My Menopause is NOTHING like my Mom's!
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I keep hearing your peri and menopause should be like your mom's. Yet my mother didn't even start menopause until her late 50s and has a full head of hair, no fibroids, dermoids. Yet I'm 47 and getting ALL the peri symptoms already, shedding large amounts of hair, weight gain, giant fibroid, terrible anxiety etc. So WTF????? I eat super healthy since 18 I have been Paleo, wheat and sugar free, yoga etc while my Mom eats whatever. I think I may take after my father's crap side of the family. But so sick of feeling like I'm defective because I'm NOT taking after my mom like I'm supposed to. She also has the most beautiful perfect teeth and I just cracked a molar I may lose. My doctor said oh most women don't shed hair. Oh great so AGAIN I am defective and have ALL the symptoms despite trying to eat healthy etc my WHOLE life, while everyone else in my family and friends are fine.
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staci88515 sakura26
My Mom never mentioned a word about menopause. She said it was like someone turned off the faucet one day and that was it. She never had any symptoms. We are definitely not the same.
jane66356 staci88515
She said it was like someone turned off the faucet one day and that was it. >
I'm envious of women that have had menopause like that..... I'm not so lucky. More like a slow, painful death 😦
jane66356 sakura26
You may have more of your dad's genes. Your menopause may be more like how the women on his side of the family is. Seems I've gotten a lot of my dad's genes. I never did ask how his menopause went ...ha 😃 just kidding.My menopause has not been like my mother's either.
kelly55079 sakura26
What? most women don't shed hair?? I think that's BS!! I shed hair and so do some of my friends... But I laughed when you said you took after your dads side... I think I did too-- he has horrible teeth and has always ate healthy.. HUGE garden ever since he was 20.. He has hair at 80 but it's thin-- mine is thin and no matter how much protein I eat, i t doesn't help. My mom had an hysterectomy at 40 and remembers nothing major about it afterwards. I think some ppl are better at hiding symptoms or just put up with it and carry on.
Foxy62 sakura26
interesting , i have often wondered if we suffer more because so many additives , chemicals and preservatives are put into our food without our knowledge ? We frequently see crops being sprayed and crap added to milk to make it last longer. Back in the day when my grandmother grew all her own fruit and veg along with having her own chickens and getting her milk straight from the farm across the road it does make one think , she lived to 96 by the way bless her. We can eat 'organic ' but is it really i wonder. Just a thought.
Troldepus71 sakura26
My mum's periods stopped all of a sudden when she was 40. That was it... No symptoms at all.
I on the other hand go through them all... I am 47.
juanita93228 sakura26
You are not "defective". My mother went thru menopause at 44, while I was 51. 85 percent of women have symptoms, but they attribute the symptoms to aging, because we have been told for years that menopause symptoms were mood swings and hot flashes. Nothing about, anxiety, aches and pains, health anxiety, depression, digestive issues and so on and so on. Women today are more informed and proactive about it.
Everyone is different. So the theory about how your menopause will be like your mother's is BS.
Come on here and vent, ask questions, whatever you need to do. Take one day at a time. Be kind to yourself. 🙏🤗
Thanks ladies for your support. 😃 You are prob right I have my dad's genes and also I think I ate a lot of garbage food with chemicals growing up that prob caused me to have an early period. My mom never cooked. Still not sure tho why I have a giant fibroid AND a dermoid when I have eaten healthy since 18 on and tried to eat organic as much as possible along with grain-free, sugar-free, low carb. Also why do I have everything at once, all the time???? Hair shedding, dermoid, fibroid, weight gain, anxiety, broken tooth that may need to be replaced???? Why does my tooth need to break now???? WTF? I am on my own and can barely get up every morning and know where to begin esp when I also have financial concerns (startup job, medical bills, crazy student loans) and am single. From my first menstruation I always had terrible periods. And then celiac which no one else in my family had that I know of. Now my aunt (father's side) has terrible auto immune issues, I DO NOT want to take after her any more than I do. We both have low thyroid. And she did go through menopause early. She also eats garbage and is obese. But so far my healthy eating hasn't done me much good. Fingers crossed I got some of my mom's good genes for god's sakes. I think my older sister may have gotten most of them. I also just keep hoping doctors will get off their asses and find treatments for us so we can get our health back. It's not about having babies, it's just about feeling and looking good and being healthy with all our lady parts in tact, and our sanity. Thanks for being their ladies, you are my lifeline.