My partner's depression
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Hi. I am really asking if anyone else is experiencing problems with sertraline as my partner is. He was on citropram (not spelt right) then dr changed him to sertraline. 3 weeks he has been on them, increased after a week from 50 to 100mg and boy is he like a zombie..always angry and seems so fed up and down. Does anyone know how long this could last as Im hearing 6 - 8 weeks..and Im a depression sufferer too and feel useless and down that I cant help him
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ashleyrocks910 Lainey69
Sorry you and your boyfriend are going through this. Jumping up in dosage can bring back some ugly side effects, but they do usually calm down. 6-8 weeks is the norm, but you have to start counting from the day of the increase and not the first day that he started sertraline. It's an ugly process, but well worth the wait. You can also give your doctor a call, they are usually good about giving you some reassurance. I am 3 1/2 weeks in and starting to feel better. The first couple of weeks I was very angry, sad, and anxious. It's understandable because you want the meds to work right away, but unfortunately we have to wait and give the meds time to build up in our system and repair things. Hang in there and give the doc a call as well.
Lainey69 ashleyrocks910
UK-Rose Lainey69
Hello Lainey,
I feel the same with the low moods, irritability - (Day 12 since increase to 50mg / Day 27 in total) had a pretty tough day today and just want to shut myself away, I feel just about ready to throw the towel in when I feel like this, but really don’t wont to as I know theres a strong chance it is all just side effects... and I have previously experienced a few hopeful days, which keep me hanging on...
I think its hard at times because you feel like your going to be the only one this med isn’t going to work for... I know thats how I feel when the lows hit, here’s hoping it passes!!
Good Luck 🌹
Lainey69 UK-Rose
UK-Rose Lainey69
So sorry to hear your going threw such an upsetting time... these side effects after increases can be pretty brutal, I am also guilty of shutting myself away from family, friends etc when it becomes too much... there have been days when I literally struggle just to put the bare minimum of effort, not because I want to be that way towards them... But because Im already dealing with so much mentally that im throughly overwhelmed and literally have nothing positive to give. Knowing I will be snappy, negative, Irritated... I dont want to put them threw that so will withdraw... I will of course make up for this when im on a better footing, but for now... I just have to get threw this period and concentrate on me... if this is how you feel your partner is coming across... then I can sympathise with his behaviour.
All you can do is communicate with him, offer your support, and be there for him when he needs you, but please dont make yourself ill & upset in the process. It will all pass eventually... chin up x
Lainey69 UK-Rose
Well weve now passed the 3rd week of the upped dose and he seems worse. He now says he has a chest infection and he looks rough, last night on the video chat I was talking to him as was supposed to go see him today, but he just switched the video off!! When I got him on the phone as asked why he said 'I dont need to listen to you' WHAT? These meds make you a nasty person too??? He said he needs space and will contact me. Well im now on the floor and dont want to do anything, what a nasty thing to say...I dont like this sertraline as theyve taken away the man I love 😭
UK-Rose Lainey69
Oh Lainey, I feel for you, I really do... deserves to be treated that way.
Im not sure if he’s taking his side effects out on you, (and sometimes it really cant be helped with how these meds effect mood) but you don’t deserve it and its not your fault, so please don’t blame yourself.
Im currently at 2.5weeks into 50mg (4.5wks in total) and after having a couple of upbeat days, I had to shut myself away & withdraw again from people yesterday... I felt so flat and emotional, like I had a hundred tears to shed, and I literally had nothing to say apart from 1word answers, I just needed / had to be by myself, as I had nothing to give... I probably came across as quite rude and ignorant tbh 😕although thats the very last thing Im trying to be.
Yet today... Im more upbeat again, still low, but able to interact... Its crazy?? It really is an up and down affair trying to settle into these meds, never knowing what the next day is going to be??
But I think you really do have to put your emotional well being first, its not good for your own depression to have to take these hits, which are naturally upsetting to you. All you can do is tell him you’ll be there when he needs you, and offer you support if he wants it... but leave the ball in his court, you can only help and support someone who wants your help & support. Leave the door open so to speak... and if he could speak to his doctor in the meantime to see if there is any additional meds (diazepam) or options available while hes going threw his adjusting phase it may help.
Sorry I cant be more helpful, and I hope things turn around for you both soon... try to remain optimistic Lainey, Take Care 🌹
Lainey69 UK-Rose
UK-Rose Lainey69
It really does sound like these side effects are giving him a real tough time, 50mg to a 100mg seems a pretty big jump in such a short amount of time, along with his usual medical conditions on top plus infections - I can see why it is really knocking him about... and thats without the withdrawal from citalopram aswell!! I think most of us could sympathise how hard going that would be.
Has he gotten any antibiotics for is chest / throat infection, and has the doctor issued any diazepam / Xanax for his side effects yet??
Lainey69 UK-Rose
UK-Rose Lainey69
Oh Lainey...
So sorry to hear you seem to be catching the brunt of all this. I think anyone reading this can see all your trying to do is help and be supportive, and its obviously clear how much love you have for him.
Hopefully his doctors appointment won’t be a wasted journey and he can be issued with the right additional medication / advice on how to get himself back on a better footing health wise and this process will be short lived.
You’ve tried your best, and thats all you really can do...?? Its a difficult process but try not to be too hard on yourself... you have to be strong for you and your own emotional well-being.
Keep your Chin up Lainey
(Hugs) 🌹
UK-Rose Lainey69
Hello Lainey,
Just wondering how your doing, I hope you staying strong... 🌹