My period is Ruining my life Please Help Me
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Hi guys
Just to give you a little bit of background information. I am 23 years old. Very healthy (Besides this aspect) I eat extemely healthy and my choices have even gotten healthier as i've read many articles that say your diet and excersise has a lot to do with cramps, etc. I am active and I feel like I have seriously tried everything I can do on my own to fix this.
I have tired countless birth controls with no luck, I am very senstive to medicines and birth control just does not agree with me. It makes me very sick, gain weight, have head aches, body aches, and vomit so I don't want to even go through trying more.
I have anual pelvic exams and pap smears which have all been normal.
I have seen countless doctors and they all say that i'm fine that it is all pretty much in my head but I like anyone else that suffers from issues like this know that I would do anything not to feel like this and being made to feel like it is in my head is so discouraging. The only thing they want to do is put me on birth control or give me and IUD neither of which I want.
OK now that you have a little background..
so my periods are always regualar almost down to the day.
I can feel it coming about a week in advance. But the night before or the first day of my period literally kill me. It doesn't happen every month but I would say that 75% of my life has been spent in terrible pain from my periods.
I get so sick that I have diarrhea, vomit, cramp so bad that I literally can't do anything but lay in the fetal position until it passes. My face gets ghost white and I get dizzy to the point where I can barely make it to the bathroom to get sick without falling over.. Like just typing this makes me want to cry because it is so terrible. Sometimes I get so dizzy and sick that I've had to sit in the shower naked with ice cold water pouring over me because I feel so hot and sick
I know that I can't be alone on this.. someone please help me.
The only thing that I am doing right now that helps at all is taking 500 mg naproxen and I have a script for promethazine just to help with the neausa and vomiting.
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olive27695 casmwea
I know exactly how you feel. My period is ruining My life. Like you I am very healthy I am actually vegan and giving up dairy really helped me because let's face it it is full of hormones. However, I am still in pain like you said 75% of the time.there was a brief time that I was on The pill and I didn't have my period and so I didn't have pain. However in the long run I think this has made my situation worse because before I had the pill I didn't have cramps. I would try giving up dairy for a few weeks and see if it can make a difference for you. For me I have pain before my period for about five days it is so excruciating sometimes all I do is cry. Like you I have been to the doctor and I have had an internal examination and apparently I am fine but I just don't see how anyone can live like this it is misery. So after the pain I then have to have my period for five days so basically a third of the month I am miserable
claire10653 casmwea
Alaysia casmwea
Ola---23 casmwea
I'm 23 and I have exactly the same problem! I don't know what to do anymore as I don't want to go back on the pill that makes me feel s**t and doesn't really help that much. It stops me from going to uni or work
Looking for help too!
ZoeRPM casmwea
lilygee casmwea
Hi! 23 year old here with the same problem
I fear the first day of my period every month and plan accordingly because it's so bad! I too barely make it to the bathroom and feel as if I'm going to pass out everywhere because it gets so bad. I haven't found any remedies for it either other than wait it out
My heating pad is my best friend and chamomile tea kind of helps me relax a bit. I've been thinking of taking birth control in order to stop my symptoms, but like you, I'm scared I'm too sensitive for them as well. I'm just glad I'm not going through this alone, I felt I was too young for my period to ruining my life! Hang in there ??
SusCoombe casmwea
andrea678 casmwea
I’m 13 but my mom had really bad periods and she passed it down to me (thanks mom 😂 ) today has been absolutely horrible I started my period in 4th grade and now I’m in 7th almost 8th. (Month and a half left of school) and I too throw up and feel dizzy. Today I have threw up two times and I actually had to quit my shower to throw up again and I seen stars and I felt so lightheaded I couldn’t even call for help so I had to sit there trying to call for help. I know how you feel its so bad, I’ve done took pain reliever medicine a lot today and I dread tonight cause I won’t get any sleep. I’ll be tossing and turning holding my stomach crying. I’m healthy but I don’t really eat healthy cause every teen eats junk food a lot and drinks soda at one point in their life. But anyways I’m really glad that there is someone else out there with my issues. ??
SusCoombe andrea678
Hi Andrea, I posted on here a while back, and have since taken 1000mg Evening Primrose Oil and also vitamin B6 and magnesium (together). My pains were not helped at all with just paracetamol but if I took Ibuprofen as well, that did help a lot. I don't get bad pains at all now. It might be worth a try! Hope this helps.
SusCoombe casmwea
I left a post on here 7 months ago. I was suffering really badly at the time and was waiting for some Evening Primrose Oil (1000mg), magnesium and Vitamin B6 to arrive in the post. Since I started taking them - my periods have become normal and pain free again. I hope this helps someone.