my long list of symptoms

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I've probably said most of this before, but thought it might reassure someone that their symptoms are probably menopausal & will pass eventually! There are so many, (physical, emotional, mental) it's a shock to the unsuspecting victim lol!  (& actually no joke) So....

bloating, mood swings, aching joints, insomnia, itching, memory loss, headaches, spots, dry skin, constipation, diahorrea, thinning hair, exhaustion, thyroid fluctuations, painful bones, itchy boobs, loss of bladder control, bladder irritation, diffficulty concentrating, panic attacks, palpitations, racing heart, uncontrollable tremors, twitches & spasms, anxiety, fear, dread, depression, suicidal thoughts, mania, confusion, acid reflux, lump in throat, difficulty swallowing, sore tongue, hot flushes, feeling cold, nausea, vertigo, swimming head, blurred dimmed vision, unable to get the right word, fuzzy detatched feeling in head, faintness, off-balance, sinus/ear trouble, weight loss, chest pains/heaviness, difficulty breathing, strong body odour, painful tight neck/jaw, clenching teeth, irregular/missed periods, flooding, clotting, spotting, food allergies, tingling/dead extremities, bad dreams, stomach/gut pain, low immune system, anger, over-emotional, memory flashbacks, dry painful eyes, sagging skin, loss of elasticity, loss of muscle, eye bags, grey hair, wrinkling.

Most of this has happened in the last 6 months & quite suddenly (I started my DREADFUL periods at 10 & turned 47 recently). My ovaries failed & my body went into shock.. literally thought I was having a complete breakdown & going out of my mind! Wanted someone to put me out of my misery sad sad

I have been reassured by sites like this, & recently by a new doctor who recognises all this as hormonal symptoms. I am pleased to say that some of these symptoms have stopped & some aren't as severe as they were so I can tell you that this too will pass. You will be ok again. You are not going mad. And you are not alone. I can cook & do housework again, and am eating bacon & eggs every morning, something I've never done haha! 

I know I'm not out of the woods yet, & I do have my crashes, (still can't go out on my own because of the swimmy, disconnected feeling) & this could go on for a while but I have lots of hope, we all go through this change, some worse than others, but we do come out the other side, & stronger!!

As for reccommending remedies, we are all different. hrt works for many, I havn't used it yet, anti-depressants work for some, haven't used those either (yet!) the beta blockers, anti-reflux, st john's wort made me worse. Couldn't stomach the B complex, or menopace, (think it was the iodine, made anxiety & heart racing worse!). So just taking oil of evening primrose & starflower, cod liver oil, vitamin D (from the docs) & paracetemol. 

Gave up coffee, chocolate, sugar, dairy, was already gluten-free. Using organic soya milk, flax, sweet potatoes (for phyto estrogens). Going to get some magnesium and calcium too. 

I hope this is helpful to someone, I know I was helped by ladies on this forum when I was desperate xxxxxxx

13 likes, 81 replies

81 Replies

  • Posted

    This is me !! 🙈
    • Posted

      Hey, I'm so sorry about that. None of us should suffer this much! I hope you've got someone supporting you. Are you on any meds? xxx
  • Posted

    Hiya Brimbo,

    Wow I honesty thought your were writing about me in what I have experienced over the last couple of years since I guess my own body perhaps went into shock!!😒

    Thank you for sharing your own experiences with us all and like you say these things will pass! 

    Sending you comforting hugs and hope your peri journey will soon be over! 

    Joy x😢

    • Posted

      Thank you lovely

      I'm so sorry for anyone who's had it this bad.... it is, at times, beyond human endurance. 

      Hugs & health back to you. Has anything improved for you?? xxx

    • Posted

      Well the itchy boobs has been my latest but mainly at night, I go between using baby talc or itchy 45 cream. I guess the first year was my worst, but my health anxiety was the main culprit just before a pending bleed. Still suffer from time to time with the bloated feeling and digestive issues, like belching and have the feeling of a burning or tightness at the top of my rib cage. Getting the aching body feeling at present, still suffer with catarrh in my throat and nose which sometimes makes me feel nauseous. 

      The blurred vision is one of the newest ones, I have been on 4 different HRT's and this the second month of the latest, so I have made a pack with myself that if I don't end up feeling like my old self in four months time then I will jack that in.

      i have recently entrusted a homeopathic and if this helps then she has said she will help me ween off and at the same time try and help in reducing my symptoms. I do enjoy a glass of wine with my evening meal and find it helps me at the end of a stressful day. The funny thing is when I am going through my anxious moments I cant touch wine at all, which I guess is good thing😀

      i have a few of my friends going through this and I feel that I am the only one that seems to suffer 😞, so I have no one who I can really compare notes with and if it weren't for this forum I would feel really alone😊. I take busy b, magnesium, fish oils and liquid iron, B12, Vit D and Calcium both which you suck on. 

      All have helped a long with my acupuncture, and my massages! 

      Take care xxx


    • Posted

      Hi how long did you suffer from cattarh i have it now.i can barley breath 



    • Posted

      To be honest for a few years now (must have been going through Peri without knowing). I am suffering at the moment and find sucking fisher friends soothing and I also take covonia for catarrh relief which helps for the throat and nasal catarrh. Xx
    • Posted

      sorry taking so long to reply.Mines just eased off i managed myself but i did have to give in and go to DR i had an infection in the tiny bits around the nose,my nose felt sooo bruised like id been punched and headaches galore i have antibioitics hope yours has cleared i found saline drops worked to unblock my nose xx


  • Posted

    Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  loved that ..I gave up alcohol 11 years ago age 45 never touched a drop since stopped smoking 1999 when i was 40. Had an awful addiction to chocolate and any chocolate product , cakes and biscuits and bread and butter have just given that up age 56... But i am not giving up my latte and cappuccino  no way ....
    • Posted

      lol Lulu

      I also don't drink, smoke, do drugs. Exercise, eat good. But yeh,,,the choc, cakes and lattes!!  I HAD to give them up though!! Blooming stimulants...,.my heart & brain haha!! 

      Mind you, it's not forever, I'm definitely going to consume them again....I've resorted to sniffing my husbands helps.... 

    • Posted

      I clean eat!! Get the app delicously Ella so many sweet clean recipes as I'm Always craving ! I use honey instead of maple syrup tho xxx
  • Posted

    its good to here youre feeling better,  I too going down the natural route with b6 b12 milk thistle cod liver tablets calcium and omega fish oil and have to say as yourself do still have off days but having a lot more better days than i did previously,  It also helps having a site like this with such knowledgeable women to talk to and help each other through it,   I agree brimbo it does start to get better (hope im not jinxing it ha) x
    • Posted

      Hi your like me taking all the tablets,do you no if its ok or have you bought combined ones i take about 6 different ones is this ok ?


    • Posted

      Hi its the same for me bout six tablets i been takkn for weeks now and touch wood going ok x
  • Posted

    I know others have already said this, but you could have been writing about all started in March of 2013 and hit me like the proverbial ton of bricks....all in all, I'm feeling a bit better these days, but have had a few weeks recently where I feared that I was slipping back into the "black hole" of despair (the daily dizziness/unsteady feeling, heart palpitations, anxiety all came rushing back in)'s definitely a struggle, but I'm doing my best to remember that it's all hormone-related and will pass....I was given a prescription for HRT but, because my health anxiety is back in full force, I've been too scared to try it....I've also been offered anti-depressants, and even tried a few, but they made me feel this point, I think I've decided to just ride it out (easier said than done, I know!)...hang in there, has to get better, right? smile
    • Posted

      Im new to all this just a few months and hopefully it gets lots betta . I too was given antibs but too scared to try them so just vitamins for me and like urself just trying to get thru the bad days x

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