My period has delayed for 2 weeks...subsequent vaginal odor
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A couple of days before my expected period I experienced cramps in my abdomen. However it has been 2 weeks and yet it's still not here. I do experience constant, but short-termed abdominal cramps throughout these two weeks. Like it was hurting last night but I'm fine right now.
Also around a week ago my skin has been experiencing horrible breakouts. Mainly over the forehead. They're medium sized, some underneath the skin, some developing into cycstic pimples. & I really mean really sudden and A LOT. I always had pimples since I was 9, (I'm 19 now) but it was never this bad... Before my skin broke out I had tried lemon onto my skin to lighten my previous scars and it was working well until I noticed these sudden pimples on the third day and I stopped. I'm also not sure if this is due to my makeup (I only had it on once before I broke out so I doubt so, I used to develop numerous tiny whiteheads on my cheeks and jawline which I assumed was caused by my makeup so I'm suspecting that but this time it seems like a different conditon) I'm sorry for sidetracking but I just want to list out the possible causes. It was actually believing it was a sign of PMS but this is sooooo bad and the PMS is way tooooo long TT
I'm also considering the cause to be body heat? I generally have a balanced diet, eat plenty of fruits, not a meat lover but I do have a sweet tooth and recently have been eating deep fried stuff (occasionally). My breakouts are really really bad so I'm really wondering if it's hormonal imbalance or just toxins/wrong products used on my face. Could it be a high androgen level in my blood should I get a blood test done?? I generally have a noticable amount of body hair more than normal girls do. (Not to the extend of beard though)
Also I had regular periods this is the first time I'm experiencing something like this. I'm also not sure if it's due to the delayed period and toxins build up in me but a few days back I began to develop vaginal odor and yellowish discharge. It does feel like an infection like there's a wound there or something it just doesn't feel right. The smell is pretty strong too. Throughout the 2 weeks which my period has delayed I had little or no discharge only until a few days back accompanied with this despicable odor........ I've been having panty liners on too (since I've been expecting my period) & I'm also using feminine wash, which never was a problem. Please let me know if I should refrain from doing anything and advise me on this issue it's the first time I've experienced something like this :'(
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madcow1964 MeaB
Three points in your post stand out to me - irregular periods, terrible acne and being hairier than your female friends. Those seem to be big pointers towards having Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome - you can look it up on this website. That can be caused by a hormonal imbalance.
I have only started looking at hormonal imbalances myself as I turned 50 last year and all of a sudden my periods are coming a lot closer together - fo me it must be the dreaded perimenopause, and that can also (and is doing!) cause spots to break out when you think you're way too old for acne!
As for the discharge, you could have some sort of infection (even the humble pantyliner can cause irritation in some people, as can changing washing products etc.). You may have Thrush - I remember my first bout was probably caused by wearing brand new undies that I hadn't washed first. As it was my first time and the itching and burning were driving me nuts, I went to the doc. He suggested it was caused by some product used in the manufacture of the material and advised washing all new knickers before wearing them.
Whatever the reasons behind your symptoms, the best thing you can do is to go and see your doctor. I was horribly embarassed at seeing mine for the Thrush, but so glad I did as it was soon sorted out. If you have a hormonal imbalance of some sort, it should be quickly and easily treated.
Good luck, and try not to worry too much (a hormone imbalance can also make you very anxious - see the Menopause posts!) x
MeaB madcow1964
madcow1964 MeaB
madcow1964 MeaB
However, all sorts of things can cause a blip in periods and it doesn't have to be a hormonal imbalance. It could be stress-related. I don't know your age, but I remember my teen years (just!). I think I started at about age 13, and it took going on the Pill at 21 to regulate them. In my late teens I was once 3 weeks late and I managed to convince myself I must be pregnant - even though I had never had sex or even got close to it! But my periods were a bit all over the place and extremely painful on the first day. I never even thought of going to see the doc so I will never know what my hormones were up to. Mind you, in those days I was also very skinny, stuck at 7.5 stone, and I think being underweight can affect periods.
I am just going by my own experiences and things I've read on this site, and I am not medically trained in any way, so best leave it to the doctor to give you a diagnosis and reasurance. You'll find plenty of support on these forums though.
MeaB madcow1964