My last post 'what's happening'
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Hi Ladies, Thankyou to all who replied to my last post. Is comforting to know we can unite amidst all this hormone madness to care & share, throw in some humour to lighten moments of gloom & rant n rave without judgement. Well I've seen yet another Dr & yes another blood test, this time for calcium, vitaminD, insulin & blood sugar which is a Hba1c test...what will this test reveal?!š my previous test was all ok, no deficiencies etc so the Dr doubted any supplements would stop this weird woozy unbalanced feeling & put it down to just hormones that are probably still fluctuating/cycling which can happen for some time post meno OMG! not easy living with this horrid scary crap & to have the sickly hungry low blood sugar feeling on top...aye, the fun!Ā Not š„ maybe hormones are causing that too.Ā Have thought about a general tonic/vitamins...just trying to find a solution to stop feeling like a bowl of wobbly jelly. Ok, think I've spouted enough. Keep well lovelies xo
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Sochima822 NuttyNan
NuttyNan Sochima822
Sochima822 NuttyNan
NuttyNan Sochima822
Keep Well
Sochima822 NuttyNan
May I ask why you have no periods?
Surviving menopause is possible but the symptoms and time to get rid of it is long and painful.
jamie50513 Sochima822
May I ask after taking a low dose birth control pill, did the anxiety come down a little bit also?
Sochima822 jamie50513
jamie50513 Sochima822
Sochima822 jamie50513
NuttyNan Sochima822
Take care
elaine33371 NuttyNan
The menopause affects the Autonomic Nervous System, mainly the Vagus Nerve, this nerve is in the upper abdomen, arms, chest and head, and is responsible for sending signals to the brain, to control the dijestion, sugar level, blood pressure heart, Ā internal temperature, and bladder, so, all these areas go wrong during menopause, it is a temporary affect, the nervous system or vagus nerve is not damaged. Ā Ā If your tests come back normal then you will know!! and if, it is normal at least you will know it will at some point, fingers crossed, settled.............halleluhya to that!!. Ā
NuttyNan elaine33371
KeepĀ well
elaine33371 NuttyNan
I feel a lot better now than i did in the begining, thought i was completely losing it for a time there, never known symptoms like it, but your totally right, it is all to do with misfiring signals, Ā The body feels, its not normal, not to have a period with having them so long, so, it tries to rally and stop it happening, so it finds ways of making more hormones, until it cannot do it anymore, Ā But eventually things have to settle, think of it this way, once your post, it cant get any worse, you have come through it, it willl end! Ā Every time now since ive been post, i still go through my symptoms, there a lot Ā milder, and at the end, you can feel yourself coming out of it, and i feel fairly well, cant believe it, if anyone would have said that to me five years ago, i wouldnt have believed them............. didnt think i was ever going to feel normal again. Ā you do start to see the wood for the trees, and you do start to realise, Ā it cant last forever, your coming through the worst bit, the only way has to be stay positive, Nutty Nan!! Ā Ā
gentleballads elaine33371