My knee feels like cement

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I'm two weeks post op. I know swelling is normal. But the tissue around my incision, probably 3-4 inches on all sides, is as hard as cement. I'm getting so frustrated bc it is so limiting my ability to flex my knee. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this? Should I be worried?

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    It is part of the healing process. It will get better as time goes on. Keep being patient and doing your exercises. It will pass.
  • Posted

    Yes Lisa, this is normal. I know it's hard, I wasn't prepared for the challenges and pains that came with my bilateral TKR, but this site will help you in so many ways. Understanding what's normal brings a great peace of mind, if nothing else. At this point, keep your leg elevated when not exercising and put ice on it for 20 minute increments...this will be necessary for many months. Also keep hydrated by drinking lots of water - your tissues need this to assist with the healing process.


    • Posted

      Thx so much! It's so hard to know what to expect! I'm 2 weeks out and worried that I have done something wrong or missed a window of opportunity to do this right. If I haven't pushed myself hard enough, I'm hoping I can make up any lost ground.

  • Posted

    yes lisa dear, this is part of the healing process, no worries (just adds those darn wrinkles).  you will heal just give it time, lots of exercise, water, patience, make sure to eat.  i lost way too much weight.  i guess i just lost my appetite.  stay strong, best... kathy p.
    • Posted

      Thanks so much for the encouraging words. I'm so glad I joined this group. I feel so much better already!!

    • Posted

      Im the same lisa .this site has helped me a lot since i joined..big thanks to everyone.x
    • Posted

      I agree thank heavens for this site otherwise i would have ended up in a straightjacketrazz

    • Posted

      Hi Janice & Lisa,

      I am 3 months 1 am post PKR. I love and appreciate all the advice and comfort this site offers.

      Continue healing and a pain free future.

      Take Care All.

  • Posted

    Hi Lisa!

    Swelling can feel really hard to the touch! I know MINE did! Also, SO much is going on due to the surgery with muscle and nerves and bones!

    Ibuprofen helps with swelling.

    Elevating your legs way up above your heart works, too.

    Ice can be helpful because it also gets us to REST.

    Massage feels good if done gently, and it smooths out tissue and aids circulation.

    Putting my thigh-high stockings back on really helped my swelling and eased that hard, heavy feeling.

    TIME HEALS! It will get better. TRY to focus on daily small improvements and keep as positive as you can.

    I will be praying for strength and calm for you.😊

    (TKRs June and October 2015)

    • Posted

      Hi Cheryl

      It's been awhile since my last visit. Great to see you are still helping the ones that need it.

      I struggled so much with this surgery. I had a mua 6 weeks ago and doing so much better. I was scared of it but it has improved it.

      Keep up your kind words, trust me they help

      Love always Jo from the land down under

    • Posted

      Hi Jodie!

      Glad to hear that things are going well for you following your MUA!????????

      That's great that the manipulation improved your overall result and that you are now doing much better.

      Yes, I enjoy visiting this site and trying to help those who are just new to the process. So many people helped me during my early days following surgery and provided that "misery loves company" component that really DID help me to realize that I wasn't the only person on earth to feel the way I did!

      Sending lots of wishes for GREAT success as you continue to heal and get back to life without pain!??

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