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Can someone tell me if this looks ok? He said he wants to send me to an ENT to check on the submandibular though  , RESULTS BELOW

1. No abnormality seen in the right side of the neck at the site of the patient's clinical concern.

2. There is a 14 x 9 x 8 mm enhancing structure in the midline the submandibular space possibly representing a slightly large submandibular lymph node. A small venous malformation or hemangioma would be another consideration. Correlation with physical 

exam findings suggested.


COMPARISON: Ultrasound examination April 27, 2017

CLINICAL INDICATION: Right neck mass. Patient reports neck jaw and sometimes head pain. Tiny not behind right ear

TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar, multisequence MRI of the soft tissues of the neck was performed from above the orbits and posterior fossa to the level of the aortic arch. The study is performed before and after administration of 10 mL of GADOBUTROL 1 MMOL/ML IV 

SOLN intravenous contrast. .

A vitamin E capsule was placed in the area of clinical concern. There is no mass identified at this site. A normal-appearing right sternocleidomastoid muscle is visualized. The parotid gland appears normal. A few tiny (normal-sized lymph nodes are seen 

within the right parotid gland. There is no dilatation of the intraglandular branches of the right parotid ductal system. Stensen's duct does not appear dilated.

A few normal-sized lymph nodes are noted in the right spinal accessory lymph node chain (level V) there is no mass in this location.

The visualized portions of the brain are normal. The posterior fossa structures appear normal. The nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx appear normal.

A small nodule is seen in the midline of the submandibular space. This measures about 14 x 9 x 8 mm. This could represent a slightly large lymph node. Correlation with physical exam findings is suggested.

The right submandibular gland, left submandibular gland, parotid gland appear normal. The thyroid gland is normal in size and appears homogeneous. There is no abnormality seen at the cervicothoracic junction.

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24 Replies

  • Posted

    From my limited medical knowledge it looks to me like you have a slightly swollen node, possibly a stone. Doesn't look like there's too much to worry about. Why don't you ask your doctor to explain the results to you? I'm sure he/she would be happy to put your mind at rest.

    • Posted

      He has his nurse to call me to schedule a appointment with a ENT that’s all she done.. she said your doctor just wanted to make sure everything was fine.. so he wanted you to see a ENT and that was it.. I was so scared and when hung up.. a stone where??? Because the location I felt the node they said they didn’t see anything 
    • Posted

      Okay. Firstly, stop panicking. Stones sometimes occur but are absolutely nothing to worry about, they usually dissolve. But it's more likely that you have a slightly swollen lymph node caused by a minor infection at some point. If your doctor was at all worried about you you would be called back to the surgery for a further consultation. ENT (ears, nose and throat) is just to reassure you, you would take more notice of what a hospital doctor tells you than a G.P. My grandson has just been for an ENT appointment for a lump under his chin that turned out to be a swollen lymph node after an infection! You will be fine, nothing to be worried about.

    • Posted

      It’s people like you in this world that I wish more acted like!! Thanku so much for replying to me and just taking the time.. I been so stressed out and scared thinking I might die .. thank you so much once again.. this has truly made me feel better 
    • Posted

      I'm glad I've been able to make you feel better. We all fear something in this life and just need someone to take the time to listen and reassure us. Good luck and get a good night's sleep.

    • Posted

      John, I am so sorry that you may have become embroiled in an argument between myself and another person on this site. I stand by everything I said to you, always check with a doctor before taking any vitamins or herbs. Despite what has been said doctors do believe in vitamins but are careful how they're given and who they're given to. I do hope that you're feeling less stressed and have visited your G.P. to get your results fully explained to you. I'm sure this would make you feel better. Let me know.

  • Posted

    I just read your results

    I think it is pretty straight forward

    there is a nodule on the submandular

    which might mean jaw area, not sure

    they are also saying, it might just be

    an enlarged lymph node

    I would start supplementing with

    natural supplements (antioxidants)

    there are plenty of herbs that could be helpful

    vitamin e is good, so is lots of vitamin c

    • Posted

      Hi again. I would check with your doctor before you start taking any supplements or herbs, it's easy to overdose on some vitamins and do more harm than good and you have to be careful with herbs. Your doctor will recommend any that you might need.

    • Posted

      that is not true Joy

      it is not easy to overdose on vitamin c and e

      and they are known for helping cancer patients

    • Posted


      I know it is not easy

      but I am a medical researcher

      and I understand research

      these vitamins are very helpful

      it is your choice as a cancer patient to take them or not

    • Posted

      Vitamin e can interfere with blood clotting and vitamin c can cause diarrhea.
    • Posted

      I don't know why your doctors are telling you this

      but chemo can be fatal

      I would say a couple of oranges that give you vitamin c are good for you

      vitamin c and e reduce cancer

      and of course if you are taking medication you have to look for interactions before mixing

      you can read research in medical journal if you'd like

    • Posted

      We weren't talking about a couple of oranges, we were talking about supplements. It's never a bad thing to check with your doctor before taking anything for your health so it looks like we will have to beg to differ.

  • Posted

    it does your right

    many cancer patients feel better after high dose vitamin c

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