My mono story
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Hello everyone, my name is Nick and I have been reading the stories of people in this forum on and off for a few weeks, and decided I would like to contribute. I’m 27, normally a very active person who rock climbs several days a week, and eats well. Back in July of this year, I started feeling unusual vibrating feelings in my throat and certain times of the day. No pain, just a peculiar buzz. Figured I was maybe getting your average virus. Now I think it was the first contact with the virus and it was incubating. In August, there were wildfires and smoke in the air, and one day I came to work after playing outside and started to feel hot and my heart started racing. After drinking an electrolyte drink I gradually calmed down. Thought I was overheated or dehydrated. In the following days, I would get episodic times of a racing heart or dizziness. I went to an urgent care and they didn’t find anything. Through September and October, I stayed really active and tried to brush off the symptoms, which were periodic dizziness, the sore throat had started pretty mild, and a feeling of windedness, where I would feel like I could feel my heart beating inside if I did anything to rigorous, and things that shouldn’t tire me out did.
In November, I finally saw a primary care doctor. My blood pressure read high l, like 140 over 70, and that’s all they found. A few days into November, I started feeling really sickly, woke up a few times in the middle of the night with malaise, anxiety, and a bit of a racing heart possibly made worse by my anxiety. Went to an urgent care, than an emergency department. They gave me a low dose bets blocker and some huge medical bills for all that.
On another visit to the doctor, I insisted they test me for mono. They didn’t think I could have it because no swollen glands and my fatigue hadn’t kept me bedridden, but sure enough I tested positive for it.
Since November, it was the most full blown symptomatic month. Chills, nausea, feeling strained/taxes, anxiety. I have been trying to take it easier, it’s a little hard because work makes me be on my feet for most of it. I have tried climbing some and I still have physical strength like normal but I get really winded after I finish a climb that is normally easy for me.
So now, I am in a place where I have days I wake up and feel good and usually just feel a big lull in energy in the late afternoon, like after lunch. Big meals are hard for me to digest I think. But some days, like today, I wake up and I feel shaky, I feel my pulse like in my fingertips which is distracting, and sometimes dizzy getting out of bed. My throat or lymph node area feels scratchy at random times in the day, not severe but present. I’ve had a lot of the odd symptoms prior report on here, but the main ones I have are the scratchy throat, fatigue midday, sometimes feel taxed which is different that fatigued for me, and at night I feel the pulse in my fingertips and sometimes in my center, not fast but just noticeable.
I can relate to everyone who talks about good days and bad days, it can really get your hopes up and then comes crashing back down.
If anyone can relate to certain parts of my experience, I would love to talk with you!
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r05149 MonorailNick
Hi Nick!
I think one of the trickiest parts of this whole virus is that there is no normal, and no consistency. I'm anxious to begin w, so now I am so intune (more so) to every single symptom/feeling. I started out w the typical symptoms about 8 wks ago. But prior to that In the incubation period, I had a few bouts of nausea and one night I woke up and truly thought i was dying. I started swearing so profusely. And could barely make it down the hallway. A week later, I felt like I had the flu and then a horrendous sore throat for 21 days. My right side ached and I was super dizzy and nauseous. Anyway, I felt fine after this three week period and then now a few weeks later, I feel nauseous again and tired, sometimes dizzy upon standing. I work out, but wonder if this keeps setting me back. Sometimes I'm fine and others, I feel I can barely make it through the workout.
I am not that smart w this and still go out and stay up too late. I don't think I'm helping myself in this way
Anyway, my point is that it's so crazy in how many different ways this impacts is all. I do think one of the hardest parts for me is not feeling as active as I was. I have so many different feelings and im never sure if it's the mono or something else. Which also adds to the anxiety.
I hope you feel better soon! I'm always avail to chat.
MonorailNick r05149
vancityraincity r05149
r05149 MonorailNick
Oh, and I don't have the scratchiness, but I do feel almost like I have a swollen throat. Not really sore, but not NOT Sore either. If that makes any sense!
craig07920 MonorailNick
Hi Nick,
So sorry to hear you have been struggling so badly with mono. I really can relate having went through it about 10 years ago or so. It was such a terrible experience, and went through many of the same symptoms for month after month and just wondered if it would ever get better.
Just want to reassure you that it does, it does go away and you will get through it. Don't panic if it doesn't come right away because recovery definitely will come. Just so frustrating it can take a good number of months for many folk, it did for me but eventually you will get there. Taking vitamins and herbs really helped me, things like a good strong multi-vitamin per day, higher doses of Vitamin C and Vitamin D, B complex is great for energy levels and nervous system, and immune boosting herbs like echinicea and siberian ginseng and oregano can be great too.
Thinking of you man and yes the forum here has some great people offering good advice and support.
MonorailNick craig07920
I’ve noticed you giving great reassurance to everyone on here. That’s really cool because most people probably just sign off once they recover. I have definitely been taking these supplements and more. I actually work in a supplement department for a health food store so I get easy access and discounts to these products. It seems like vitamin c has the most tangible effect for me, though I do take oregano and several other immune blends plus a multi, vitamin d, a probiotic, etc.
Was wondering your thoughts on exercise and how you see it fitting into recovering. It seems like i feel better from it the day after but then two days after I tend to have a bad day, don’t know if it’s the exertion catching up to me. Trying to listen to my body but I get kind of mixed messages you know?
One other thing I struggle with a little is this sense of guilt of calling in sick to work so much. I go as much as I can but some days like yesterday I just can’t bring myself to go because I felt quite unwell. I feel like a liability at work and I think others are thinking how is he still sick after all this time? I know their opinions shouldn’t matter but I like being dependable.
Anyway thanks for the kind words craig
craig07920 MonorailNick
Thanks for your kind words I really appreciate those. Going through a hard time myself with back pain and I get it with the thing about being off work and feeling guilty. I’ve been the same and I’ve had to be off a long time. You honestly have nothing to feel guilty about because this is a real and horrible illness and the problem is because others don’t see it then they don’t understand. Take as much time as you need off, your body needs rest and time while it recovers. You will get there Nick for sure.
Exercise wise think it’s best just to listen to your body, don’t overdo it and be sensible. It’s normal I think to feel the effects more a few days later. Just don’t do anything that takes too much out of you, things like short walks even can be great as it is exercise which is not too strenuous but also getting fresh air too.
Hang in there Nick 2018 is your year of FULL recovery!