My legs where itchy , and so swollen at times the skin o...
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My legs where itchy , and so swollen at times the skin on my shins was red ,shiny and I felt my legs would burst, so uncomfortable. A visit to the surgery resulted in being told my B P was up. I do also suffer from water retention, hence the swelling. The nurse had a talk with my Dr. (I didn't actually see him) The outcome was increase dosage of B P tablets, and the cause was the hot weather. I was to return in a month to see how B P was . Nothing said about the awful itching.
Two days later my legs where still swollen, painful and the itching was sheer torture, luckily I work at the local hospital and was advised by a colleague to go to A & E. I eventually gave in and asked to be seen.
The result was scans on my legs and later being told I had a DVT in my lower left leg. For three days I was given a daily injection in my stomach and then started on Warfarin. Apparently the itching is one of the effects of DVT. Antihistamine tablets were recommended, but with no gauranteed improvement, which is what happened. Good old Calamine Lotion does nothing at all. I now even have a rash on my arms & back and the itching is horrendous, my legs look as if I have been through a thorn bush ( it's imposible not to scratch ) A couple of hours sleep is all I get, I,ve even put towels in the freezer to cool my legs down with. I finally found a cream( Eurax )that helps , but i used the tube in less than 3 days !! I,m going to try the lotion to see if it lasts any longer.
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joshlyn14338 Guest
kathy71073 Guest
bubbe1 kathy71073
Hi Kathy,
I just read your post from a while back.
I am struggling with swollen, red and extremely itchy legs and feet.
I do not have a DVT. Doctor said I have dermatitis and possible venous insufficiency. She prescribed Cortisone cream for the dermatitis and told me to give that two weeks, to see if it helps. I tried the Cortisone for a couple of days but not only did it not help, it seemed to make the itching and burning even worse.
I have tried just about everything I can think of to sooth the itch but so far,nothing has worked.
I am not able to sleep more than a couple of hours and am getting desperate, especially since I have an ill husband to care for.
I am thinking of trying the Frankenscence oil and looked it up on Amazon. However, there are many brands, so i wasn't sure which to buy.
If you are still reading this site, could you tell me which product you use.
Thank you.
chris41937 bubbe1
Hi I'm happy to say my legs are a bit better now but not due to anything realy I cannot say thay still itch but not as hurendelesey as before. My doctor had no idea. Now please take what I say as it my or my not be the case. I had a burning sensation in my mouth bad I could not eat my doctor was rubbish once again. I looked through the website and found out i had low viitem B take im now on
folic acid this may have contributed for legs new bill of health and my taist back I don't know so please ask doctor
jacqueline40411 bubbe1
bubbe1 jacqueline40411
Someone else suggested lymphadema as a possible cause of my problem.
May I ask how that is diagnosed?
bubbe1 chris41937
Thanks for your suggestions.
I will talk to my doctor, but so far she has not been of much help.
jacqueline40411 bubbe1
Whatisthis jacqueline40411
Yes, I was diagnosed with lymphedema by a well known doctor at Stanford in October 2017 and am receiving therapy and treatment for it. I apparently have a bad case of unknown origin so they're considering different treatment options. Horrible medical condition. It's caused me to gain 50 pounds in my legs in six months. It's like strapping two medium bowling balls to each leg and being expected to function.
Whatisthis bubbe1
my stanford doctor simply took one look at my legs and knew. he was telling other doctors in the room some of the "classic signs" of lymphedema include deep lines or wrinkles around the ankles and knees, sponge like characteristics of the leg, whereby pressure creates long lasting indentations, and what appears to be deformities in the toes and knees. my legs are swollen, weak, numb, red, and itchy from the thighs down. the symptoms are worse when i stand or am on my feet for long periods of time. getting up from seated positions also causes the legs to hurt. I wish you much luck in figuring this out. It has been a nightmare for me.
trevor02428 Whatisthis
Hi, I have had 4 total hip operations since 2006 and I have suffered from Oedema. The swelling, the itching and all that goes with these situations. I was reading all of the posts and what struck me instantly about your post was that it was like strapping two medium bowling balls to your legs, and gaining about 50 pounds in your legs in six months. I am wondering if you have heard of tablets called 'FRUSEMIDE' 40mg ? For one thing they definitely help with reducing fluid and for me - that was in my legs! The one thing that you will notice within 20 minutes is that you WILL have to urinate, and probably every 20 to 30 minutes there after for a few hours, and I am letting you know that when you 'have to go' then you will 'have to go'! That is what happens to me as the tablet helps in a big way to get rid of the fluid! I really do hope this works for you and please let me know how you go! Cheers.
jack1957 Guest
i have seen my gp numerous times and apart from a quick glance she just says it a circulation problem gives me some cream i have asked to be reffred to a skin specialist but she wont entertain the idea saying oh they will tell you the same my mental health which is fragile at best of times is getting worse beause of this can anyone PLEASE HELP OR ADVISE
kathy71073 jack1957
Whatisthis jack1957
same problem with my feet and ankles. my problem relates to the lymph nodes around the groin area being swollen which has caused my legs and feet to retain fluid. It's horrible. check websites that have pictures of lymphedema patients to see if their symptoms are similar. I've been told the condition is usually brought about by something dramatic, like surgery or actually the removal of lymph nodes, although none of that occurred before i came down with the problem. my feet and ankles are burning as i stand and type this and it's been going on for over six months.
best of luck.