My mother is diagnosed with cancer
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Hello everyone, my mother this week got the results that kidney, stomach and ovaries are infected with cancer, I think that in this forum are doctors that can tell me the probabilities of surviving and suggest me the best hospital based on your own experiences to treat this case. Thanks in advance!
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lynda20916 lef34878
Hi Lef,
So sorry that your mother and you are going through this! As far as I know, there are no doctors on this forum--it's for patients. However, you may get some information from patients as to their experiences and some suggestions.
It might be helpful to let people know generally where your mother lives. xx
tanya18072 lynda20916
We live in a small country but we can travel, all we need is the right suggestion. Hope there will be someone who knows more about my case.
lynda20916 lef34878
What you can do for her now is to assure her of your love for her and begin to help her as much as you can. She is probably reeling from this diagnosis. xx
lef34878 lynda20916
Actually she is doing the final examination in Turkey, Acibadem Hospital. Cancer hasn't been biopsied yet. All i want to know is that, is there any other hospital which is more specialised for this kind of cancer? Love is not enough to keep her healthy, unfortunately
lynda20916 lef34878
It's true that love isn't enough to keep her healthy. Taking action is important. But by assuring her of your love you are supporting her soul.
I hope and pray that you get the answers and medical care that she needs. xx
lef34878 lynda20916
thanks a lot for sharing your opinion 😊
erika90744 lef34878
Wow im sorry sounds like mestasis. Do you know where it originated from? I dont mean to be pessimistic but my grandma had mestastic breast cancer. Spread to kidneys,lungs, and stomach. They sent her straight to hospice cuz she couldnt even eat it was already too late for pallative care. They gave her 2 months she died in a week and a half. If your mom is strong for chemo im sure shes good. Ny grandma wasn't