My mood swings r bad!!!!

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Hi all having really bad mood swings was wondering if anyone else had them bad and if anyone can give me some advice on how to control it ty xxx

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi emma

    im completely the same. Have posted about it before but haven't mastered the solution of it. It's so horrid. I am such a "see the nice in everyone" to want to strangle them. No patience. Plus Cronic fatigue, aswell as other symptoms. But the low moods and negativity is unbareable. Let me know, if you get any good advice x

  • Posted

    Hi Emma

    I'm in the same situation..I get annoyed with every little think other car drivers, people at the grocery store., my husband asking hundred of questions that I don't want to answer!!!

    Sometimes I laugh with my self and all the crazy thoughts going through my mother in law will be visiting soon she better keep her smart remarks to herself because I'm readysmile

  • Posted

    I got prescribed propranolol 10mg which I only take when necessary. I also take starflower oil 1000mg and evening primrose oil which do help. I'm still anxious at times but not as bad. I used to wake up during the night and tell my husband I was leaving him it was absolutely dreadful I do not know how he puts up with me. I have stopped being so nasty to my husband so I feel the tablets do help.My joints are really sore and I am so stiff and badm memory do you suffer this?


    • Posted

      Yes I do all the time I ache and hurt all over and today I feel really sick and bad memory omg I do some silly things give my husband wrong dinners etc etc
  • Posted

    I tend to remove myself from situations/people as much as I can when I feel a 'bad' mood swing happening.  I know it's not easy when you work and have children, but today for example, I covered myself up in a blanket and watched Bridget Jones's the middle of the afternoon!!!!  Indulgant, but very much needed!  Try to give yourself as much care and attention as YOU need. x

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