My last period
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Hello all,
I am wondering if I have had my last period. I have been in peri menopause for almost ten years now and my last period was on October 9th. I was due for another one on October 31st and didn't get it. I was due again a few days ago but still no period. I was wondering of you ladies who have stopped seeing a period, what was it like after the last one in terms of symptoms? After the last one for me there has been a lot of gas, bloating and protruding belly, cramping in pelvic area and lower back pain. This what I sometimes get before a period but so far no period. I go to the doctor on the 27th and hopefully they will run some labs on my blood to see where I am. Any insights ladies?
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kim35797 sharcerv52408
Hi unfortunatly its hard to tell as i went 7 months without a period .then started up again apparently they say need to be without a period for 12 months to be in menopause but you never know that could be your last one xx
sharcerv52408 kim35797
I can only hope, right? But what were your symptoms when you stopped having a period? Was it the same as in peri menopause, worse or better?
kim35797 sharcerv52408
Hi did still feel as if i was going to get a period lower back ache etc. But didnt happen .Felt bad at times throughout the 7 months .
sharcerv52408 kim35797
Thanks Kim. Yes I keep feeling like one will start and then nothing. It's a miserable feeling.
sarah39816 sharcerv52408
Since everyone is so different, it's hard to say if you're done. I've been in peri for 5 years (I'm 47) and have had a lot if wicked symptoms, but I wanted to comment on what you said about your period feeling like it's about to come on. I am experiencing the exact same symptoms. My last period was October 31st and it only lasted a few days. It came on very heavy for a day or so then tapered right off. I felt a little better once my period started but it didn't stick around and about 10 days later all my issues started up again. Usually my periods are lasting 8-10 days when I do get one. Until peri my cycles were like clockwork every 24 days since I was 11 years old. Since peri my cycles are getting further apart averaging about 45 days and having gone as long as 90 days without a period.
Right now I'm dealing with terrible "phantom" period issues. I have horrible cramps that don't want to let up, low back ache, muscle aches, headache, anxiety, horrible gas and bloating (these are all the symptoms I normally get before a period and during--but this time NO PERIOD!) It's extremely frustrating. I feel like I can barely get out of bed. I know for certain I am in peri as I've had several rounds of hormone testing and my doctor advised my estrogen and progesterone levels were extremely low. I was recently prescribed low dose BHRT, but I have yet to start it for fear of feeling even worse, as some of the side effects are like those issues I'm currently having. I feel like crying all the time! I just want to feel better. I haven't felt like myself in a long time.
I just wanted to let you know you are not alone in this! I understand what you are going through and I hope this will be over for you soon! Best wishes for good health! BIG HUGS--Sarah
sharcerv52408 sarah39816
Thank you Sarah so much for your insight. I have been having the same issues you described. My cycles were very regular before peri, every 21 days. Then once peri hit it started bouncing around from 24 to 27 to 25, etc. I never knew when I was going to see it. Earlier this year in February I went a whole 39 days between a period which was so alarming to me because that had never happened before. This time I think I'm like on day 40 or something. I do remember a doctor telling me that some women's cycle go as long as 45 days. I thought she was crazy at the time because it had never happened to me and I had never heard of it before. But I guess my body is practicing, so to speak, for when it go on a longer ab
sarah39816 sharcerv52408
Rest assured that the skipped and irregular periods are definitely one of the first signs of peri. My doctor said that a woman can have normal cycles anywhere between 21-45 days, but when the cycles begin to get shorter or longer and become very unpredictable that is a sign of peri. After the 5 years of going though this I've found that as I've gotten older it has been the fluctuations in cycles, duration of period, intensity, etc. that have changed the most. In the beginning I thought perimenopause was just about altered periods and hot flashes. I had no idea about the other symptoms like aches/pains anywhere in the body, constant PMS like symptoms, sleeplessness, anxiety, panic, depression, joint pain, headache, tingling and vibrations on the skin and muscles, foggy brain, digestive issues of all types, heart palpitations, emotional and physical exhaustion, etc. It all feels very scary and I often wonder when it is going to improve. I have been told it will eventually get better. I am looking for the light at the end of the tunnel!
I am extraordinarily grateful for ladies like you and others on this site who are sharing their stories. It helps me feel that I am not so alone! xo--Sarah
Troldepus71 sarah39816
Wauw Sarah
You sound just like me!!! I've got all of the symptoms you mention...
I find it very confusing and scary that my body is reacting in all sorts of ways just because of fluctuating hormones. It makes me anxious and I try to cope with each symptom along the way.
Thanks for sharing Sarah!!!