My kangaroo pouch!
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Help where did this come from this extra flap of skin on my tummy, trying the plank exercise but my feeble arms can only keep me doing it for a second! I am trying to build up some willpower to diet abit more but it is wierd because everywhere else seems not too bad, if only I had a tube to suck this excess away!!
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didi0613 pinkcatfairy
Yep. I have so much belly fat I can barely zip my pants up anymore. Like I'm permanently 3 mos. pregnant. It's awful. No exercise seems to work that area either. So totally can relate to your kangeroo pouch as you call it.
pinkcatfairy didi0613
I know it is quite frustrating isn't it? It is like sitting there and intending to stay, it is quite an awkward area as it isnt like a muscle there to tone x
Fairy28 pinkcatfairy
Hi I'm the same ! Plus I always eat loads at weekends saying to myself ' im allowed to binge because im DEFINATLEY starting a diet on Monday '. ! ..... Then I go and buy slim fast, skimmed milk, lots of diet meals to put in the freezer cus I can't be bothered to cook ( Uugghh ) tons of fruit and veg and tell myself I'm gonna be oh so healthy and good - so Monday comes and for breakfast and lunch I have slim fast and by the evening the biscuit tin is on my lap and im watching telly filling my face hating my fat self all over again........ Yes I want liposuction attached to me permantly ! ??
pinkcatfairy Fairy28
marie25874 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy marie25874
jane50560 pinkcatfairy
Haha this made me laugh...kangaroo pouch....yes i sudenny have a pouch too...cant get my jeans on anymore..ive always been a 12...and now i have been borrowing my daughters 14's just to get my belly in's not really funny though is it having a pouch...i had a scan the other day and i could feel the dr trying to get under my pouch...but recently i cant stop eating...i blame the mum would call it middle age spread x
pinkcatfairy jane50560
Dear Jane,
Yes, I thought middle age spread was just women eating too much (well perhaps we do) but I don't think i'm doing anything too different but it is there now x
maisie05 pinkcatfairy
Yes made me laugh too! I have a pouch/flap on my bikini line and I have to tuck it back up if I wear my swimsuit! Yeuk.
And I haven't even had any surgery or c section.
I've got a suck you in body stocking type under garment to wear with a dress I've got for my daughters wedding in 2 weeks. Can't breathe in it or eat. It'll last till the photos are over then I'll let it all hang out!
pinkcatfairy maisie05
Dear maisie,
Yes I have one of those suck in garments, best I dig it out, I don't see my extra companion going anywhere!! X
looloo43 pinkcatfairy
Hi ladies, I have always had a little "cake shelf" (that's what i call mine). but since peri/starting hrt I have put on roughly 4-6lbs (it fluctuates by 2lbs from day to day-sometimes 4, sometimes 5.5lbs) & my fat seems to have re-distributed a bit. i feel/look slightly slimmer round waist, but more round hips. apparently your're not meant to put on weight with hrt, & I'm off work sick with other illness so less active so will be interesting to see if it drops off when I'm better & back at work running around again. But I also read somewhere & was told by my doc, the fat can often redistribute during peri/meno. The older we get too the harder it is to shift a few pounds, but so easy to put on. I only have to look at a jammy donut & I can put on a 1lb!!!! xxx
pinkcatfairy looloo43
Yes the fat does seem in a different place than before, I first of all noticed it on hips and then the pouch appeared, lol cake shelf like that! I can still get in my usual clothes but they seem snug on tummy x