My moods are so up and down? Not sure really what's wrong.
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I'm 51 will be 52 this year. I'm beginning if most of problems are hormonal, but I'm not sure. I have been on a low dose birth control for the last year though, to help with some mild flashbacks nothing severe, but OB at the time was worried it would get worse because of depression and ptsd and major hormone changes. I have also have arthritis that has gotten worse. I did start a new antidepressant last year, called effexor. The worse part I think is the mood swings and the anger I feel a lot of the time. I mean it's like at least 2 weeks out of the month. I still wake up in the morning kind of damp from sweat even though I keep it cool in our room. No sex drive hardly at all. I just don't know who I am anymore it doesn't seem like. I don't know if there is root cause or if there is help for me. Sorry this is so long. I just feel lost.
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Guest reva31742
Hi Reva, are you still getting your period? Sounds like all the symptoms of peri hormonal issues, but not sure why since you've been on bcp's. Maybe you need to switch to hrt and see if that helps. Problem with being on so many meds you never know what symptoms are from meds or hormones.
Be comforted knowing that we all know exactly how you are feeling! I don't think it lasts forever.
reva31742 Guest
Yes I still have a monthly period. I was told by my ob during my annual that it will stop sometime this year. I was only put on birth control because the ob I had at the time was concerned with my mood swings and my flash backs I had started having, which she believed would get worse with the hormone fluctuations getting worse as I waz getting older. I was thinking out about the pellet therapy but I don't know if insurance would pay for either hrt or the pellet either one.
Guest reva31742
Do you think any of the symptoms are worse or new from taking the effexor? Or the bcp? Maybe a change in medication would help? I'm not quite sure what the bcp does, if it gives you both estrogen and progesterone.
When my estrogen was soaring, unopposed by such little progesterone, I would get really angry outbursts. Progesterone helps mellow that.
Hopefully someone on here will have some suggestions for you.
reva31742 Guest
I did ask my ob about hormone but she said after already being on bcp it wouldn't be accurate. I've thought about stopping it, but I am not sure what to do.