My Reflux Hell!!

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I just wanted to let everyone know about my story and just how ill this reflux can make you feel. I gave birth to my second child and 4 months after began to feel tired and drained, general lack of appetite, shortness of breath, chronic rhinitis and sinus pain and an odd feeling down my upper left!

i began getting pains in my stomach, and my weight began to drop. It was difficult to say what was related to post baby weight loss and what was abnormal. I felt dreadful. Then i started suffering with a lump in my throat and difficulty swallowing. Food was getting stuck in my throat and I felt utterly dreadful.

After many visits to my Gp, who suggested I had post natal depression, followed by anxiety. Then the sickness began. I couldn't eat, felt nausea 24 hours a day! It was hell.

Despite my protests that I was happy it was just the feeling of lousiness everyday that was wearing me down, I ended up been put on diazepam tablets first. They over prescribed the dose, I couldn't get out of bed for weeks! I didn't actually know they were valium, and that they should not just be stopped. I stopped them and ended up in hospital for a week. I was vomitting daily. I had an endoscopy in hospital which I had begged for as I was feeling so ill. It showed nothing! They tried 12 different anti-sickness drugs to stop my vomitting....non of which worked! By this time, I had lost 2 stone in weight and was convinced I had cancer. All the blood works I had done showed nothing, apart from low calcium?

They sent me home from hospital and told me to take some more diazapam, I was horrified! I was so weak I could hardly walk from the weight loss and sickness.

I continued to be sick every day for four months, I laid in bed too weak to move around. I felt so utterly dreadful i cannot explain!

Finally, out of sympathy for me, my GP sent me to an ENT specialist to apparently 'prove' to me that there was nothing wrong with my throat and the difficulty in swallowing i was experiencing was 'all in my head'

I recall his 2 line letter to the ENT specialist. \"this woman is suffering from anxiety please reassure her there is nothing wrong with her throat\" He smirked at me, numbed my throat and shoved a camera down it. As a precaution he sent me for a barium swallow!

This swallow was the key to my diagnosis....the minute they laid me back on the whole stomach contents came straight back up on their screens. I was diagnosed with Gross Reflux and am now waiting to see the Consultant. I paid privately for the following:-

Ultrasound scan of stomach and pelvis


Ultrasound of Throat

Chest X Ray

I was put on diazapam, anti depressents (in the end I volunteered to see a pyschiatric nurse just to prove to them I wasn't suffering from PNDepression, Anxietyand anything else!)

I had a week in hospital where blood tests and endoscopy showed normal..therefore I was sent home suffering from anxiety - because their little minds could not stretch past test normal test results!

I actually began to doubt myself in the end, despite my screams that there was SOMETHING WRONG!

I am on 600mg Ranitidine daily and have Pharmeceutical Gaviscon. It helps but i'm still suffering! I also take Fortisip nutritional drinks daily to ensure vitamins are absorbed more readily. My GP hasn't apologised, but now at least he can't blame PND or Anxiety!

I sleep with my bed head raised 6 inches, and eat small regular meals. I drink copious amounts of bottled water only! I have more of an appetite now, haven't been sick for 3 months. I still get nausea, chest pain and problems with my throat and swallowing. I think back to how bad I felt and I can now manage in comparison.

Don't underestimate how bad this dreadful Reflux can make you feel. I was convinced i was going to die I was so weak and poorly!

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    I'm a 48 year old male that's been experiencing most of the same symptoms.I've had numerous test from xrays,ct scan,endoscope,ultrasound,so many blood test that I feel like a pin cushion.I've had 3 different types of stress test,which all came back okay.the feeling is so bad that I've been in & out of the er so much,it seems like they're tired of seeing me & takes their own sweet time in seeing me.The only answer they keep giving me is gastritis and reflux.the meds that they give me,help for a day or so but always seems to make things worst than before.The one thing I've noticed is,the meds given &  my inability to want to move,causes constipation.which makes things worst.I've discovered that if I can get my system close to a normal cycle,it helps greatly.The same same meds that's prescribed to give us relief actually adds to our problems.I've lost weight because of changes in my diet ,which helps,but tbere has to be a med that will relieve the symptoms without causing constipation and further problems.if anyone knows of something that will help,please let me know.
    • Posted

      I have also had a lot of these same symptoms....I had them a few years ago and was told then that it is anxiety attacks....BUT... a doctor also told me that if there is any irritation in the stomach it affects the vagus nerve which goes from the stomach the the brain....irritation to that can cause what look like anxiety attacks and depression because 90% of seretonins are actually in the stomach...I was sent to a Gastroenterologist who discovered I had an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine...I also had hlicobacter....these things can cause stomach irritation and thus affect the vagus nerve.....Now I have it all happening again but since all that I have developed reflux and a hiatus hernia....I am going to see my chiriopractor tomorrow because at one stage he helped the hiatus hernia.....dont rule out asking for test for hiatus....or helicobacter...and even see a chiroppracter to see if there are pinched nerves connected to the stomach and vagus nerve... A good chiro will know all about the vagus nerve... Hope you and ll the others get answers... this is frigtening and jol;ly annoying as well....I sympathise with all of you...
    • Posted

      I read your comment about feeling like a pin cushion and couldn't help but laugh because I went thru the samething.

      I have done so many blood test this past 2 months that I told them that ppl are going to think I am a drug addict from all the needle marks but thankfully the marks disappeared ??

      I have been to emergency about 5 times in 1 month, and did a bunch of EKGs lip, Echos, Stress Echos, Ultrasounds plus Endoscopy. Next test is a CT Scan and that's because on one of my emergency visit they think they saw possibly pulmonary edema. If I go by the echos I don't have PE, but my cardiologist is being cautious.

      Last year I even did 2 types of pulmonary tests which were ok, so really hoping the CT Scan will be the same.

  • Posted

    I hve the same symptoms and keep bringing up bile they done test after test and I am loosing weight feels like a slide lump in my throat but I have a hernia hertis and stomach pain ans keep been sick with bile and unresolved stomach issues ans I feel atrocious tired all the time and weaker than normal I get shakes but the hospital won't do a camera ans I keep bringing up acid I have gaviscon and zoton and nothing helps and I keep feeling weaker and light headed And my blood pressure keeps fluctuating and its high them low I do have a fatty liver as well. But I feel full all the time and am getting acid and one of the Dr said I don't have acid reflux ans the other one says I do and no camera but send me for all other tests and all the other specialist say you need to go back to the dr that referee you here for this test and he has sent me a letter for an appointment saying he dosnt know whay to do now because he feels he has exhausted Al options but still no camera any help 
  • Posted

    Hi I've suffered years if chest pain had all heart tests done all clear I've drunk gaviscon like water for years a couple if years ago had camera down I. To tummy have his it hernia esophgus spasams sinne then chest pain shoulder pAin in between shoulders I have been ill for about six months tired pain all over really down so I went to docs had blood tests followed by more I was told I had pernious anima very low iron and some thing else that I have to take folic acid for also very very low vit D I am now having to have B 12 jabs every ten weeks which are for life I take a natural iron as iron meds made me so I'll I take vit d what doc gave me not over counter med I was given lanzoprole which gave me worse chest pains and just feel in we'll I stopped taking them a few weeks ago and chest pain not as bad but my tummy is paying the price it hurts all day changes in size when I eat feel sick acid all the time at night my throat makes strange noises fell the acid coming up I'm due to see GI doc this week I want the camera put down my doc says every thing points to celiac dieasese but blood test for it come back clear I will let you all know out come because I really feel that all my tummy probes and reflux has caused every thing else I have 
  • Posted

    just wonderining   why  mucus in throat and around sternm area can  make you feel so  bad. i can breathe ok  but i still fee air hunger. can;t eat  fod comes up in mouth . only  weigh 97 can;t afford to lose more. my stomache  is always feeling full . I have no energy or  a desire to do anything.  I feel more dead than alive. what  in the dickens is wrong with me. I feel like i have to force my self to  talk much. left side of my chest feels hollow. chest heavy. nausea. constipation. can;t under stand  why i feel  so  bad. i also have post nasal  drip. clearing my throat all the time. no urge to cough.this isalot  but I hope  someone can understand me
  • Posted

    hi Guest i can totally understand i am at this moment having problems i cant put anything in my mouth without burping i have pain in my diaphrame and on my sides i have lost some weight and i am very very worried anyway i am sent for a camera down next week and i am streesed out . i know the stress is not helping but i am just scared. i dont even feel like talking  cause all i can think about is what is going on . i pray that we will all fine relief soon .
  • Posted

    Hi, about a year ago I had similar issues with Heart burn, Acid Reflux, Feeling Nauseous, Getting bloated all the time. I felt miserable. Anything I ate or drank would end up making me feel like i wanted to throw up.

    I Ended up going to the Gastroenterologists. They performed various tests, I had-

    1- 2 endoscopies- the first showed damage of the oesophagus because of acid and sliding hiatus hernia.

    -the second showed damage of the oesophagus and an ulcer in the stomach but no hernia

    2- CT scan of the abdomen- Came out to be normal

    3- Colonoscopy- Came out to be normal

    4- Most of my blood tests were normal

    The final diagnosis was I had those symotoms because of ulcers and too much acid in my stomach. the hernia isnt that significant. Most people have a hiatus hernia but newer have any symptoms.

    What really helped me-

    -Avoiding gluten, milk( I have yogurt), Eating lots of vegetables, Meat. Basically gluten free diet.

    - Pantoprazole, omeprazole. for 4 months. They start to show effects after you've been on them for atleast a month. Make sure you have enough calcium with these medications because they tend reduce the calcium absorption in your body.

    - Probiotics- I used ALIGN probiotics. You can get it on Amazon

    - Multivitamin, Omega 3

    Basically cleaned out my diet. And I am fine now. Sometimes still get heartnurn but It only happens if I had some junk food.

    I hope this helps.


    • Posted

      Thank you Monty for giving out hope that there can be a life after this! I've been battling trying to get some diagnosis for nine weeks and see in this conversation thread everything I've done so far and more and folks still with no definitive diagnosis or treatment plan... I am having a CT abdomen to pelvis this afternoon and I'm hoping that it will show something fixable! My symptoms are the same as all of you on this thread including the lump in the back of the throat and difficulty breathing especially if I lay down... Some of the posts here are quite old a year ago and wondering how people are now? Did things get better for you all and if so how?
    • Posted

      Hi, i have been getting pains in my chest they think it could be acid problem i had my gallblader removed 3 years ago, they have given me lansoprazole i just wondered if you have tried these and if so did they help they want to test for some germ before i take it .thank you
    • Posted

      Hi Monty

      Hope you are still better.

      You said over a year ago that 4 months of pantoprozole and omeprazole?

      We're you on both?

  • Posted

    Ive been having all these symptoms for eight months. Started out with burping after eating or drinking anything, a blocked ear, blocked sinus and felt like a lump of ohlem in my throat. I've been to two ENT s and had a CT scan. Shows nothing so in two weeks I'm booked for an endoscopy. My neck always feels sore and I've kinda lost my  zest. We are going on a cruise on Sunday to Asia and I'm just not looking forward to it. I like Monty12345 story x he makes me feel positive
  • Posted

    I have my symptoms as all of you guy's I have the off and on chest pain,shoulder pain left arm pain,lightheadedness can't breathe dry stuffy nose, when I wake up in the mornings I have to clear my throat and my chest of thick green mucus jaw pain back pains stomach pains not as much all my pains are on my left side neck pains radiate down to shoulder then arm then when all these stuff happen oh yea my throat have. Constant lump/swelling in it on a regular basis I have anxiety because of it,now for all my test I have received and done endoscopy,colonoscopy,abdomen ct scan 2 stress test,saw a pulmonary dr he said it was ok ,saw ENT dr he said I had a little redness in my throat probably the cause of acid flowing back up in my throat had a barium test 2 of them was clean ok had a swallow test done to see if I had achalasia that came back ok seen a neurology to see why my arm were burning and tingling that came back that I have a little carpel tunnel in my wrists did a Mri of my brain because I had the dizzy lightheadedness that came back fine blood test all came back fine I had low not too low but. Had to start taking iron supplements I started of taking emprozole for a month I didn't see any improvement so they gave me pantoprozole I took that for about 6 months I still was having the throat symptoms and all so my gastrointestinal dr change it to nexium I have on that for about a mont now but No improvement I am trying to give the nexium a chance when I have my attacks I get all the symptoms I am like incapacitated or incoherent for a while I am focused on what's going on when people talk to me I give short answers don't socialise Too much when it happens I get the weird feeling in my chest hard to breathe I try to calm myself down and ride it out but I am a mess I cry on a regular basis I am scared and nervous about leaving the house to go to work, couple months ago I was missing a lot of days from work or leaving early when I get my attacks I have been going thru this since May of 2014 and I am really scared and in my head I am saying is this really acid reflux/gerd or my usual thinking is it cancer or a heart attack or ibs or or or or that's what I think about all these or's my mind goes crazy everyday this affects my life I pray on a regular for God to help me out i mean I read all these post and people get relief some what when they take their meds or change diets I have changed my diet about 80% cut out sodas alcohol chocolate don't drink coffee don't smoke I eat smaller meals try try my best to stop eating at around 8pm at work but when I get off I am hungry as heck so I snak on some peanutbutter the other thing is it doesn't bother my sleep and that's weird not saying I want it to but I see it bothers a lot of people,sorry that my post is so long I just need some help feed back comfort something thanks in advance
    • Posted

      I could have wrote that myself how u doing now ? I got taken of lansoprazole a week ago to test for h plylori and ended up in hospital today severe diarrhoea shaking numbness in face and passing out they took blood pressure and pulse an said gastritis I'm not convinced it feels like I'm dying slowly haven't been outta bed just can't face the world or people when I feel this way I'm wondering now if it's a gerd flare up from stopping pills I do everything I'm supposed to the diet the pillow the no eating after six no booze no spice bland an small an no relief I'm tired now really tired let me know how you are x
    • Posted

      I have been still feeling the same went to gastrointestinal dr yesterday and the ultrasound of my stomach was negative no swelling of my intestines,still having the tight/lump sensation in my throat dry stuffy nose I feel just like you I don't really want to go anywhere with a little exercise or exertions I get winded cause it's hard to breathe I get scared when that happens I have to basically get my mind right before I leave to go to work I have anxiety becaUse of this it's gotta be a cure or some type of medicine we can take to either resoLve this issue cause it too many people out here with the same on going issue,please let me know what you find out to help ease this issues we are dealing with thanks
    • Posted

      It's like batting ur head against a door I'm waiting on results and I need a scope but this has brought on severe anxiety I can't leave my house at the min the doc put me on sertraline and that messed me up big !! Only 3 days and I thought I was going to die all this stemming from this damn reflux I can't be a mum I can't be a girlfriend I see no end to this doctors keep saying your losing to much weight but no one will help me apart from antidepressants, they caused such severe reflux last night that I actually wished for my life to be over I can't cope I've done everything I'm supposed to cut my diet used a pillow don't do booze fizzy caffeine take my meds everyone says u look fine on the outside so u must be ok but on the inside I'm dying

      Have u had any luck ?

    • Posted

      Hey I am so sorry that you are having difficulty i really want you to hang in there I feel the same way at times like I really don't want to do this anymore but I try to think differently some times it works some time it doesn't but I don't want to quit like you say you don't want to leave your house me either I went to see my gastric dr for a follow up in a ultra sound of my stomach to see if any of my organs were swollen but that came back ok he is scratching his head in dismay he can't figure what else to do so he prescribed caratine some type of liquid medicine that supposed to coat my throat and my stomach so the acid can't do much damage,but no one has ever did a test to see if I really had acid reflux/gerd so now he is saying if that doesn't work he is gonna check to see if or how much acid is coming up and check for h poly he should have done that test months ago it gonna be a year next month now since all this has been going on I,I have no clue of what to do I get the lump feeling in my throat and stuffy nose constantly every single day at time it gets so hard to breathe like I am about to suffocate then I panic and all of a sudden it goes back to normal with me shaking having jaw pain along with lightheadedness arm pain sometimes chest pains when all that comes on I just sit there like a zombie and let it ride out take its course but all its happening I am scared and just nervous in a daze it's just nerve racking and I am saying is this really acid reflux doing all this or something else,but I am hoping you best of luck and just try to keep your head up even when people think that you are crazy and making it all up,try something to keep your mind of it and please try to make an effort to leave your apartment don't let this get the best of you let me know of any changes or you just want to talk and vent ok

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