My nephew started sertraline , can he drink while on it

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My nephew is 18 in second week of 50mg of sertraline and suffers depression and health anxiety. He does like to have a drink with friends sometimes as he is young , will this be ok, does anyone else drink whilst on sertraline ? Did anyone notice more worsening anxiety after drinking?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there, yes you can but he might wake up with a bit of a hangover. I have had a few beers on 50g and I have been fine.
  • Posted


    ​wouldn't recommened it at all, neither would DR's. can send you spirraling back if not carefull, alld epends on how much you actually drink on the night, the next morning can be hell

  • Posted

    I don't see an issue if it's 1-3 drinks. Binge drinking will likely worsen his depression issues as it does for most. I took 75mg of Zoloft and occasionally had a few drinks without issue. Just remember everything in moderation.

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