my problems

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im a 25 year old guy who feels like im in my 80's, it all start 10 years ago, after fainting at collage i went to the doctors the next day and told him what had happened. he found out i had scoliosis which was bad enough but as the years have gone by iv got worse and worse. and after going to see every doctor and specialist, it now looks like i have AS as well. every day is so hard if its not the pain and stiffness in my back, neck, hips etc. i just dont have any energy and im tiered all the time, so i dont really have a social life any more. and to top it all off iv got incontinence as well had all the tests and tablets but no help sad so i have to wear nappy's and pads which doesn't help with social life. i think its got some thing to do with AS but doctor said no. i find that people just dont understand what it is like to live like this so that is why im writing this and hoping to talk to other people with the same problems. any way that is a brief version of my life

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    O man when it rains it pours. I am sorry to hear of all UR illness'. I would like to suggest that a health and wellness group that meets once a wek at UR local hospital any support system available in UR area. I found thru experience that just talking and meaning with others with health issue sells much more than only online. Nothing wrong with online. Face to fave with real people show emotions and real hugs has a better pay off than the hugs and smiley faves I can send.

    I am awaiting a hip replacement that three now nerve damage causes bladder issues and I am always with a stick for balance. I was a very active person until wear and tear arthritis Osteoarthritis wore out all my joints. And I feel like I am 90 creaky bones always needing a part or two replaced.

    {{{{ HUGS }}}} biggrin

  • Posted

    After reading my reply may I just say one thing, " I HATE AUTO SPELL CK."

    meeting with others not meaning...

    not face to fave but face to face ...

    well u get it..

    YIKES !

  • Posted

    Pete - the Hla b27 gene that is associated with AS is also completely association with bowel disease - and both AS and bowel disease are associated with gut dysbiosis (bacteria imbalance).

    i would strongly recommend that you read up on issue to sort out your gut issues - perhaps look at the Specific Carbohyrdate Diet - as this could have benefits for your arthritis as well.


    • Posted

      TreatMe Gently brings up a very good point..

      After gallbladder removal I got IBS fought the pains for years. The galbladder produces enzymes that help break up foods for digestion. Scripts for enzymes didn't help.

      Yougut help balance the gut bacteria and now I rarely have those awful IBS attacks. Usually due to antibiotics that kill off all the good bacteria in the gut.. I eat yogurt every day for 20 really helped.



  • Posted

    As per hope cure - my post could have done with a spell check... I'm not illiterate biggrin
  • Posted

    Hi there,

    I'm also 25 years old and been suffering symptoms for years. I've been finding it increasingly difficult lately as I'm beginning to feel a lot more isolated from my friends and have a real lack of support from family. It's nice to see that there are other people out there too who are feeling the same way, although I am sorry that you all have to go through this too. I definitely think it has made me a stronger and more empathic person. I study health science and did read an article somewhere about AS causing incontinence, so it's a bit disheartening to hear that the doctor wasn't even considering this. I hope they piece it all together and find a better way to support you. 

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