I was diagnosed with LS about 2 and a half years ago. I was scared, horrified and couldn't believe what was going on "down there" and what I saw when I examined myself with the magnifying mirror for the first time. My vulva area was ulcerated and raw, the mucous membrane all over was full of white spots, my labia minora were white and dry and chapped and with hard skin, my clit was hidden by a thick white hood and I had lost definition through fusing of everything and the vaginal entrance was very small. The skin in these areas was very thin, and the entire area was very pale, thin and lifeless. The LS was in a figure 8 and had also affect the anal area as well. A few days before this I started feeling a rough hard area during showering and it became incredibly itchy. I thought it was thrush and so treated it with thrush cream which eased the itch. The GP told me it was LS and simply prescribed some steroid cream and sent me on my way. I saw a gynae who also just told me to use the steroid cream and come back for a regular annual visit. I felt as if I was leper as no one wanted to know or help me with my problem and they weren’t very interested at all. I was desperate. The doctor admitted that she didn't want to talk about it because she really did not know much about it.

I began researching as I realised that I had to help myself to recover and beat this thing. The more I researched I realised that my body was lacking certain vitamins, minerals and trace elements for it to function properly. I also found an Holistic Medical Health Practitioner who I consulted along with his referred gynae who worked hand in hand to help me. I have reversed 95% of the labial fusing, my vaginal entrance and vulva area are looking very healthy and my clitoral hood is soft and pink and very healthy looking and I have no white spots, or shiny white membrane, no pain or itching. Everything is looking a lovely pinky, healthy and like new!

The regular steps I take to maintain myself are:

1.Refer to Nancy-K-B's blogs regarding Vitamins and Minerals and trace element supplement and also her detoxing of the body. I researched and found similar articles and discovered that, as soon as I started taking those listed, my body started healing. I also take a spoon of Brewer's Yeast powder everyday with my food. It’s a rich natural source of VitaminB’s.

2.Emuaid First Aid Ointment "Modern Homeopathic Medicine" is the most wonderful ointment - thank God I discovered this. Initially I used it every morning, every evening and everytime I went to the toilet. I apply it with the tip of a cotton bud (so go through heaps of cotton buds as you only ever dip the tip in the jar once so the ointment remains sterile). I like to use the cotton buds that have a paddle shape the one end and a pointy tip on the other end. Emuaid is very effective for treating Bacterial Vaginosis, Lichen Sclerosis, Lichen Nitidus, Lichen Planus and numerous other problems. It works, and works quickly to relieve symptoms and to heal. Once my ulcers had closed and healed along with the other areas I slowly and gradually with the pointy cotton bud tip started to apply pressure to regain my contouring and unfuse the labial skin and gradually stretched the cliteral hood skin. I spend a lot of time rubbing the Emuaid in to the entire area so it can soak deep into the skin layers to allow healing.As the areas healed I continued with the pointy end of the cotton bud applying pressure to stretch and infuse the skin. It all looks great now.

3.I use Eleuphrat 0.05% ointment (steroid) after applying the Emuaid - it mixes well with the Emuaid ointment which I believe helps it to penetrate deeper into the dermal layers of the affected areas. This steroid ointment is very strong and quite horrid so I only use a very small amount morning and night. Initially the gynae instructed me to use it morning and night for I would say at lease about the first 9 months. Now I only use the steroid ointment about 2 or 3 nights a week. I only wear cotton underwear. I wear the cotton undies at night also as I figured that the warmth will assist the ointments to penetrate deeper into the dermal layers.

4.I am 63 years old so am post menopausal. I also had vaginal atrophy. I was prescribed Ovestin hormonal cream to apply 3 times a week - so I use it Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights. When I use this cream I use Eleuphrat 0.05% cream as it mixes well with the Ovestin. I allow the Emuaid to soak in for a while first before using the Ovestin and Eleuphrat cream. I also apply some Ovestin and the Eleuphrat cream on the outer areas of the vagina, labia, cliteros, hood, the anus, and the area between the anus and vulva.

5.The opening to my vagina had become very small. As the skin areas healed and softened with the Eumaid and Eleuphrat I started gently to stretch it to dilate it. I used various size keggels - firstly starting with the smallest size and as the skin stretched I used larger sized keggels. I also do vaginal exercises with the keggels to strengthen the vaginal wall and also pelvic floor. It is important also that the hormones and blood flow reach these areas to keep them healthy, as it would at the time of climaxing. Orgasms are an important part of women’s vaginal health maintenance.

  1. I find that with the anal area I get better results by using DermAid Soft 1% cream when required. The Eleuphrat seems to be too strong for it. The opening to the anus became deformed with weird looking things that look like long skin tags - I had these removed as they were uncomfortable and it was hard to clean myself. I also ensure that I don’t get constipated so drink plenty of water each day and from time to time take a few drops of Dulcolax at night to ensure that my motions are soft so I don’t have to strain or tear.

  2. I do not eat sugar at all, any type of flour, wheat, cereals, dairy, minimal alcohol. I eat mainly fish, red meat (minimal), chicken, quinoa, steam vegetables or fresh vegetables and salads, coconut yogurt, coconut or almond milk and a variety of berries. This means I have 3 properly balanced meals a day with seeds / nuts in between as snacks. So basically no processed foods. I add a little apple cider vinegar in my drinking water also.

  3. I found a doctor who specializes in woman’s problems and also in dermatology, which is great because he covers both areas of LS and I have a “one stop shop”, which is wonderful, as he understands this condition well. I have had the Mona Lisa Touch treatment and found it beneficial especially for post menopausal women as it promotes rejuvenation of the vagina walls. When I go for my next annual treatment he will also work on the areas of that were/are affected by LS as this promotes rejuvenation.

  4. If I follow the lifestyle I have set out above , I am able to live a relatively symptom free lifestyle. I am able to enjoy pain free sex as long as I use a water based lubricant.

  5. It is not worth deviating from this permanent lifestyle change as the symptoms of LS will return.

  6. Exercise is also an important factor. I stay active by doing reformer Pilates, running on the treadmill and doing weights and also swim on a regular basis.

I hope I have been able to help you by sharing my experience of this LS journey with you and wish you well with your road to recovery. It is possible with determination and persistence. Good Luck.

Sent from Fiona's iPhone

3 likes, 18 replies

18 Replies

  • Edited

    Hi Fiona, Thank you so much for such an interesting and helpful post. I was following a regimental routine with diet and maintenance and since the covid 19 outbreak my stress levels have rocketed and my diet very poor again. Boy have I come down with a bump!! I have flared everywhere and figure 8 sore beyond belief.

    Your post has inspired me to reset myself again. I am going to read the blogs and get back on track.

    Thank you again for taking the time to share this xx


  • Edited

    WOW, Fiona!

    What a fabulous report. I am definitely better from following the nutritional protocol I researched. But my architecture as they say is not the same. Just recently I took a good look down there after a long time and am not so happy with it all though there is no pain. I'm 74 and haven't had a partner in years. so I really haven't taken care of vagina health as I might. You inspire me! but my goodness that is really a lot of work.

    I've heard of others using Emu Aid ointment but never tried it though I do use some of the ingredients in it like castor oil and tee tree oil and vitamin E . Thanks for such a wonderfully complete write up, Fiona.

    • Posted

      Hi Nancy - I'm pleased I found this forum and glad that I can share and help others through my own experience.

      Nancy, I read your blog where you talked about what you used to cleanse the toxins from your body. I'm very interested to use your method myself so I can do it on a regular six monthly or annual basis. Mine was done by boiling up herbs, barks, leaves etc. prescribed to me by my Holistic Medical Health Practitioner. Please direct me to the location on this site where I can find it.

      It's important to do regular examination of the area (with magnifying mirror) and to still use the steroid ointment at least once a week even if you have healed and your symptoms have subsided to still control it. During research it was interesting to note that a high percentage of older women in Aged Care facilities or nursing homes also suffer from this condition.

      Looking forward to finding your information regarding detox.

      Have a great day.

  • Posted

    wow - what an insight into your journey....what country do u live in as I am in the US and some of the products I am not familiar with?

    • Posted

      Hi Vickie - I live in Brisbane, Australia. I order the Emuaid through Speer Laboratories in the USA. If you google Emuaid you can read all about this product and also the reviews. It is the most amazing stuff and thank God for it. It most certainly does work and relieves your symptoms very quickly and promotes progressive healing.

      Eleuphrat is Bethamethasone Dipropionate equiv. Bethamethasone 0.5mg (Steroid Ointment) - you also get it in a cream form. It is manufactured in Australia

      Ovestin Cream - Estirol 1mg/g / Antimicrobial agent is chlorhexidine hydrochloride 0.1mg/g also manufactured in Australia

      DermAid Soft 1% cream - Hydrocortisone 1% w/w Gentle formula for sensitive skin

    • Posted

      it is no surprise that from country to country products differ...what u r using that u say works so well for u - r they prescribed by a doctor OR over the counter? TX,,

    • Posted

      Hi Vickie - the DermAid 1% for gentle skin Cream is over the counter; Emuaid is a homeopathic ointment and the Eleuphrat ointment (steroid) ; Ovestin (hormone cream) and Livial HRT are prescribed. I also take certain vitamin and mineral supplements and various oils. See my extensive blog titked "My Journey Through LS" and also an extensive blog by Nancy -C-K.

  • Posted

    Hi Christine - sorry that you have flared up again. Stress is the cause of so many health problems. I also find that it will flare up if I deviate from particular lifestyle. . During times of stress one's whole routine and sleep patterns are disrupted. This Covid19 turned the world upside down and all our lives so quickly. Hopefully our respective Governments will gain control soon.

  • Posted

    I went to a gyn who specializes in Mona lisa for Lichen Schlerosis. She told me I should not use any steroid creams and that the lichen will go away with the laser. Did you do the mona Lisa for atrophy only or was it for LS as well? If it was for LS did it help?

  • Posted

    Hi Pierad

    I started with the Mona Lisa Touch treatment (which is a type of laser treatment) last year which is a laser treatment for the vagina and genital area. It rejuvinates the vaginal wall and membrane and the body lays down new capillaries which also thickens the vaginal membrane. This helps reverses the affects of menopause and ageing down there and makes the vaginal wall and membrane plump and moist again with greater blood flow to that area. My doctor also worked on the lower surface of the uretha with a different laser attachment and did a bit of work at the entrance to the vagina / vulva. I most definitely noticed the difference. The initial treatment involves a series of 3 to 4 treatments and then you go for a top up treatment on an annual basis. I was due to return for my annual treatment now but had to cancel because of CoVid19. I will have it done once everything has settled down with this virus. I have discussed with the doctor about doing more laser work on my vulva areas to rejuvinate them as well and further defuse some areas of membrane that i have been unable to separate and work on with the use of a cotton bud, Emuaid and a small amount of steroid ointment so they can heal. The condition must be well under control before he will work on it. His theory is (and it makes sense to me so I am happy to do this) that as he works on these areas and as they rejuvinate the body is laying down more and more healthy cells so hopefully eventually the healthy cells will outnumber and overpower the delinquent cells. I believe that I have nothing to lose by going down this avenue. If you research more in depth about LS, with this condition the actual diseased cells that the immune system has programmed to "fight"against the body are deep deep down in the dermal layers. What erupts on the skin surface is merely the result of that autoimmune activity. I imagine it almost like a volcano scenario where the eruption is deep below the ground but the lava flows up and then erupts on the surface (so what we are dealing with is the skin surface problem of the disease not the core problem). The delinquent body cells that our body's autoimmune system have programmed to fight against our body are not what we are seeing or treating topically. Hence the reason to supplement and adopt certain lifestyle diet changes and reduction in stress levels which will help strengthen the immune system so the disease goes into remission and remains in a dormant phase. That's why it is known as an incurable progressive autoimmune disease. The main focus is to be able to effectively manage and control this disease.

    • Posted

      in regard to the Mona Lisa laser - I was told by my doctor that he did not think (after treating me with Estrace and clob. (the steroid) that he did not think there would be that much of a difference so NOT to do the laser...I live outside of Philadelphia...did u have this TX done in the US and r u still quite satisfied with the results...has it helped with your LS symptoms and has it helped with discomfort during sex???

  • Posted

    This is fantastic information! i have often wondered about Emuaid but I am definitely going to give it a try.

    Thank you so much for sharing!

    • Posted

      Hi Jenn - I order it through Speer Laboratories USA or if you live in Australia you can also buy it through the Wellness Centre, Melbourne - they sell the 59 ml jar but because I use it all the time and cant live without it I buy the 480 ml size(buy a few at a time) and then just refill the smaller jar that I use in the bathroom. I also filled a smaller travel jar that I keep in my handbag in a small resealable plastic bag with some cotton to use when I'm out and about. let me know how you go.

  • Edited

    Thank you for your comprehensive post. Can I ask where you purchase your Emuaid and Dermaid?

    • Edited

      Hi Evelyn - I order it through Speer Laboratories USA or if you live in Australia you can also buy it through the Wellness Centre, Melbourne - they sell the 59 ml jar but because I use it all the time and cant live without it I buy the 480 ml size(buy a few at a time) and then just refill the smaller jar that I use in the bathroom. I also filled a smaller travel jar that I keep in my handbag in a small resealable plastic bag with some cotton buds to use when I'm out and about. The DermAid i buy iver the counter at the pharmacy in Australia. let me know how you go.

      On progressing further with my research I joined some Facebook LS support groups and was very interested to read that countless LS sufferers are also having success with Borax soaks - some add a bit of Bicarb of Soda as well - so i have also started doing this as it makes sense to me. I'm on day 3.

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