My parents suck, like really suck

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My parents suck, like really suck, bottom 2% of sucking. I think they are covering up some mental issues, because the neglect I had from them in my life was unbelievable. I almost died twice and have a bunch of mental health issues that are connected with this I think.

My problem is that I don't want to disrespect my parents but I think is time I acknowledge that parents really sucked and I will stop searching for love and approval from them.

Any similar stories, solutions out there?

Thank you in advance for all replies.


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5 Replies

  • Edited

    I am so sorry that you are going through this. It must be very difficult for you. I’m not sure your age but even though all this happened to you, that doesn’t mean you have to be stuck in this forever. You can Move On and make a happy and productive life for your self. Remember that the past is the past so the only way to go is forward. you may and you may not get the love and approval from them , regardless you have to take care of yourself and look at the road ahead.

    It can be very difficult to do on your own so I highly recommend that you get some support. A counselor can help you take the steps that you need to move forward as well as deal with the emotional wounds you still have from your parents.

    i hope you’re able to get some help with this!you have your whole life ahead of you! take care and stay positive.

    • Posted

      Thank you for reply. Yes I will probably need some support to get through this because the last time I tried after a couple of months they just reconnect with me and then I spiral down again and get all these mental blocks again. It's like people around me wonder all the time what the hell is wrong with me and why I can't be like a normal person and it's because I have this dark shadow of my parents hanging on me all the time, like I cant even be my own person.

  • Edited

    My parents really sucked too. Both chronic alcoholics and it was only nice in our house after so much alcohol. Mother drank herself to death when I was 11 father just got worse more physically and verbally abusive. Every penny went on alcohol he'd even take our birthday and Xmas money off relatives. We moved constantly due to debt and then with whatever idiot he was sleeping with. Was no stability at all. I moved out at 17 and have never looked back or breathed a word to him since. I consider myself an orphan. I have 3 children who has never and will never meet ever. I suffer from extreme anxiety and depression and I know most of it stems from my childhood. Don't be afraid to acknowledge they were bad parents that's not your fault and you didn't deserve it. Try to move forward and remember that you are a better and worthy person. Never feel like this is your fault at all. Look after yourself and stay strong xx

    • Posted

      Thank you for reply. It's nice to hear someone how they dealt with their family. I become totally paralised when I'm around my parents.

    • Posted

      I know the feeling I lived on eggshells for most of my life and used to get wrong for the smallest of things like laughing too loud or crying if I hurt myself. Maybe it's just a case of being civil and building yourself a better life without them I don't necessarily mean cut them off but don't involve them and create your own memories to look back on instead of the horrible one with them in.

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